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Share your quitting journey

Hi everyone and happy hump day!

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Well I am now heading into day 37....seems like a long time ago since I quit and yet 37 days is a high number...its still a small number. The days are rolling by though. I was reminded of my 36 days by Stac on my message board. I was elated that she thought enough to remember and to think of me. The support here is like no other anywhere...I feel truly blessed to be able to come here to vent...get support and just feel loved! I am doing well there are still fleeting moments of omg...what do I do now? But after a few head and thoughts move on and I find hours later that I did manage to (do now) what I thought I couldn't after quitting. I am feeling better, no more blocked sinus's, or dry throat, coughing, or raspy sounding voice! Still struggling with the breathing a bit but not as bad as I was, and still tired but I think the chantix and my chronic back pain has something to do with that as well as this crappy weather we have been having for months! I am looking forward to spring and walking the dog and getting outside...but I am thinking a lot of you are if your sharing the HELL winter that I am! Much love and hugs to all of you! and...NOPE!!!

9 Comentarios

Congrats on 36 days keep it up I'm excpecting our first rain of the year tomorrow guess we need it just have to stay inside or I will melt lol


You are doing great.  Keep moving ahead putting another smoke free day behind you.  I wish I could take some of the bad weather away from those of you that got wacked this year but unfortunately it doesn't work that way.  The lawn mower will be delivered back from the shop this week (regular annual service maintenance) AND signs of spring are very much here. 

Now might be a good time to take a look at how you can constructively use your additional smoke free time.  Look at things you always wanted to do or wanted to learn to do.  Where do you see yourself & what do you want for yourself in 5 years?  Is you life heading toward where you want it to be?  If not, chart a course to reach your goals (think obit time  🙂 -- how do you want you & your life to be remembered by others!).  Congrats on moving into day 37!  Patty d603


Congratulations Janet...keep it strong !!!

...and yes, there will be a lot of us doing the happy dance when Spring arrives !!!


37 is a HUGE number in this case.  So is 38 and 39 and 40......

They're ALL huge to us.  You're doing great.  Hang in there.  Green grass and blue skies are coming soon.  Think how much easier it will be when we can get our hands in the dirt and grow something.  I can't wait.


37 days is good congrats, hang in there


Congratulations on 37 days! 


I'm impressed...Welcome to NML... I'm up ahead at day 102... just hang in there one day at a time and you will make it through.  It is a big number ... I remember it well. Congratulations! 


Thanks guys! 


Congratulations.. it sounds like you got this!!