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How often do you think about your decision to quit?

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In just two days I'll be celebrating my 1 year "quit" anniversary. Interestingly, I think that every day of the last 363 days I've thought, "wow, I don't smoke anymore." I also wondered whether there would come a time when I would go an entire day without thinking once about cigarettes?

Initially, this was annoying. I didn't want to think about being a non-smoker because it forced me again to make the decision not to smoke. But now I am thankful for having to make that decision over and over and over again. Afterall, for years I made the potentially fatal decision to put the harmful stuff into my body - it only makes sense that I have to reject it as often as I succumbed to it in order to stay smoke free.

Are there any ex-smokers out there who now go days without even thinking about a smoke?

All the best to you all and have a very Merry Christmas!


my decision means I never consider smoking.

I have disconnected from thinking of smoking for myself.


If I had not, it would be hard for me to be here every day

I very rarely have a moment when I actually think of smoking. Being Free from Addiction just gets better and better!

other quits i used to think about smoking i quit once for 10 years and would still agonize over having a ciggerette, but i also thought i was missing something, this time i have a different attitude don't feel like i'm missing anything, i celabrated my 1 year last week and i rarely think about it, i have smokers around me and i really have let go of smoking. so yes you can go days weeks months without thinking about it. that's called freedom


So let me be clear.  I'm not suggesting that I consider smoking each day.  Most often, my thoughts regarding smoking are along the lines of, "man that cigarette smells, I'm glad I don't smoke any longer", or "I'm thankful that I've been able to stay off of cigarettes."  In the early days, I certainly had moments when I contemplated giving up.  But that rarely happens any longer. 

But still, a day does not go by when smoking, or quitting does not enter my thought stream - even if its only in the form of, "hey, I should logon to today."

I can't imagine that people who have been non-smokers for life ever think that way.  So my question is really, will I ever think (or not think) about smoking like a lifelong non-smoker?


I go days without thinking about smoking but I still have some habitual thoughts of, "I think I'll have a cigarette" or find myself unconsciously digging in my purse looking for a pack! I don't feel at risk of starting again.....just have weird moments!


Thats hard to guess.


Thinkng of smoking and consideriñg smoking are quite different animls


Have you heard the two sets of seasons theory? I believe we have to get through two sets of seasons making new non smoking memories . You dont experience every triggwr and emotion in one year


@jonescarp thanks for letting me know about the 2 sets of seasons theory.  I hadn't heard of it before. 


@Nyima, that's great to hear.  I look forward to the day when I can say the same. 


I totally understand what youre saying. I am the same way, and it bothers me too. Its not that well ever smoke again, its that we dont even want the thought of ciggs in our head at all. I will have my 1 yr in 23 days, right there with Nyima! I am really excited about that. I do go for days without thinking about it though, when I do think about it, it leaves fast. I hope one day I will never think about it again too! Congratulations on your 1 year! You will be just fine, thanks for the blog.Thanks for the sets of seasons jonescarp! That helps alot! Always a friend!!....Mary


Congrats on one year!!! I just celebrated my one year November 5th...

I think about smoking because I spend a bit of time almost every day on EX trying to help people quit and talking to friends but if I didn't I would still think about it because every day I see folks smoking on the street, in their cars, outside at restaurants...I always feel bad for them. The smell alone is so revolting and they don't even know how bad it is...

I never feel like I am missing anything. I am just SO grateful to be free! xo


234 days here and I think similarly.  "I'm glad that's not me.  I'm so glad I don't have to do that anymore."  Every day.  I'm sure the day will come when it doesn't happen, I'm willing to wait it out. 🙂


I guess, I remember every day (so far) that I used to smoke, but it's not the same as wanting to smoke.  At least I don't let myself think that I'm wanting to smoke.  If that makes sense.  You're not alone.

And congratulations!


Thank you to all of you for your well wishes.  And thank you too for helping me clarify my own thoughts on this topic.  Believe me, it was not the easiest thing for me to articulate.  Your ideas and insights have helped me a good deal and I suspect this thread may help others too.  I do know that each day that I am an exER I become stronger and thoughts regarding smoking (in any context) become weaker.  


I am not sure if there will be a day that smoking doesn't cross your mind.  What I do know is that the more time passes, the less able I am to imagine that I ever did smoke to begin with.  It seems like such a stupid, foreign thing to do.  What was I thinking?  And why, oh why, did I take so long to quit?

So, if I think of smoking, it is with sadness that I wasted all those years and gladness that I no longer smoke.

Lately I come here every day.  I call that maintenance.  But it isn't as if I come here wishing I could smoke.  Rather it reinforces my decision, and maybe I can help someone else along in their journey to quit, or stay quit.


At just 48 days I still think about a lot. Partly because I come here often to read and educate myself on nicotine addition. The other part seems I now have  the nose of a blood hound. I can smell smoke (and smokers) like never before. Sometimes I see the young ones and wish they would stop now. And a sense of pity for the older folks. For me, its one day at time but one way of another it still crosses on mind. NOP - Ever