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I CAN do this!!!

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Hi All  -   Thank you for your encouragement.  I am reading, reading, and more reading.  When I was diagnosed with throat cancer in Feburary of this year I actually stopped smoking for 14 days with the help of tootsie pops, of all things..  Treatment was scheduled to start in May at which time I told myself okay you will stop then, guess again.  I continued smoking thru chemo and radiation. Now how dumb is that!!  I'm not out of the woods yet, going for an MRI tomorrow as there was some suspicious activity on the Pet Scan and they want to see if cancer remains, or is it some left over radiaition.

Cigerettes not only rob us of our Health, but it is a time stealer as well.  When writing down my smoking times, I was seeing that it was all the time... Chain smoker...   No wonder I never got anything done  haha  

Again Thank you EX for being here for me -  like the train in the childrens book  "I think I can, I think I can" and I will!!  And for all of you just beginning like me I know you can too..  

Little info  - 60 yrs young - smoker for 40 years  - 2 daughters - three grandsons, 1 grandaughter






Good luck with your MRI. I hope it is good news for you.

Have you quit smoking yet? Tomorrow is my quit day so I know it is easier said than done. I bet a lot of people say how can you still smoke after what you have been thru. I am now 53 and was diagnosed in my mid 30's with early stages of emphysema and yet here I am, still smoking.

Good luck!


Yes, U can my friend, it's the biggest gift you can give youself, and trust me on this one

It gets easier as the days go by,


Wish you the best and if you stay close to this site you'll find the most amazing love and support , we have a family here





Yes, you can do this! There is no time like now. Best wishes and blessings to you for your health.


Welcome!!!!  So glad you've made the decision to quit.  Also glad that you are doing the reading.  Your mind set will be the most important part of your quit.  You need to be determined, motivated and READY to take back control of your life.  YOU can do this and we'd love to help!  Keep us updated and once you put out that last cigarette, remember....NOPE! (Not One Puff EVER)!


You CAN do this! We are here for you!

You know I told you that our stats are very similar - so I know you can do this!!! If I can - anyone can! Stay close!


don't focus to long on the regret or guilt for the relapse. I know it seems rediculious that in the face of so much that one would continue to smoke. All I can say is another addictive smoker like yourself does understand the insanity of such behavior. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result. You want something different ya gotta do things different. I am at a crossroads myself and realize the importance to my health and well being is dependent upon my quitting. But I haven't yet. I have smoked for 36 years and it is my friend that is turning against me. my body is reacting in adverse ways too and I am uncomfortable most days directly due to my smoking. I have been coming to this site and reading mostly. I don't really feel right coming here and seeking help when I haven't bothered to put the cig down yet. I have overcome other obstacles so I know I can overcome this too. I am stressed more than usual due to an Aunt and a Cousins spouse are both dying of cancer and it is unsure which one will go first. They have both been sick most of the year in and out of treatment. Its down to near the end for both of them. So I'm not adding to it just yet by trying to deal with not smoking. My addict mind is telling me that they didn't smoke and still got cancer so it doesn't make that much difference. However in my heart I know that the effects of stopping smoking begin almost immediately. There are the stages of improvements like breathing better, heart attack reduction, and so on. Well I am rambling now so I'll close but wanted to offer support and encouragement..


I want to tell you in a very diplomatic and nice, polite way....


Ok, got that out of my system now I can say, I totally get it. Like Strudel, I have very similar stats to yours except I don't have any health issues due to smoking for 40+ yrs. I have health issues due to having been born with a degenerative spinal disease.

I've had six back surgeries and after the last one, I became so disgusted with myself for wanting to smoke while in the hospital, that when I got out, I just put them down and said, "No more." After a week or so, I found this site.

I live in Calif. too, up here in Sacramento. I've lived in So. California, as well, having been born in Calif. The entire state has strict no smoking laws so don't know how it is you could be a chain smoker while working. Also, my thought is if you've managed to work in the same place for 42 yrs, you are blessed beyond words.

If they let you go due to your illness, there are many legal avenues you can take. Email me privately if you want more info on this. Don't want to bore people. But the ADA was enacted for just your type of situation.

My dear, you really can do this. And so can you, Melody. I always say if I can do it, anybody can. Ask Kathy! (Strudel) how much I whined and complained when I first was on here. But she and Maggie and others didn't give up on me.

Just make your commitment and stick by it. Display courage, integrity and fortitude by staying true to that commitment. You will develop lots of self-confidence to deal with all this by quitting. I promise. It does get better.

Quit for ten months after 40 yrs+ of smoking....



We have success here and you can too, however, you have work to do, just like we did.  There is much reading to, to start.  Get to know people here, become friends, read their blogs, reach out for help. 

Get serious about your life!  Make the decision to live a smok-free life.  Then follow it with a comittment to yourself that you will honor that decision every day.  You can come here to the blogs 24/7 and we'll be here for you.  Do as we say, listen to every word and you too, will become an EX.  We're not going to tell you to do anything we didn't do.

Becoming an EX smoker doesn't guarantee good health, but it does mean you've done everything in your power to bring you good health.  It is the single most important thing you can do for yourself. 

We know you're worth it, that you deserve to be an Ex smoker.  Soon, you'll know it too!