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Share your quitting journey

How I became one of the 6%!

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I'm absolutely fascinated by the Blogs I've seen these last few days! I hear people talking about how they "can't"because it's just "too hard!"I can't help but remember my first days of my quit journey 654 days ago! I had just been diagnosed with a chronic progressice illness that's incurable. My life expectancy just went waaaaaay down with one little word. What's more I was convinced that my Quality of Life would really be looooow. In other words, don't expect much from life except pain, suffering, and early death. Talk about STRESS! Please Newbie, don't tell me about stress!!!! And do you know the worst part of it? The personal knowledge that I had done this to myself......with yes, smoking! So I was diagnosed with COPD/Emphysema on March 14 and had my last puff March 19! That's all the preparation time I gave myself! Not weeks.....not Months....not NRTs.....not chantix.... just one tool you folks would be smart to use - KNOWLEDGE! So where did I acquire this knowledge so fast? Right here at BecomeanEX. I didn't join to fool around with slips and relapses. I didn't come here with an "I already know it all" ATTITUDE! I didn't come here with a line about how we are all different and nobody understands me!!!! I came here to be included in the 6% who SUCCEED in their first year of quitting!!! I came here to listen to those who had already achieved what I wanted! I didn't blame them for being too harsh! I listened! Because they had something that I not only wanted - but something I needed!I had a clear cut choice: QUIT or DIE!!! Simple! I humbly asked questions and accepted advice. I did my homework without hesitation! I made friends and exposed my ADDICTIVE SELF to these EXers with integrity and honesty! I let that smoke cloud of distorted thinking lift because FIRST and most important - I kept them away from my face!!!! So my issue was never to smoke or not to smoke!!! My issue was "What do I do instead?" 

Folks, do you really want to wait until you have a smoke related illness before you quit? Or worse, continue to smoke knowing that you are literally killing yourself????Are you even aware that HALF of all smokers will DIE of smoke related illness????? Or do you want to pay attention and follow the road map that has been put right in front of you and shows you each and every step to take if you really want to be in the 6%? No excuses! Keep them away from your face and listen!

21 Comentarios

These words needed to be said.  Thank you, Thomas, for your honesty and tough love.


Ooh, thank you Thomas...You always know what to say!!! Bless you...xoxo


Right on!!! Tell em like it is, and then leave it up to them.   If their serious like I have to be they'll quit.  You probably know that the doctor also told  me quit or die  because of a massive heart attack.

Keep letting them know how to do it.

The best help for me was Allen Carr's   "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking"  He, like you, pulled no punches and  tells it like it is.


WOW !!! The only person I know that went through anything like that was my Daddy. He went for his yearly check-up and some of his blood work-up was off, so his regular Dr sent him to a big hospital in Temple Texas. They put us in a small room, come and got daddy. Hour's went by, then a young boy, came in and drew some kind of picture on a board while he told us my Dad had a rare type of cancer and had only 4 month's to live. There was no surgery, or treatment for it. We did the chemo and radation anyway, thought they must be wrong, (We saw several other specialist, they all told us the same) I took him to Lubbock, a 4 hour round trip everyday. He didn't want to spend the night there, so every morning we drove to lubbock, and back. Daddy lived 4 month's and 1 week. the last month was really bad, I had to pick up his feet and put them in the car, he was so swollen. He fell coming in the door at home one night and my mom and I tryed to help him up for 2 hour's before he would let me call my husband to come help. Charles had to roll him onto a blanket and drag him to his bed then we all got him picked up and put into bed. He was so embarassed, his pride was hurt so much, it broke my heart. I was a big daddy's girl. So, I agree, we don't know what hard is, and I got shot in the back at 15 year's old and was in the hospital for a year. The Dr's told my parent's I would never walk again. I had nothing from the chest down. They moved me to a physical rehab. hospital, I was there for about a year. I did all of my scheduled work and then went back when the gym was empity, and worked a lot more, I walked out, with a really bad limp, no use, feeling or muscle of my right leg. With a metal brace from my hip to my ankle, but, I walked out, that was hard !!! But, it was nothing compared to what my dad went through. So, Thomas, I admire you ! you tell them what it's like!!! My heart, love,thought's and prayer's go out to you. I have a great respect for you. Love, Joy


Thank you I needed to read that.  I love the thought not should or shouldn't I smoke BUT What do I do instead.  I am ready to listen to advice, suggestions, do homework, whatever.  Thank you again also didn't know only 6% make it to their first year!


Thanks Tommy, no excuses for me.


Wow!  Great blog Thomas!  Thanks for continuing to inspire us all!


"So my issue was never to smoke or not to smoke!!!  My issue was, 'What do I do instead'?"


Turns out there is a whole world of things we can do other than smoke.  Thank you Thomas for being part of the 6% and for this EXceptional blog!

Yes quitting is so easy and simple....just do it! The disease that it causes...the things that cannot be cured....the life it sucks away and the heartbreak....what could be harder to choose...
Thank you so very much for speaking these words! Perfect timing!!!!!!

What to do instead!  EXactly, Thomas!  the decision to forever be smoke-free is already made before the quit.  So grateful you found your way to EXville!   


yes, thanks thomas.


Wow, I had no idea that only 6% of people make it a year. That's really something to think about as I near 1 year smoke-free.

Do you by any chance have a link to this info so I can point people that way?


Thank you, Thomas!


Powerful blog Thomas---as most of yours are...well said. Don't wait people---this CAN be done...we are all here to help you as we were helped.


thanks Thomas for that..nice blog.


Awesome Thomas! 6% wow.I never thought I would quit it was my mantra then I saw Regina,my beatiful big-hearted friend in the ICU with water on the brain.I am glad I could learn from her life.I missed her this Christmas.There but for the grace of God go I.Thanks for the blog.Not one puff no matter what!Moe

Acerca del autor
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1