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I Lost My Beloved Cat

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Hi Everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. We got back from vacation last week, but a couple of days after we got back I realized that my cat was acting strange and not eating or drinking, so we took her to the vet and after a thorough exam, she said at her age of 16, it would cost too much to buy her just a little more time, so I had to make the decision to have her euthanized. Needless to say, I've been suffering so much grief. I really loved Missy! She was my constant companion for all those years, so you can imagine how much I miss her. I've been telling all of you not to smoke no matter what...even if someone dies. Well, I feel as bad as if she were a human, but I haven't really wanted to smoke...just feeling the pain of the loss. When I was a smoker I never could have done that. I would have smoked several packs by now, but thank God I have as much time in my quit as to be strong enough to deal with this and not smoke. 15 more days will be 1 year! I did enjoy the trip to visit my kids and I got through seeing and smelling my son with his cigarettes. He was good about not smoking close to me, but the times we were in his house were pretty hard on me, because just the smell makes me sick. Well, I just wanted to catch you up on what's been going on with me.
I totally understand.
I am sorry for your loss.

Maybe get a kitten?
Missy would approve.
So sorry for your loss but so proud of your quit almost a year WTG

have a wonderful day Pictures, Images and Photos
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of Missy. I'm a big lover of cats and have lost a few in my lifetime, so I really empathize with how you're feeling. It's losing your best friend and companion.
Loss of a cat Pictures, Images and Photos
I am so sorry for your loss, I am a cat lover too, ((((HUGS))))
Oh I am so sorry about Missy.((Hugs))
I dont know what to say...
I will carry some of the pain for you, I can only imagine how you feel right now.
I'm so sorry about your cat, Missy. Two wks ago, on a Thursday, I finally got what I had been wanting for a long time--a teacup yorkie. We already had three dogs, but I just couldn't wait any longer.It was as if someone or something was pushing me to get that dog, that day. The following Saturday my two beagle mix dogs got out of the yard--we looked and looked for them. Finally Bandit (my husband.s dog came home, but no "Special" (my dog). We later learned she had been hit by a car and killed. I was devastated...she was 9 yrs old. I cried and cried, but felt a l;ittle better, when I found out that she did not suffer. THEN, it hit me--maybe God's hand was in this--maybe it really was Special's time to go and the urging, the week before, to get little "Sweetie" was all part of His plan.

I'm truly sorry for your loss and am praying that God has a special surprise on the horizon, just for you.
You've done a great thing, not smoking all this time and are truly an inspiration.
i feel the same way, i will only carry the pain with you. i'm a cat lover and have 2 myself. my buddy died last summer and she was 16 also. bummer. they are my babies. so sorry sylvia.
I am sorry for your loss. My kitty is really important to me and I understand how you feel.
It is never easy to lose a friend, cat or human. Sending hugs your way!!
Sylvia, I am really sorry you had to put your kitty down. It is so hard to lose loved pets and even harder when one has to decide to ease them out for their own sake. Two years ago, I had to have my 17 yr. old black lab, Bo, put to sleep. OMG It was like the whole neighborhood was in mourning for a dignitary! Everybody came to help bury him...In fact, many of the neighborhood teens and my teen grandson's buddies went to the vets with us. It was a little bizarre to some, I suppose, but he was loved and that's what friends do...they help to say goodbye. I love cats too, tho I am allergic to them and have only ever had outside kitties. I have always found them to be amusingly independant and entertaining always. I hope, in time, you'll feel better, knowing you provided her with a loving home for such a long , long time.
I am really sorry for your loss......I know how this hurts !!!! and 2 of my outside Moms just had kittens...our gang has grown by 6 !!!

Really close to that 1 year, hey Sylvia ??? Good job !!!
Sylvia, so sorry to hear about your Missy! She will forever have a place in your heart.
Last year after our cat passed, same scenario really, we later that year got our puppy and kitten together.
I hope you feel better soon, Sylvia <3!!
I had to put our 18 year old kitty to sleep four months after I quit smoking. That cat had been around since our daughter was a little toddler. Here's the best medicine. Head over to your nearest shelter and let a new little kitty (or slightly older adult cat) pick you out as its new pet and take it home with you. We were petless for the first time having just had one disappear and putting the other to sleep. So two months later, I brought home two four-month old shelter kitties -- one outgoing and friendly, the other a feral kitty that has been a bit more of a challenge.
Oh my dear, I am so sorry for your loss. I just love my cats and I know one day I will go through what you are suffering. People may think us odd, being so attached to animals, but they give us so much comfort, acceptance and joy (that we may not get from humans).

When the time is right, rescue a little homeless kitten. That baby will just love you and may help heal your heart.
Kitty cats are such good animals. I know you will miss her alot. I live on a farm and my favorite barn cat who spent much time helping us out so he thought, always into whatever we were doing, well my husband said he got hit in the road. I just found out. He loved to be the center of attention. He has a few brothers and sisters that were born about June running around the farm who look just like him, but they are hard to catch now. My daughter has one of them and this summer we had 10 kittens in two litters and they all got new homes. He was born last year. One time i had about 25 cats, they loved to drink the cows milk and were always hanging out at milking time. I love it when i find a new litter. Sometimes i have to really search hard cause the mothers are pretty good at hiding them. Im sorry for your loss and i love animals too.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Our pets are family members.

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So sorry you lost Missy. i have 3 cats so i understand. it is an adjustment especially when you're used to her being there. it is a void right now. so glad you didn't smoke tho, you're so close to a year. and it wouldn't have brought your cat back. it's ok to grieve and cry. i'll be thinking about you. many hugs... 🙂
I am so sorry for your loss, Sylvia. But I am so very proud of you. Hang in there, and keep your head up. I'll be thinking about you.
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So very, very sorry about Missy! You're in my thoughts and prayers, Sylvia. Hang in there, ok?
I am sorry for your loss. I lost a dog 4 years ago. I know, pets are like members of the family.
so sorry for your loss, hope you have peace in knowing that you gave her a good life
Oh, my Gosh! You guys are all so comforting in this time of sorrow for me! I had no idea so many of you would leave comments! Thanks you all so much for your sweet caring for what I'm going through! I'm feeling a little better today, thanks to you all and each day that passes helps. I know she's so much better off than being here and suffering. She did have a good long life for a cat. I have one other cat that is 2 years older than Missy. She's 18 and going strong. She's actually Missy's grandmother. I imagine I'll have to go through this again before too long. At least I still have her and my son who lives in our guest house has 3, so we're not lacking for cats around here. Thanks again for being there for me!
I am so sorry Sylvia.
I know how much it hurts to lose a pet.
I lost my little mixed up parrot mouthed , wide as she was tall
Doodie dog
10 years ago and I still miss her.
They can be just like our babies.
Time helps.
You are in my thoughts.
Sending you (((hugz))) & Blessings
I could have done with out that picture of missy, I loved her also & will miss her. Love Cliff
Sylvia, I'm so sorry I hadn't kept up with the blogs in order to know of your loss. I am so very sorry. As others have said, I had to do the same thing with a yelloe Lab seven yrs. ago. She was an indoors dog but she went outside to do her business. One Sat. she got sick and stopped eating. The vet said it was flu & gave me antibiotics. A couple days later, I found a bag in the yard with green bread. It was antifreeze. Some sick person had pushed it thru the fence. Despite the full day of saline drip, thle following Sat., she was still unable to eat and her legs were going out from beneath her. That's when a friend told me that the greatest act of love would be to let her go. I grieved more for her than I had for my parents who had passed the year before. .probably pent-up emotions. I, too, had a beloved cat who had been with me for years who was hit by a car. He was a Maine Coon and I know he could never be replaced so I've never had the heart to try. A mo. after my Lab died, I found a puppy at the shelter after I had been there several visits. Those big sad eyes staring out at you from behind those cages make you melt. Hang in there. As Patty said, time helps. You have proven that you are one super strong lady. To go thru this pain without giving in is proof of your determination and commitment! We are all there for just a little later than everyone else.