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For the last few days "life" has been happening, throwing me curve balls and making my quit unstable. I think I've hit my limit on what I can handle without smoking. I'm so close to picking one up. I know it won't change what life throws at me and it will all still be there after that cig. but I can't seem to talk myself down today. 


Deep breaths zoer I know that you probably won't believe me right now where your right in the middle of horrendous cravings and moodswings and lack of sleep too BUT I promise you it's going to get easier and easier with time under your belt and BUT first you must go through the roller coaster ups and downs to get to that point where you realize how much better life is without the crutch of cigarettes, you can and will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time, do whatever you have to keep your precious quit journey. I'm so glad that you came here huge hug coming your way....



Change your mindset.   It's the addiction talking.   Yes, you can do this.  I always found it helpful to repeat to myself I don't do that anymore.  What are you doing right now?   Do some deep breathing and if you can, get moving.  Go for a short walk and refocus.   



pastedImage_1.gif Stop and Redirect your feelings...breath...and go take a walk...pray with outstretched hands to have this crave taken away from will have many life upsets and part of this journey is learning to deal with them without the smokes...You can do this...we got you...we believe in you...You believe in YOU...~ Colleen 



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When your think you've hit your limit ,  you keep going . Life will always throw curve balls .  I'm dealing  with many myself right now so I understand . Some may not be in your control but choosing to smoke or not smoke is . Quitting is the best thing anyone can do for themselves .

No matter what's happening in your life you deserve this quit and you deserve the freedom . Keep going , this will pass . 

                                                                       It.    Will.    Pass. 



Not applicable



You CAN do this, all a cigarette will do is to disappoint you. NOTHING is worth losing a quit to. Curve balls come hard & fast & smoking does not change that. Thinking of you, sending strength. Go for a brisk walk, do jumping jacks, take deep breaths. STAY CLOSE to the site.



How are you doing? Has the hardest part of your day passed?  The deep breathing was my saving grace at the beginning, then slowly but surely I adopted what I was taught here : that I don't do that anymore, and NOPE.  Because I learned earlier in life, how easy it is to lose a precious quit if you give in at time seemingly unbearable time without a smoke.  Why would that be the only way to fix those times for us, EX-smokers, when we know non-smokers have other ways to cope? With every little victory, overcoming a hard time without smoking, you learn a little more about life without a cigarette; happy or sad, easy or hard, that is life for all of us.

Keep a clear mind, don't let your objective fade in front of the pressures of the addictions, you can do it.

Please come back and talk to us.



Follow that thought through to its conclusion.  What you remember of smoking that cigarette will not be your reality now.  Having been away from it for  bit, it would burn, cause your lungs to HURT, your throat to feel burned, followed by coughing that you feel might just bring up a piece of your lung.  It is NOT a pleasant ALL!

DO something/anything to get away from your stress for a bit.  Take a walk, march in place, yell into a pillow, call or visit a friend, do a few jumping jacks or a few sets of stairs.  Get your mind on something ELSE besides smoking and what is going on in your life.  Maybe even write a list of things that are going RIGHT, things for which you are grateful,  to put your tribulations in perspective.

The one thing in your life over which you have control right now is your quit.  KEEP it!!!



thank you all for your encouragement this morning. I have not smoked...yet. the crisis is far from over but so far i've been able to stay smoke free. fingers crossed i will make it another hour

Not applicable

Yet ? 

Is smoking yet an option ? Sorry I'm a tough old cookie lol .. I pick up on everything lol . Yet is giving yourself permission to mess up . 

Be firm with yourself .. you are not smoking today .  KICK the thought of smoking to the curb . Take back your power . 

Btw proud of you , I know when life throws curve balls it can be tough , but you are tougher . You are doing great . 


Happy to hear you're still on course.  Keep repeating  "I don't do that anymore".  Smoking is not an option.  We're so proud of you, so keep moving forward.



WOW, when I read your call for help my heart began to race.   To many times I have given in, don 't do it, you can get through this.  One step at a time.  Breath, read, move we can do this.  You are stronger than you imagine!!!

pmt  19  DOF


It's not likely that you have hit your limit as to what you can handle without smoking because nothing in life makes us smoke. Even as new quitters. Nothing has that power. 

It hurts to let go of addiction --crisis or stress can be a seemingly perfect excuse to end a new quit. Who wants that, though? Do you? Is that why you came here? Or do you need help getting past the crisis? There, right there is likely what you really need. 

However you get through this will be alright so long as you do not smoke. Keep talking here if it helps. 


Replay the Relapse‌  Don't act on the need.  Say "I don't do that any more."


zoer‌, deep breaths and tell yourself that you S.I.N.A.O - Smoking Is Not An Option! You can and will get through the rough patches but you must stick your precious quit journey N.M.W.- No Matter What .....


Well, GOOD - you can't go to the store, buy cigarettes, open the pack, get one out and light it with your fingers crossed.  KEEP THEM THAT WAY!


Oh, zoer‌, I know where you're at! Life happened to me back in 2014, and I threw away my quit. (It was a long quit, too.) I remember thinking, I'll just smoke temporarily to "help" me get through this rough patch. I quit once. I can do it again.

Well, it took me 4 years of fighting to finally get quit again. Four years of struggling with the habit. And during those four years, life kept happening. Did smoking ever help? Not. One. Bit.

I finally quit on Jan. 1, 2019, and I'm NOT going back. And guess what? Life is happening again. (I'm talking big life stuff here--a loved one's terminal illness, my own battle with debilitating autoimmune disease, serious financial hardship, etc.) Am I tempted to smoke? I'm not gonna lie--the thought crosses my mind once in a while. But it crosses my mind and I ignore the thought until it passes. Because I know if I light up, that thought won't just cross my mind once in a while...I will be hooked from the first puff and my every waking thought will be about smoking! And if I smoke, my friend won't magically get well. I won't find a miracle cure for my disease. And money won't suddenly fall out of the sky and land in my lap. I will still have all of those problems plus an added one--I'll be a slave to a habit that will kill me slowly and painfully.

Don't give in to those urges. If life is overwhelming, talk it out with someone. I turn to my closest loved ones a lot right now. (I also have a great therapist, but I know therapy isn't necessarily for everyone.)

And just keep reminding yourself that smoking only ADDS problems. It does not solve them.

Keep us posted how you are doing!


zoer good job...when I first quit and had a bad day of craves...I found the next day was better...hold on...sending positive vibes,,,


abbynormal42‌ GREAT advice! Smoking does nothing FOR us, only TO us, l also have an autoimmune disease & chronic pain...add to that progressing COPD,  l would not wish it on ANYONE.

No crave ever killed anyone, just accept the fact that they all pass whether you smoke or not. NOTHING is worth smoking over.



So glad you haven't smoked.  Remember icy water, and deep breathing and distraction.  You CAN do it!!


zoer‌, I am so glad you have not smoked! Quite a good many of life stressors are out of our control. However, choosing to not give in to this addiction is something we DO have control over! It sound like things are very difficult right now AND sucking on a burning paper tube of tobacco and chemicals is not going to make anything better. If anything, it will just add one more thing to deal with right now! You can absolutely get through this! Lots of folks offered some really good advice! Keep us updated!


25 DOF 


I made it, I DID NOT smoke. I'm now 40 DOF.

thank you all for your support, I don't think I would have made it without you. Yesterday was the toughest day I've had so far. Everything just seemed to pile up at once, all the 'can go wrong' stuff did and became overwhelming. But I did not smoke and so happy I didn't. It does give me a sense of 'I can do this' and maybe the next time I will be more prepared. Today is a new day and it already seems better, and doable. 


A super congrats on your precious quit journey YAY for 40 splendiferous DOF....


Big congrats on 40 days smoke free!



Fantastic! Rinse and repeat whenever necessary. You won.