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I Still Smile At Each and every Day WON! 😁

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Even after 3576 days of smokefree living I still find myself smiling at each and every day WON! I think it's because after 40 years of smoking with at least a half dozen failed attempts at quitting and thinking that I'd never ever quit BUT here I am!!! I  want each and everyone of us to always remember and ~ N.E.F ~ Never Ever Forget > JUST how horrid it was in those early stages of our quits because NONE of us has to ever go back to another day ONE EVER BUT each and every day WON is TRULY THE GIFT OF LIFE! YAY for Freedom!!!

        The Choice is Ours! 









Good Morning

Had a nice visit with my friend in Andover Friday night and Saturday. We are to get 2 inches of rain between today and Tuesday which is much needed and they say should get us out of drought.

Thank You youngatheart and Biscuit for the reminders of no mans land


I STILL smile at the end of each day after 4,316 days of FREEDOM from addiction.




Woke up earlier than usual, due to a power outage.  They had the power up and running about 30 mins. later, so thankfully my husband has his coffee.  Close call, but he would have hooked up the generator if need be.  Chiming in to say I am happy to be nicotine free today!  Thrilled actually!  Have a blessed Sunday everyone.


Good morning, @MarilynH .  It is wonderful that you are still smiling about being free from tobacco--I never want to forget that my life without tobacco is way, way, way better than my smoking days.  I never want to forget how awful those chains were and how joyous it is to be free!!  I want to be able to sing and dance about my freedom for the rest of my life.  Wishing you well this day--our skies are very dark and a big storm is coming.  Cheers.


Congrats to all of you!! I hope I never forget how hard quitting was. It was awful!! One of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through. I hope I can remember that if I am ever tempted to light up again. For now, some days are easier than others and I am taking it one day at a time.


Awwww I love your quit numbers Nancy @YoungAtHeart πŸ’• Whew I'm glad you're power came back on for the coffee yesterday morning @biscuit9 πŸ˜β˜•I hope your weather didn't get too bad @ReallyReal ,we're in for a some much needed rain showers off and on throughout the day! @jonimarie and @Thyme you're both doing super fantastic with your precious quit journey I really do remember the early stages of my quit thinking how some days are much better than others and knowing that I had to keep moving forward one precious day at a time or hour or minute or even second at a time! Hugs! πŸ€— 

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....