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Share your quitting journey


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This was my conclusion after several attempts to give up cigarettes over a span of many years. I am now 79 days without a smoke. I'm here to tell ya, if I can do it you can do it. Soon to be 55 years old I smoked an average of two packs per day since I was about 15 or so. I asked for a scrip for chantix, took the chantix, got down to 5-6 cigs a day, and the chantix was gone and I was back to two packs a day in less than a week. Months later I got another scrip and was back to a half dozen or less cigs per day. One morning after my morning smoke, I realized that I had only two weeks left on my second go around with chantix. I got pissed, and it was almost like a divine intervention, but I knew at that moment that I was done. I quit the chantix three days later and never looked back. At my two week mark I drank way too much with a couple of smoking friends(not recommended) and never even thought about it. I sorta liked the second hand smoke, but the friggin ashtray made me want to gag!. This was a lot for me to try to say, but the point is KEEP ON TRYING someday something will throw your switch and you will say enough.

7 Comentarios

"someday something will throw your switch and you will say enough."

I couldn't agree more! it seems people either have serious medical problems, or they just get tired of the smokes. I've had so many people say to me that "I just reached a point where I didn't need those damn things anymore." Congrats on 79 days, that's terrific!


good blog.


you saw the light and realized it wasn't as you perceived it before.


Congrats on being smoke free for 79 days. I enjoyed reading this blog since im on day 1 again. This should have been like day 55 or something.

GREAT BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




great story, not unlike my own.

Thanks for a most insightful blog



Day 79 is great. Your story is a very good example of how mind over matter works. You came to the conclusion your were done with cigs and you never looked back. It is very similar to my story.  You inspire us.


Congrats on 79, your absolutely right enough is enough and one day it happens just like that !! Everyday during the weak moments, or thoughts of smoking you remember you had "enough"


Congrats on 79, your absolutely right enough is enough and one day it happens just like that !! Everyday during the weak moments, or thoughts of smoking you remember you had "enough"