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Hi smokers and ex-smokers

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My name is Alexa, Im 33 living in MN, but I was born in the Netherlands, where much of the population smokes including my parents, so it's not much of a surprise, at least for me, that I smoke too. Like everyone else I've tried quitting many times before but always end up relapsing because of some stress all the while saying to myself that smoking will ease the pain.

Anyway, my sister-in-law recently "quit smoking" using something called a electronic cigarette. More precisely she "switched" to e-cigarettes, she still smokes them but tells me they're not nearly as harmful as smoking tobacco although it still feels like you're smoking. Are there any members here who have been able to wean off tobacco using electronic cigarettes? I read on this e-cigarette review website that you can gradually decrease your nicotine dose over a period of a few months. There are 16mg nicotine cartridges for these e-cigarettes, then when you feel ready you can switch to 12mg nicotine, then 6mg and eventually 0mg, while still vaping a flavoured cartridge without actual nicotine, thus apparently being completely nicotine free. Any ideas on this, has anyone tried e-cigarette before?

Thanks for your input!


Alexa V.K.

Alexa, there are many ways to quit smoking. Ecigs is not a good choice. If you are serious about quitting you can get help here.

Hi Lisa! thanks for your reply. Can you elaborate as to why you think ecigs are not a good choice? Have you personally had a bad experience with them?


While I am certainly not an expert - my personal feeling is that as long as you are receiving the drug nicotine in some form, you will remain addicted to it.  I do know that lots of folks have used the gum and patches, and I am a firm believer in, "whatever works for you is the right thing to do!"

The first thing I would recommend to you is to become as educated as you can about the addiction.  I found Allen Carr's book, "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking." to be a wonderful reference. While I never was able to wrap my head around being happy about quitting, I found the sections on the psychology of smoking, the brainwashing, and the facts on nictotine addiction to be right on and were the weapons I needed to win this battle.

I smoked for 40+ years and had never tried to quit - I figured it was just not going to be possible for me - it was just too hard after so many years.  The more I read and understood, the easier it became.  I have been quit for over a month now and have no intention of EVER going back!  

I hightly recommend this website and the support of others on here, reading and planning as much as you can, and committing to the effort 100%.  If I can do this, ANYBODY can!



This is an advertisement for e-cigarettes. Don' t waste your time responding.

Hi Alexa, Ecigs continue to deliver nicotine while going through the same motions as smoking. Are you serious about quitting?

Thanks Youngatheart! I'll look into that book 🙂 anything helps!

Thanks, Patty. I suspected as much but wanted to give her the benefit of a doubt.

Absolutely I am Lisa!!!!

Thats the thing, like I said before supposedly you can get to smoking 0mg nicotine e-cigarettes within a couple of months, basically gradually letting go... I even read that same thing on the site from other ex-smokers.

And no Patty-cake, I'm not advertising anything, I'm sorry if it looks this way. This site looks very legit and no one seems to be pushing and champix or chantix pills that I've heard lead to suicides, that is why I want to get an opinion about e-cigs from members on this site.


I have yet to hear of a case where E cigs actually worked. There are better choices. Cig or E cig, you are still smoking. The idea is to get away from the smoking habit. E cigs will not do that. 


So no one here tried e-cigarettes as a quit smoking aid?


You seem pretty stuck on e cigs.  Wouldn't you like to know how the long term quitters on this site quit?  Or are you here just for e cig info?  You won't find it here.  Go the the link you suggested if you want more info on e cigs.   We are a quit smoking site. 

There is lots of info our Elders can give you.  Excellent info.  Unless all you want to know is how someone used e cigs.  

Do you want to know?   You will have the best support here if you want to quit putting nicotine into your body.  


They have been shown to blow-up when you use them tho...ARE you feeling "lucky" Alexa?  😕

If you are serious about your own quit, the reply from youngatheart is your best bet. The Allen Carr book is very helpful. Otherwise, we are a bunch of nicotine addicts and do not need someone advocating for a cigarette like nicotine delivery device.

LOL Nancy!  


True that everyone! You don't need an e cig Alexa.......if you REALLY want to quit read these links. This way you don't have to buy anything!


That's a good point Nancy 🙂 they are expensive.


No Alexa, not expensive...EXPLOSIVE....however, my sister works @ Bloomingdale's and may be able to get you a discount on Dior or Versace reading glasses at little or no cost if you feel you have a good relationship with people via the net....good luck to you !!!


If you come around here at night you can shop for shoes, handbags, etc.


I think people who want to pretend they are still smoking are rather foolish.

And surely, they will be the first ones back to smoking when they realize cigarettes are the most efficient nicotine delivery system.

After all, they never got out of practice did they?

They never unlearned smoking.

That's the only way to quit forever is give yourself enough time not smoking to have memories of not smoking in your brain.


and I think putting a link to an e-cig site is advertising. thinly disguised.

did you know that no manufacturer can guarantee the amount of nicotine in their ecigs except in the same batch.

this is why they are not approved by the FDA.

it's like not knowing if you are really putting gas in your car.

How can you do studies on something that is inconsistent?


Thanks for your encouragements guys 🙂