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I HAVE BEEN READING ........................ ;)

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And this can be DOABLE with the right ATTITUDE , POSTITIVE SELF TALK , ENCOURAGEMENT FROM OTHERS , AND THE READING AS ALL OF YOU HAVE SAID ......................No  one can do this but you ...........Just trying to get this through MY THICK HEAD ........... it helps me if I write this out for others to read , cause if I don't say it out loud no one can read my mind ........... I am working on getting my thoughts right to QUIT ....cause I already know that I don't even enjoy the cigarettes any more , its just become such a everyday Habit , like Brushing my teeth but this one habit is Killing me and I can feel it ..........Well I'll Hush for now , but I am still working on this mind control thing ....... back to more reading , want say Thank you EACH and everyone of you  for all the HELP:)


Sherry, It is all in the attitude! Stay positive about your quit. YOU CAN DO THIS!


You are exactly right - it is ALL about attitude! Keep the positive self talk going - you CAN do this!


It is attitude Sherry---but it is more than a habit. It is an addiction. You need to face that straight up and will not just "go away". You can overthink this whole thing some times. You already have said you have every day that goes past is increasing that problem.

It will be doubt about it. But not IMPOSSIBLE.....completely POSSIBLE!

We are all here for you.....why not take the plunge into that cold water I talked about and start the rest of your life in freedom?

Stay Strong.



Set a quit date for soon like a week from today (you have been around long enough to jump in) I found the site, set my quit date for 5 days later, did the prep on the EX homepage and was not totally thrilled on quit day but glad to be making a start...

I toughed it out with distraction techniques and blogging and breathing and crying and complaining and crying and pretty soon...In fact so much sooner than I would ever have imagined I was a happy quitter...I couldn't BELIEVE I had been so afraid...It is addiction and it will keep you stuck until you make a decision to break free and do what it takes no matter what!

You are not alone...You have us.

Have you  read ?

Your addict mind is so trying to talk you out of this...totally normal...Do it anyway!


Sherry you have to just make a decision, set a date and do it!  You sound sick and tired of being sick and tired...the tools, support and help are all here for you on this site.  Now it's up to you to reclaim your life from this addiction.  You are not alone, make a plan and go for it!


If I can do it, anyone can. I had the worst case of fear and sometimes, it still haunts me, but I come here and these people help me face it each day...we will help you too. You gotta commit to quit:) Hugs!


Sherry, you are moving in the right direction! Time to start controlling your thoughts instead of letting your thoughts control you! Change your mind,change your life!


Don't be afraid to take control!!


Find your reason and move forward with your decision.  Support is here!


i have strted all over again. this time im gooing on my third week. it seems like the father i get the harder it gets