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Share your quitting journey

Holiday Triggers

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We learn how to handle triggers from the beginning.  We learm how to handle them because they happen on a daily basis, sometimes hourly. and by repitition of applying what we have learned...triggers become manageable. However seasonal triggers and holiday triggers may just happen one a year, and merit a little consideration.

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that just under the surface lies a lot of stress and potential triggers,

I always go into the holiday with a Norman Rockwell type vision of being together on Thanksgiving. the holiday and get really in the spirit....sometimes the reality of so many family members, friends and acquaintences spending the day together in such a small area. is concerning

Sometimes I cant help but get cynical about things and think that it is a day where you have people in your house that you wouldnt normally have in your house, and usually they are loud and surely will say something inappropriate sometime that day.....and there is always at least on family drama....And there is always that one child...I usually call him Damien...He will always be there terrorizing the pets and other children and will usually break something, and the parents think its cute, and just laugh.

Now I know this is an over statement of things.......just to make a point....I love Thanksgiviing,,,just be ready for that stressful trigger and handle it in anpother way....

I am thankful for each and every one of you



13 Comentarios

i'm not inviting damien this year.

I've  already delivered an ex-ceptionally lax appetizer. he's gonna be home with the turkey trots.


one less stress maker.


LOL hilarious Dale


I am having 24 people for dinner on Thanksgiving, no problem, my youngest son, who is a Johnson and Wales graduate and works as a chef in a 5 star restaurant is coming home to make this fabulous gourmet meal. Well this child of mine just called to say he was in bed with a 103 fever and was not coming home. So now WHAT?? Needless to say he did not learn his cooking skills from his mother. Who is going to feed all these people?? Looks like I am,  I would much rather be lying on a beach in the Caribbean. Well I am not going to smoke over it, smoking will not make me a better cook !


keep calm and carry on




Joe, We find ways to make it happen and smoking is just not one of them. My damiens are not here until Christmas and I wouldn't have it any other way. See we are mostly adults with only 4 smaller versions of some 4 of the older Damiens. 

Wendy, I'm with your there, when's the Caribbean get together, I'm in! 


if you can quit smoking you can do anything


@Dale Hahahahahaahahahaha!!!  @Ima...Oh yeah.

Joe my friend what a beautiful blog to RE-mind us all...

My Mom who is elderly (as you can imagine I just turned 57!!! lol) and lives 2 doors down from me has REFUSED to go to the very loud, 'invite all the orphan friends' family Thanksgiving celebration!!!

Yesterday I cooked she and I a full on Thanksgiving dinner...This morning she told me

"How nice was that to enjoy a big traditional meal with soft music and conversation...Thank you!"

We both ate left overs for lunch...On the way home from work I bought a big Butterball to do it again for us before Christmas!!!

Every moment with her is a gift! She was gone when I was one year old and apart from occasional connection over a lifetime...

She moved here to Florida 5 years ago and we bought condos 2 doors down from each other...we share the 'care' of the little joy of life dog 'Lucy', have coffee most mornings and I feel like I have been given this gorgeous gift of my long last!

She did not think I could quit smoking (and TOLD me so) as she heard my endless blather and witnessed all my failed attempts.

Now it is "I always knew you could do it!"...

I tell you this story Joe because you are an important part of my life...You know why. xo

So glad you are here more! xo


@johio----always good to look at that Norman Rockwell with a SLIGHT squint!!!

@teddy-----thanks for showing us that Thanksgiving doesn't have to "look" a certain way to be of value. You AND your Mom must be special people.


Soooo true Joe!   Sounds like one of my childhood Thanksgivings...soooo many relatives, etc.  Actually kinda miss 'em....  It will be just my son and me for Thanksgiving this year in my new home but we are going to make it a special time!  

Hope you have a wonderful time Joe....and I'm thankful that you're my friend!

Happy Turkey Day Joe!


Thank you Joe for the reminder. We always tend to get so busy with trying to make it perfect that we get overstressed. It's too easy to do what used to come natural (smoking) when the going gets tough. We must prepare ourselves in case these times arise.

I am still laughing at Dale and the Turkey trots :)))))))))))


OK Dale, you made my whole day (turkey trots, hmmmmmm.....;)  Thanks for the reminder Joe, and I look forward to spending my first smoke free Thanksgiving with my family.  However, I sent Norman Rockwell away for the holidays.  I just can't do it this year with school deadline I ordered a smoked turkey from the restaurant my son works at, bought boxed stuffing, canned green beans, frozen broccoli, one sweet potato for me (instead of making the casserole), potatoes for the boys to boil and mash, a frozen pecan pie (I will still make my homemade chocolate fudge pies (OMG - too good not to make).  But, other then the two pies - I'm leaving the rest to whoever wants to cook it or heat it up.  No homeade anything this year (except my chocolate pies).  You know what - it feels good to release that stress!!!  I don't even know if the table will be cleaned off for us to eat; the boys will enjoy that as they wil not have to miss any football games - we can eat in the family room (oh no!!)!  Thank goodness my mother does not live close - I can hear her, "Joan Marie, how can you do that?"  Well, my answer would be, easy mom!  I release the stress of perfection (this year;).  Joe, I hope your Thanksgiving turns out better then you expect!!  Blessings!!


Great reminder Joe! I think that Thanksgiving, as we age, changes so much. I am adjusting to things (will spend part of the day with Dad at his nursing home and then prepare dinner for myslef later) as they change each year.....deaths, marriages, moves, etc. But, no matter the adjusting needed - smoking is not involved! Happy Thanksgving to you!


I used to eat fast and then spend most of my time in the kitchen cleaning up because I couldn't stand the noisy crowded scenario you described. Was great.  I got to be alone and look like a doll for doing all the clean up.  'Course later in life I grew up and discovered the true value of all that craziness.  Live.  Learn.  Grow.  That's what this is all about.  And I think for most of us we've learned the most about ourselves through the process of quitting.  Because we've finally sat down with ourselves to fathom it out.  Think of triggers as muscle builders.  And marvel at your brawn!  Blessings on you and those you love.