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Share your quitting journey

Hidden Cigarettes

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In my first two weeks of my quit I had a cigarette stash in my apartment that only I knew of and didn't use. By the third week I took the stash and threw it down the trash chute. Good thing I did because I had some weak moments after I threw them away that I could see myself lighting up if the cigarettes were conventiently nearby. To those of you who have a stash get rid of them. You don't need any more temptations that what your own brain puts you through.

17 Comentarios

Sophia, I can totally relate! While I didn't have a cigarette stash, I did keep my eSmoke (just in case). So glad I had the will power to not use it. I eventually just got rid of it (just in case:) I know all about temptation and don't need to go backwards because I had it so available to me.

Good for you for tossing them down the trash chute!


Good for you!  This is my 6th or so attempt to quit.  Every other time, I had a stash as well.  I always thought, I'll just have one and that's it.  This time around, there is no stash, I through them all out the night before my quit date so I wouldn't be tempted.

Congrats on staying strong! 


Good advise!


EXACTLY......... I could never even keep two cigarettes here.  they would be calling my name.  Once I was cleaning my porch off (well, okay, moving my husband's garbage around) and found a few butts.  I have no clue why, but I place them on the windowsill and just closed the door.  Every day that bothered me.  I knew they were out there.  the next day I threw them out


Only ex-smokers can understand these things.

That's why I truly love these blogs the advice and information you get is priceless.


You got that right!


EXtra great point. If they are not around that lessens the chance to smoke. Thanks


I know and it just takes ONE.


The State of Maryland Quit Program advised me to keep a pack of cigarettes in my freezer.  The idea behind THAT was that if I got sorely tempted, it would take time to thaw and by the time it did, the crave would be over....HELLO?  Tobacco doesn't have any mositure and thus doesn't FREEZE! Even I figured that out before it led me astray!   Doh!!

(and that's why this site works better than the advice from so called "experts"!)

Good for you for realizing the power of temptation!!



thanks for your experience and I am so grateful you stay quit no matter what and by sharing WE will STAY QUIT TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT in Jesus name amen keep on keeping on big hug


Hmmm.  Does this mean that I should get rid of all the ones I still have left? I've got 8 or 9 packs still. Havent had the opportunity yet to sell or give them to someone. I can't bring myself to throw them out. HoweEVER.. I am HERE typing to ya'll instead of giving in to my feeling so deprived of them today. Go easy on me 😃


Please get rid of them as soon as possible. Don't worry about the money because if you give in and smoke just one you it will cost you a lot more than a few packs of cigarettes.


BTW my stash was 1/2 almost a full carton!!


Very, very smart! Congars to you! Remember - N.O.P.E. - Not One Puff Ever! 


Way to go!  I kept a pack initially, thinking I would give it to my smoker husband when he got back from a trip - why waste money, I asked myself - but it was on my mind, and I had to get rid of it, and later was soooo glad!  You are doing so well, Linda, glad you're blogging! 


I have never been able to keep a quit when I had cigarettes around.  Knowing I would have to get up, get dressed, take the car, and go to the store certainly made me think twice and that was enough...I never went to the store.


Lnda, you made the right choice. 

Some folks try to do Quitting "their way" but Nicotine Addiction and Recovery is not different! It's mundanely the same. Science trumps individuality. 

We don't have to make it easy to smoke -

we have to make it easy to Quit!