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Share your quitting journey

How things change overnight!

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I did resign today and it was accepted. My last day will be May 31. I am not ruling out working for someone else, but for the time being, I'm not applying. I have so many half-finished projects (meant to sell), and that will be my job for now.

The company I contracted with provides clients for me to work with. So if I say I work for Bank of America, they're really a client of the company I work for. Confused? The client I was doing primary moderation work for is going in another direlemonade.jpgction and in the process, I was cut to the 3 hours a week I mentioned.

After a long night of no sleep and wondering what the heck to do, Richard and I came up with the quit plan. He's retiring soon anyway, so it's time to do our thing.

At this current time, I feel great about the decision. Earlier today, I was a mite bit cranky about the whole thing. The good news is that I didn't get gob smacked and smoke. I got gob smacked and started problem solving. Smoking was never an option.

So there's the story and I think I'm good with it.


Day whatever

Photo Credit


So cool! 


This is a great post DonnaMarie I love your spirit and I love lemonade, you are going to be A okay. .....


You’ve got this Donna! Obviously change can be tough - but it sounds like you are moving forward. I have no doubt you will come up with some new seem like that kind of person! 

Congrats on always protecting your wonderful quit! 


You my friend, are much stronger than you give yourself credit for! I have noticed that about you early on and I have NO DOUBT you will do what YOU need to do to protect your quit this go around and your proof is showing up in the pudding! Im proud of you! ( I also miss you )  Hugs


You’re MIGHTY ! 


Everything will be ok.  You and Richard need to "do your thing" together!  So proud of you for continuing to protect your precious quit.

I retired, it will be, three years this coming August.  I never looked back.  My husband and I are loving it.


I'm so happy for you! You're embarking on a new phase of your life now. So exciting!

BTW I used to work for a contract company on behalf of BOA too, for foreclosure claims. It wasn't bad work, all computer, but then (like yours) it dropped off to almost nothing. Which is great for the housing industry, but not for the contractors.

Anyway, this is about you, not me LOL


It's about all of us. The part about me is that it's happening now, but like you, I know it was just a business decision on their part and now it's a life decision on my part. If things remained the same forever, how boring would that be!?!?


The world is your oyster.  "The world's mine oyster which I with sword shall open" (Merry Wives of Windsor)  

My favorite take-away:  I got gob smacked and started problem solving.   And THAT's why you'll succeed at anything you put your mind to!

Now you can have fun with your artistic endeavors.  "When nothing is certain, everything is possible."  Our "things" can change.  WE can change.  Otherwise we'd still be smokers!  We're only limited by our imaginations and determination.


How amazing that you made this decision.  There is always so much to do!  I love being retired.