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Share your quitting journey

I am committed and coming back

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I have been so lost.   When I quit on April 18th, I knew it would be hard, but I was willing, oh so willing.  And even tho in my blogs, which seemed like I cried, kicked and screamed many days through it, I totally believed that I was on to my forever quit.  But, since I took that one puff on Sept 1st,  I have felt so bereft and a whole slew of other emotions.  I thought I could jump right back on and it would just be a little slip.  But I think now I must not have done as much reading as I should have and my "little slip" turned into a great big slide.  (Who sings that song Slip Slidin' Away?)   I have been here every day, reading, going back to read about other people's journey, trying to reach out and get advice and support.  I did get some wonderful words of wisdom.  But this IS my quit and no one said the magical words that I thought I needed to hear.  I've been trying in the past few days to listen to myself and find my own way back to my quit.  

This is what I believe I need for me:  to follow the plan that worked for me before.  After all, I did get 136 days in, and had believed even thru the rough parts that I was on my forever quit.  I decided to go back to the patches because that is what I did before.  Like a ritual, routine, a daily reminder, my "badge."  So, this is the amazing thing:  I went today to Walgreens to buy more patches.  It occurred to me to check with the pharmacist to see if I had any RX coverage.  Lo and behold, I had a 28 day box of 21 mg patches available to me, at no cost.  [God is working].  I've spent an hour researching cutting the patch, and well, I did it occasionally during my first quit.  I feel confident that I can do this.  So I will do a few days of 21 mg patch.  It might be too much and I will remove it for the day if/when it causes issues.  Then I will cut in half for a short period of time....and keep cutting.  I will be very self aware in case there really are issues with a cut patch.  For me, I do think it is more about routine, ritual, and that will start my day off strong.  

I do have belief and trust back in myself, and it feels so good.  And I have all of you, my very dear friends and family, for support.  Of course you will get the mixed salad of my emotions again, but I am just going to let go and let God.  If you don't like what I have to say on a given day, then don't read it and don't feel like you have to comment!!  I KNOW that my quit matters as much to me as your quit matters to you.  I Want my forever quit.  And I want to be able to hang out with my friends here, all looking for the same end result: a smoke free life.  It is good enough for me to know that I matter to me, I matter to my J babies, Jinx Jazz and Jett.  And I know that I have friends here that I matter to.  I sure hope they know how much they matter to me.  

Tomorrow, I will put out my very last cigarette, wake up Monday morning with at least 7 or 8 hours of smoke free existence, and I will go forward----onward and upward---from there.  

I am not HOPING it will work.  I will MAKE it work.  Those 136 days of freedom that I had up until Sept 1st, were the best days I ever had!   I am reclaiming them.  I deserve them.   

17 Comentarios

You sound great! You know we will support you! I will support you! You have made a great choice to come back! I can't wait! See ya Monday!! Terri you know you can do this and I know you can do this!

Terrie  75  DOF


ODAT.  It's Paul Simon...

I think it's hard to work on recovery when we are still in active addiction, HOWEVER, I am REALLY glad that you have been able to rumage through old blogs long enough to be inspired to set a quit date.

You can do it!

I'd recommend not using the blogs to beat yourself up for a lost quit. 

You can do this.  We'll see you on Monday when you launch your journey.  Then, we can all help each other along the way.


Check with your county/state health departments and local hospitals/clinics.  Many provide free patches. They got $$ from the big tobacco settlement a few years back and a lot of quit smoking programs were created and funded.  

I was not sure about cutting up the patches - so I searched the net and found the following:

NicoDerm CQ® provides a unique therapeutic approach to smoking cessation. The NicoDerm CQ patch is designed to provide the fastest delivery of medicine in a dosage form that maintains its effectiveness for a full 24 hours. The availability of enough medicine to fight your cravings and provide 24 hours of treatment can be compromised if the patch is cut in half. Extensive clinical testing has established the appropriate amounts of nicotine to be included in each of the three "steps" of NicoDerm CQ®. Cutting any of the patches in half is not recommended as it may alter the controlled release. Reply With Quote

If you did it before without any problem, then I would suspect the above is just Big Tobacco trying to sell more patches!!!

Don't look back (except to learn from the error of your ways) - you aren't GOING that way!



As my daughter would say, YOLO! You only live once, I'm here with you! I agree with Eric, let the past be just that, the past... You know you can do this.  I didn't know what a precious gift I gave away, but again, that's in past, onward 


I don't know anything about cutting the patch in half - I have a friend that did.  But I have heard from someone on this site that you should not do that.  I did use the patch - and highly recommend it for those of us that need a little something to take the edge off.  I am so very happy to have you back with us - you really add a lot to our little group of quitters.  If I can help in any way, just give me a shout!


Those are some great words to tell yourself that you will make it work. I know you can do this. Stay positive and keep coming here and reading all that you can. 


We're looking forward to seeing you stack those Smoke FREE Days! Your quit is almost as important to me as my quit is to me! I mean that! So know that we are here to support your SUCCESS! You can Rock this Quit for LIFE!


Hi Terri.  Yes you matter to us and yes you deserve to be smoke free.  I cut the patches for over a year.  No big deal.  It works perfectly.  How cool they were free to you.  God working for sure.  Take care!


Eric said a pretty wise thing up above. Looking back out loud is not too productive. I learned that the hard way. As you said, onward and upward, not backward. The past is dead and gone. There is only the climb to true FREEDOM!


C'mon Terri-----you can do this!! Use the patch, the gum, the lozenges or eat, sleep, cry, run, sing scream WHATEVER.......but just do not smoke. 

We are here and we are waiting for you to claim your freedom from this crummy addiction.

Stay Strong.


SEE how many people love you and want you to succeed? This is the best place ever and some of my absolute favorite people have reached out their hands to you, take them, take MINE, you DESERVE to be smoke free!

 I am so happy that you are back in the saddle.  I do not have any experience with the patch but I would check with the pharmacist and do the reading Nancy provided.

Hugs, Ellen


You want the magical words?  What ARE they for you, Terri?  Define them.  We've told you you CAN do this.  We've given you the tools to do it.  You DID do it.  But you didn't listen to us when we said Not One Puff Ever.  And now you're paying the price. Because there IS a price for a "slip," major minor, "relapse," whatever the heck you want to call it - the penalty is - you have to start another Day One.  And that stinks.  BIG TIME!  And you have just learned that.  Unfortunately through your own experience, rather than the experience of those who have been there, done that and are trying to prevent you from making the same stupid mistake.

We can't make you want to be free, enough so that you will do whatever it takes to be so.  But THAT's what it takes.  EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT.    THAT's the commitment that's necessary.  You're ALL.  The Best of you is desperate for that freedom.  The addictive slave part of you is doing everything it can to stop the Best of you.  Who wins is - well, it's up to your commitment.  The title of your blog starts with I am committed.."  We all here certainly hope so.  Because we know far too well what this addiction does to people.


Monday is gettig closer. I am getting very excited!


Look how many replied and how many care! We are all behind you!!


I am sooooooo very happy that you are coming back to all of us Terri , you will do just fine and will rock this quit because you are sooooooo much stronger than you realize my friend. 



You know I am happy ! You can do it Terry ! So what if you had a relapse big f*****deal ! I had many of them and it could happen again ! the only thing worse then failure is to give up trying !

Get excited about your quit we are !  🙂

I am happy for you !


i am so happy for you that you are going for it again.  It it all a learning process, aftr all. not a failure, because you are better now.  I know you can do it....just stay strong for awhile and knock that old nic on his butt!!!


So glad you're coming back and have set your new Day One.  You're going to succeed this time because you know how sad it is to have lost those 136 days and how easily you can slip back into addiction.  I know that's why Not One Puff ever is our premier slogan, because the slip will always turn into a slide and then it's back to Day One.  We're all here for you and will celebrate your new Day One on Monday.