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I Survived Day 5!

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Day 5 invoved my first day back at work since I have quit smoking!!  I told everyone at work that I had quit!

#1 - I didn't want any of them inviting me to go and smoke with them or offer me a cigarette.

#2 - I'm hoping the "pride effect" will carry me thru any rough moments.  I will NEVER want to smoke in front of them and hear them say, "Oh, I thought you QUIT"...

So, it was busy at work which made it easier... I wouldn't have had time to smoke even if I had wanted to.  But I didn't want to.  Even at the end of my shift I hardly thought about smoking at all... last week I would have been running out the door to go smoke after my shift.  I went to the gas station where I usually get gas and a pack of smokes every Friday night.  I put gas in the car. The cashier asked me if I wanted cigarettes.  I told him no.  No big deal... this is amazing!

At this rate, I think I may even survive the stress of Thanksgiving with my parents!!