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I Quit Smoking Cold Turkey!

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I quit smoking 3 weeks & 5 days ago. I'm not exactly sure what had came over me or why I had decided to quit the day that I did but something came over me & I just felt like it was what was right, what was best & what I needed to do.

I did water fast at the beginning of quitting smoking mainly to help more with the cleansing & detoxifying of my body as well as to prevent gaining weight by replacing my cigarettes with food. Not everyone can water fast, you need to have the determination as well as the mental, physical & emotional will power & strength to water fast & you should really do some research on the topic ( you can google it) before attempting to water fast & people that water fast should really do little to no exercise but I believe that water fasting does help with the quitting smoking process!

I quit smoking cold turkey & water fasted for the 1st 23 days to be exact, it wasn't easy but you can do it if you really wanna quit but you must really wanna quit & have the determination to stay a non smoker or it will not be a success 😞

I do still at times want a cigarette (especially since I am no longer water fasting) & really hope that I don't ever relapse. I hear alot of people say that they quit for so long then smoked again. My sister quit for 1yr then started smoking again. Why do people stop for so long then do it again? I began smoking Newports 15 years ago & ended smoking 1 1/2 pack of KOOL 100's a day. I don't wanna smoke again! I want the urge that I get sometimes to smoke to never come again. I'm a non smoker!!! Please God FOREVER!!!


Here... have a mug of slightly orange tinted water...


You are doing awesome!!! The urges get stronger and then weak and then strong again... and then weak... just remember it only takes one puff to ruin an entire quit... just keep reading and remind yourself... you are awesome... and you are smoke free.


OOPS! I'll  say something this time before I hit the save button. WOW!!!!!!!! Great job, good for you! Stay STRONG!!! I gotta go pee !!!!


The reason that people - me included - go back to smoking after long periods of time is that they don't stop the addictive thinking and they allow themselves to forget what the negative aspects of smoking really are! Until you break the romance with nicotine addiction - you leave yourself wide open to relapse. I make it a point to CELEBRATE and EMBRACE my Smoke FREE Lifestyle and to stay on BecomeanEx so I'll NEVER EVER FORGET!!! I have quit for longer than this time before but this is the genuine article and I CHOOSE to be Smoke FREE FOR LIFE! I hope you do too!!!! N.O.P.E. (not one puff ever) !


Hey girl...good for you!!!! You can hang in there. You can do it , be brave. WIth your determination & God's help, you will make it. God Bless You!!!


welcome stacy you have the right water fasting never thought of that you have the support here.i know you wont have the determination good job


welcome stacy you have the right water fasting never thought of that you have the support here.i know you wont have the determination good job