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Share your quitting journey

Hoping it works this time :/

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So tomorrow I'm going to attempt quitting yet again. I have failed so many times that I am so afraid I'll fail again. Although tomorrow will be a bit different, I always tried to quit on my own, I picked up a pack of the patches , really hoping they help. I have a mean 5 y.o daughter whom seems to be my biggest stress point she has tantrums and does not listen and isn't old enough to realize that I'm going through a hard time. Does anyone have any advice ? Have tried quitting approximately 20 times the past two years and I have made it two days tops before. Been smoking for 10 years 😞


the patch will help take the edge off. whisper when she throws a tantrum.

read the top middle of my page for a roadmap


Hi. Tomorrow is gonna be a new day. You got your patches, your desire and you have tons of support here.  Take one day at a time and stay busy, rest, pamper you. Stay hydrated.  YOU CAN DO THIS.


Thanks everyone 🙂 I really hope I can do it. I've been smoking half my life , my husband and daughter are my reasons for quitting, if I stick to it I'll be two weeks smoke free on our anniversary and that is the best gift I could give him.


Hi Letasha, you have come to the right place for help with quitting. First of all you can quit no matter how long you have smoked. I smoked over 50 years and have over 3 years without nicotine or smoking. There is one way to quit, commit to no smoking for any reason. Will your smoking stop your child from having tantrums? Of course not and it does really releive your stress the way you think it does.  It gives your body the hit if nicotine it craves and that is not stress relief. Please do some reading on nicotine addiction if you have not done so already. Try and Allen Carr's book The Easy Way, someone can give you the link to it but I don't have it or it may be on Dale's (jonescarp) page.

Come blog help before you smoke and wait a few minutes somone is always here.


Hi Letasha, congratulations on your decision and  welcome to an amazing site where you'll get a lot of information and support!

Start with the right attitude , protect your quit no matter what from day one , life will happen, your little one will test you(mine do , too) there are bad and good days , but there's always your commitment to go through them!

You can do this, believe in yourself !!!


this has to be about you.

you have to be willing not fighting yourself

Don't resent quitting, embrace it for you.


Congrats on your decision to quit.  It will very well turn out to be a life changing event for you.  As an eXsmoker who has experienced the joys of not smoking and the frustration of giving in and coming back to start over again...I give you this,

Value your quit time more than you value your own wants or needs.  "VALUE", meaning put your quit time above anything else that you have going on.  It is by far the most valuable asset you have in your life.  (without your quit time, you may very well not have a life anyway)  As strange as that may sound, internalize the thought for awhile, and try to see the truth in it.  Commit your mind and body to this quit, and you will have accomplished what countless people have failed to do in the past, and have paid the ultimate price for not understanding just how important it is.

Soon, as in just a few days, you should start to feel better by having more stamina, breath and energy.  Withdrawls are much easier to handle if you have a firm commitment to your quit.

Blog often, and read what the old timers have to say.  They have successfully achieved what you are trying to accomplish.

God bless,

ken   aka   Pops


Thanks everyone! I think I can do it this time 


you can do this, letasha you will have bad days and good days you will be so proud of your self. stay close to the site. great support here. 


Today has went great so far!