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I am back to day one! !

1 16 304

I feel more prepared and using the patch this time. I have learned a lot in 2 weeks! Thank you for all of your help and support!!


Never give up, stay close, educate yourself about nicotine addiction.  Congrats on day WON.


You can do this Donna! Please if you feel tempted come here first and type Help in your title. We are here to help!


I am so happy you are starting again so soon!  Good for you!!

I would recommend that you keep reading the material provided.  There is a wealth of information there to keep you on track.

Let us know when you have questions or need support. Let us help you be successful this time!



Good for you ! These are the things that helped me the most :

         God ,the patch ,Ex Community ,straws and deep breathing through a crave ..three breaths in and out very deep and slowly and especially deep and slow on last one .  Positive thinking and never allowing the nicodemon to take root in my mind !

You can do it Donna !


Thank you:)


Thank you:)


Thank you


Tysvm  I will!!

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On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 8:27 AM, Thomas3.20.2010<> wrote:

#yiv9795280451 * #yiv9795280451 a #yiv9795280451 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv9795280451 #yiv9795280451 h1, #yiv9795280451 h2, #yiv9795280451 h3, #yiv9795280451 h4, #yiv9795280451 h5, #yiv9795280451 h6, #yiv9795280451 p, #yiv9795280451 hr {}#yiv9795280451 .yiv9795280451button td {}




I am back to day one! !

new comment by Thomas3.20.2010 - View all comments on this blog post

You can do this Donna! Please if you feel tempted come here first and type Help in your title. We are here to help!

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Welcome back, and I am proud of your attitude!  Use what you learned on the prior attempt, and make this one the last.

Coming here and blogging every time it got hard was my saving grace. I was quit for 40 days when I found this site, had used the patches for 2 weeks, then an e-cigarette, planning to decrease gradually the level of nicotine.  But once I joined this group there was no need to use the device anymore.  I receive the guidance, the knowledge, I educated myself every step of the way.  Deep breathing also helped me a lot, I learned to meditate and picked up 2 new hobbies.

Congratulations on your determination to make it happen. and please know you can do it, like we all are!


donna_2oo3  So glad you are back and that you learned what went wrong the last time so you can address those things THIS time.  I came here every morning and every evening and it strengthened my quit to read blogs, to comment, to blog, to become an active member of this community.  I have no doubt that it will do the same for you.  Welcome back!  Education, commitment, and support are keys to success.



So glad you're back at it.  Life is always going to happen.  Smoking doesn't have to.  After quitting for quite a while I found that my quit became the thing I could rely on.  All else could be falling apart around me - life happening - but the one thing that was immutable was my quit.  It is now my rock.  Not a rock that will sink me, but one that I can cling to for stability.  It's the complete opposite of how it felt in the beginning.  In the beginning was weakness, vulnerability.  In the end is strength, inner confidence and growth.  That's what Freedom from this addiction feels like.  Every day you get through without smoking is a day you sink your roots deeper into the soil of life.  Grow strong little seedling, grow strong.


Thank you

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 10:15 AM, elvan<> wrote:

#yiv7411607447 * #yiv7411607447 a #yiv7411607447 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv7411607447 #yiv7411607447 h1, #yiv7411607447 h2, #yiv7411607447 h3, #yiv7411607447 h4, #yiv7411607447 h5, #yiv7411607447 h6, #yiv7411607447 p, #yiv7411607447 hr {}#yiv7411607447 .yiv7411607447button td {}




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donna_2oo3  So glad you are back and that you learned what went wrong the last time so you can address those things THIS time.  I came here every morning and every evening and it strengthened my quit to read blogs, to comment, to blog, to become an active member of this community.  I have no doubt that it will do the same for you.  Welcome back!  Education, commitment, and support are keys to success.


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Thank you

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 9:01 AM, Daniela-3-11-2016<> wrote:

#yiv3251115950 * #yiv3251115950 a #yiv3251115950 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv3251115950 #yiv3251115950 h1, #yiv3251115950 h2, #yiv3251115950 h3, #yiv3251115950 h4, #yiv3251115950 h5, #yiv3251115950 h6, #yiv3251115950 p, #yiv3251115950 hr {}#yiv3251115950 .yiv3251115950button td {}




I am back to day one! !

new comment by Daniela-3-11-2016 - View all comments on this blog post

Welcome back, and I am proud of your attitude!  Use what you learned on the prior attempt, and make this one the last.

Coming here and blogging every time it got hard was my saving grace. I was quit for 40 days when I found this site, had used the patches for 2 weeks, then an e-cigarette, planning to decrease gradually the level of nicotine.  But once I joined this group there was no need to use the device anymore.  I receive the guidance, the knowledge, I educated myself every step of the way.  Deep breathing also helped me a lot, I learned to meditate and picked up 2 new hobbies.

Congratulations on your determination to make it happen. and please know you can do it, like we all are!

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Thank you

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 12:16 PM, elvan<> wrote:

#yiv7709521404 * #yiv7709521404 a #yiv7709521404 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv7709521404 #yiv7709521404 h1, #yiv7709521404 h2, #yiv7709521404 h3, #yiv7709521404 h4, #yiv7709521404 h5, #yiv7709521404 h6, #yiv7709521404 p, #yiv7709521404 hr {}#yiv7709521404 .yiv7709521404button td {}




I am back to day one! !

elvan marked Giulia's comment on I am back to day one! ! as helpful. View the full comment

Marked as helpful:

So glad you're back at it.  Life is always going to happen.  Smoking doesn't have to.  After quitting for quite a while I found that my quit became the thing I could rely on.  All else could be falling apart around me - life happening - but the one thing that was immutable was my quit.  It is now my rock.  Not a rock that will sink me, but one that I can cling to for stability.  It's the complete opposite of how it felt in the beginning.  In the beginning was weakness, vulnerability.  In the end is strength, inner confidence and growth.  That's what Freedom from this addiction feels like.  Every day you get through without smoking is a day you sink your roots deeper into the soil of life.  Grow strong little seedling, grow strong.

Following I am back to day one! ! in these streams: Inbox

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Ok, day one for smobriety. Keep em coming!


Where are you now, Donna on this first day of the new year?  Still hanging in?  If not - come now, get it back!  We're rootin' for ya!

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