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Share your quitting journey

How Long Can You Go Without Smoking?

2 15 184

As Long As You Say You Can


~No Limits Here~

~I Don't Do That Anymore~

Joy Of Painting.jpg



I will never smoke again - and that is a wonderful feeling!


I Ditto what Jennifer says above me! 


The rest of my life...not in charge of how long that will be but it will be smoke free.


Ditto all the above comments  Im n this for the long smoking for me ever again unless.....

its a smoked pork  on my fork!  




I can't go to a member page anymore to say hello to them or ask for help from a particular person but I'm back  and I'm glad you are both here! I hope life has been good to you both! I'm starting to gear toward my quit and I have been doing the reading and prep work. I look forward to some tough love! Onward and upward!



Hey, Kim, you beautiful red head!  So happy to see you again  Sorry it's under these circumstances - but let's get it done THIS time.  Please take a moment to think about what caused you to make the decision to  smoke a cigarette when you last quit.  Figure out ahead of time what you will do differently this time.  Have a PLAN. 

About finding folks' pages - are you logged in (top right)?  If you are, then clicking on their avatar should get you there.  To send them a message, it's an option under "Actions" - top right.

This new site does take some getting used to - but if this old fogey can get it - so can you!  I STILL don't know all the bells and whistles, but I learned enough to do what I want to do and that's enough for me.

Let me know how I can help.  Glad you are reading again.  Keep at it.  Stay in touch!



Hey Kim

Good to see you.

Go look at Daniela's response on my marbles post this morning.


I'm headed there now!


I love you Nancy!


This is my 1st time posting and being on this site. I'm desperately trying to stop smoking, been smoking since I was nine so over 40 yrs. Set my quit date for 3-24-18, I've got my patches. I part of smoking cessation phone line they call me every 2 weeks. I've gotten info from American heart association. I've made plans, but it's wasn't enough. I don't just want to stop I have to. HELP GUYS. THANKS.


Hi Viv.

Have you been reading the posts on the site?

Do you have a plan?

You will hear

"Take it minute by minute"

I'd like you to just focus on relearning your daily routine.

Start by saying "I'm going to wait awhile"  every time you want to smoke.

This is simply about relearning life without all the memories and emotions you've connected to a cigarette.

And read and post on the site.


Thanks for replying. Yes I've been reading the post since this morning it's been helpful cause I'm a chain smoker instead of smoking soon as I woke up before I go to the bathroom I waited about half hour. My plan is I have my patches been had em since last year. Instead of chain smoking I've smoking 1 a hour I've fell off a few times like yesterday was my latest fall off so I started over today and I've been on this site since this morning. in the last couple of months I've cut down from 40 to 30 a day to 25 to 20 a day. It's hard to pin point triggers cause I smoke all the time I know some of them like when I wake up when I'm bored when I'm sad happy when I eat talk on the phone last night I tried doodling instead of smoke I caught myself lighting up and put it out and doodled. Then I'm counting how many I smoke and taking 2 away each day tried this before but fell off. My quit date is 3-24-18 plan to put my patch on when I get down to 10 smokes a day. Today I plan to write a break up letter with cigerittes. These things are killing me and I want to live...


Your quit date is 3-24 and this is the 10th there is no such thing as messing up if you haven't even quit. 

But you have the idea of catching yourself. That's what that phrase is for. Try it. 


Counting. Counting makes you think too much and thinking too much makes you think you failed if you smoked more than you told yourself you would. Does that make sense?

People focus to much on denial when the secret is simply changing their routine.


Viv you've made some good progress. I'm not discounting that. I just don't want you to overthink this and get frustrated by counting and hit a wall. 

About the Author
Hello, My name is Dale. I was quit 18 months before joining this site and had participated on another site during that time. I learned a lot there and brought it with me. I joined this site the first week of August 2008. I didn't pressure myself to quit. HOW I QUIT I didn't count, I didn't deny myself to get started. When I considered quitting (at a friends request to influence his brother to quit), I simply told myself to wait a little longer. No denial, nothing painful. After 4 weeks I was down to 5 cigarettes from a pack a day. The strength came from proving to myself, I didn't need to smoke because I normally would have smoked. Simple yes? I bought the patch. I forgot to put one on on the 4th day. I needed it the next day but the following week I forgot two days in a row I put one in my wallet with a promise to myself that I would slap it on and wait an hour rather than smoke. It rode in my wallet my first year.There's nothing keeping any of you from doing this. It doesn't cost a dime. This is about unlearning something you've done for a long time. The nicotine isn't the hard part. Disconnecting from the psychological pull, the memories and connected emotions is. :-) Time is the healer.