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Holy Smokes, Holy NO Smokes! I am a 6%er!

3 37 140
  A year ago today, I was laying in bed wheezing, coughing, thinking that this might just be "it." My doctor wanted to admit me to the hospital, to the ICU to be accurate.  I said no, as a retired RN, I felt like the only things they could do for me were to give me IV liquids and I was perfectly capable of consuming gallons of liquids by mouth, OR, they could put me on a ventilator and I long ago made a promise to myself that if that day ever came, it was time to leave.  
  It's been quite a year.  I had not planned to return to work because I was planning to have shoulder surgery and then I found out that the partial dentures I needed were going to cost over $1500 and my supplemental insurance plan was $135...I needed to make $300 a month more than what I was making on disability JUST to be able to make it from one month to the next. Back to work I went, just for two days a week because I am not able to work any more than that, physically.
  On November 19th, my ten month anniversary, I received a phone call at work at 3:27PM from my husband saying that the house was on fire.  I could not comprehend what that meant and I said I was at work and I continued to check students out who were waiting in line.  I work as a cashier in a cafe at a Law School.  My boss heard me and asked what was wrong and I told her, she offered to drive me home.  I agreed and started to walk out of the building and realized I had dropped my phone so I went back to get it.  When we walked outside, I could smell the smoke, I could hear the fire trucks and I nearly dropped...we got to the corner of my street and the firemen said we could not drive up the hill, they would let us park and walk because I was the owner.  I told them that I could NOT walk up the hill, that I have emphysema and the smoke was so thick that there was NO WAY.  They finally allowed us to drive partway and made me stay two houses down the street from the house which was completely engulfed in flames.  I sat in horror watching my home burn and knowing that my precious cats were inside.  We lost everything, the house, the cats, our history, the history of our children.  I knew that day that I would never be the same.  My heart did not break, it shattered.
  My EX friends here came to my aide immediately donating to PayPal to help us get some things to hold us over.  I was in my work clothes for four days with nothing to change into.
  I did NOT smoke over it. On my 11th month anniversary, I had a horrible argument with my son and I was completely crushed.  I did not think I would ever be able to forgive him but, on Christmas Day, I embraced him, wished him a Merry Christmas and told him I loved him.  My youngest daughter arrived here on Christmas Eve and I did not expect her until the end of December.  She had been teaching in South Korea.  
  We are living in a two bedroom apartment and trying to make visits to the house to see if there is ANYTHING that we can salvage, it becomes more evident every time we go that it is time to let most of what is in there go.  There is a feral cat who lives out back and my husband goes and feeds him twice a day, every day.  
  We will rebuild if it is possible, the insurance company has to let us know when they will settle. We still owed on the house but the insurance should cover a small, one story home.  It's all two people in their 60's need.  I will be looking for cats at some point but I am not ready yet, I think I want my own home first.
  If I can get through this and whatever else has happened over the past year, ANY ONE CAN DO THIS!  It is one day at a time and there really comes a time when saying "I don't do that any more" becomes your reality.
  I love each and every one of you, the newbies, those in between, and the elders.  I thank you with all my heart for helping me along...okay Jaxson1 (Ang) OPEN THAT DOOR to the 6% Club...I am comin' on in! 
Yay!!! Congratulations I am so happy for you and myself because God gave me you as an inspiration. To show me all the hurdles and mountains you climbed and still stayed true to yourself. Here's to another smoke free year. Love ya Leslie

Congratulations, Ellen!! Jax1, here she comes to the 6% Club. DA-DA-TE-DUM-TE-DUM!!!! OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE, JAX1, AND WELCOME OUR NEWEST 6%ER!!! No excuses left for me except I'm a little crazzzzzeeeeeeey!!!! Way to go, Elvan!!

Candy      8   DOF


Ellen, you and your blog (and those that preceded) leave me speechless. This is one of the most inspiring examples for anyone that wants to be smoke free. You made the committment and let nothing, and I mean nothing. deter you from your goal.

Go through the door that Jax1 is holding wide open for you, you awesome lady!!


Congratulations Ellen!

Life is more of a fight than quitting smoking every time.



Congratulations dear Ellen.     I have on more than 1 occasion thought to myself "here is a lady with class and determination" and I'm proud to know you.      I gave Jax a key the other day and you need to have your own too.


I know there will be many waiting on the other side of the door to give hugs and welcome to you!

Be sure to ride the train later (I'll be back to get it on the track shortly).      I also will be adding you to the Elders List so check later this afternoon to see that as well.

This will all get resolved and you will have your own place again, and more cats!

Love you dear one.

Gentle ((((((HUGS)))))))) to you.



P. S.     Please copy and paste this blog to your home page.....This is what the Newbies need to hear  ....   heck, all of us need to hear it!


Thank you dear friend, you are an amazing lady and this blog should be an inspiration to each and every one of us . if you can keep your quit with everything you have been through ,then there should be no reason why each of us can't keep our quits, I know for me in 5 and a half months I plan on you being at the door with a key for me to join the 6 % club.  Happy 1ST Anniversary to you , your 1 year milestone a huge congrats, yay.



You my friend are exactly what this whole world needs. You have brought such light to my life and other's. You continue to help other's no matter what. We all can learn from your experiences along with our own. your message give's hope,etc. We can do this together. Love,hugs n peace within.Deborah....


Welcome to the 6% Club! God knows that you deserve it!


Congratulations on your 1yr-WAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOO-Welcome to the 6% club!!!

Your are such an inspirition to me!!!

Love and hugs



Welcome to the 6% club. Glad YOU made it.  Elder Elvan.    


Huge congrats! 


Great job Ellen!!!  

What an accomplishment :-)...I can only say that I hope to be able to say that one day.  Congrats.



Welcome my dear friend to the 6% club! The 6% club is honored to have you and I am honored to hold open the door!!! If there was one thing I knew in my heart, my gut, my soul was no matter what you were facing you would not pick up a smoke! My faith in you NEVER wavered!! You are courageous, AMAZING, fantastic, strong, sometimes too stubborn for your own good, and brave! I am so very proud of you! You ROCKED it baby! HUGE, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on ONE YEAR!! I love you more than you know! HUGS, Love and infinite squares!! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

Ang 🙂


You have been such a huge inspiration to me since I first joined this site - Thank you so much for being there!  Congratulations!


YEA !!!!! ELLEN !!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!  And thank you for your love and support and inspiring me to keep pushing forward no matter what life gives you .

So happy and proud of you . 


Well I have been waiting for you and now here you are... Welcome Ellen, it is so good to have you join the elite of the elite.   (((((((Gentle Hugs)))))))))))

Love you to the moon and back!



Congratulations Ellen. You have been a huge inspiration to me. Your honesty throughout your challenges is extraordinary. Breath of fresh air! No pun intended.  Have a wonderful day!


I missed u coming through that door but i am standing in the reception line. Hooray for you on 1 year and becoming a 6%'er!



WELCOME INSIDE the 6% Club Ellen! You are a stellar EXample of 


No Matter What!

Smoke of any kind must be totally repulsive to you now!

We will always be here for you! You are our Sister!


Doing the happy dance with you Ellen.  Welcome to the 6% club!!

(((((Applause)))) Congrats Dearest Ellen!!!
  My dearest “Mama Quit”, this day is especially yours, and we are all honored to celebrate you here. Your quit is a beacon, showing all of us that there is always courage to be found along the path that is right. And you are precisely the magnitude of Elder that is needed here: truthful, diligent, generous, and courteous, most importantly. Your spirit makes us stronger here - makes us believe -, and I, for one, am grateful for our many exchanges and laughs…for they made my own quit richer and better.
  Much love and tremendous respect to you today, Ellen. It is yours for the taking!
  With sincerity and admiration, Stormie

Ellen, you are an amazing woman and your honesty and caring are examples for all of us!  I am really new to this site, but every day since I joined I have learned from you, laughed with you, admired you, and strived to be like you.  I will join you in that 6% club next New Years Day, and I know you will be there with a smile on your face to welcome me. 

I echo what others have said when I tell you that you have shown that there is nothing in this life that can happen that is an excuse to smoke.  No matter what happens, our quits show our strength, and that strength is applied to the issues we have to deal with in our lives. 

Congratulations and thank you for everything you do every day for all of us.


You teach us all so much in so many ways Elllen.  Thank you for shining you're beautiful bright light.  You are the phoenix  rising form the ashes in all your splendor.  Welcome to that place you've worked so hard to achieve. 


Awesome congrats on 6% club 


Congratulations Ellen on this fantastic milestone. 

One year---------------and on to the rest of your life.


Ellen - You are so right, if you protected your quit through this horrible year - everyone else can too! I'm just sorry you had to be faced with such unbelievably difficult tests! Congrats in one year!!! You should be so proud! 


You are one of my very favorite people. Congratulations, my friend! I hope you did something to celebrate today.

(I'll be back near you in less than a week!!!! SO EXCITED!)


congratulations on one year 6% yeaheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never Give Up


I will always be amazed by YOU.

Love you,



What an inspiration. Your courage, tenacity and humility shine as a light so bright for all of us to follow. Thank you.




I actually had my hand over my face while reading this. Becasue I could feel your emotions and your struggles and they are so real to me.The cats, the son, etc....

But LOOK AT YOU! Just look at yourself in the mirror. You are a towering woman of strength and if you ever doubt your purpose, just think of how many lives you helped to save by your example.

I am so proud to know you.


I'm so sorry I missed your big day Ellen! You are an amazing person and I'm glad you're here. Congratulations and you are living proof that smoking is not required to get through tragedy, trials and tribulation


Wowser elvan‌!  I'm so sorry for your losses and I sincerely thank you for your example and for so honestly documenting your experience!   I appreciate you! 


DLHaffner  Reading that took me back to that day...I miss those cats every day, I start to go get things that burned out of rooms that no longer exist.  It was the hardest thing I have ever been through and it is not something you get least it is not something I will ever get over.  A year and ten months after I quit, I had lung surgery and had both upper lobes of my lungs removed because my emphysema was so bad that I was constantly short of breath, I am STILL short of breath but it did improve at least somewhat after the surgery.  They were very honest with me and told me that the BEST possible outcome I could hope for was 3-5 years of improved quality of life, there is no cure for COPD, I workout regularly and watch my diet so that I am giving myself the best chance to keep the COPD from rapidly progressing.  I was terrified when I was being wheeled into the operating room but I honestly could FEEL the prayers coming from the people on this site and I knew I would make it.

Quitting smoking is the best thing I have ever done for myself, I just wish I had done it MUCH earlier, before all of this damage was done.



About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.