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Share your quitting journey

Hi-New to site-need support-friends!!!

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Hi My names Maggie,

I am 65 years old and work part time as a secretary-bookeeper.

My quit date was July 16th. Have not smoked for 35 days Am feeling like I am all alone in this. My family says, thats great, We are so proud of you. But they don't know what I am going through. I am using the nicoderm patch 21 mg. And will soon be going down to 14mg. I'm scared that when I go down further I am going to start smoking again. As for now i will all of a sudden have a craving for a cigarette and I keep telling myself it will pass and it does and I keep going. I get an extra anxious feeling or gitty if that makes sense feeling off and on and feel not focused well, tired.I have a craving for sugar and I am really hungry. I have been on a low colestral diet and took off 42 pounds. I feel like I have gained weight. I feel all alone in this because I am doing it all by myself. So glad I found this site and am hoping to get some friends on this site as a support system!! I guess this is normal to feel this way. Still going forward . What I have seen on the site (haven't been all around it-are people really trying their best to quit),

Sincerely Maggie


Maggie---you are not alone. I am 66 and I am on my 2nd day. I have COPD and I have to do this. Yes it is so hard, but we can do it.  This web site is GREAT. I feel so much love and support from everyone. Keep checking the web sites everyone offers. Read and read. It does work. It is hard to explain to non smokers what it feel like. This is why you are at the right place. YOU CAN DO IT.


You aren't by yourself, we are all here for you! You are in what we call No Man's Land! People will drop by with links or you can visit 'jonescarp aka dale' page and read all about it! There is also a Wednesday blog every week that is all about this tricky stretch of time! Someone else will have to hook you up with a link!?! I think most of those posts are on Sarah's page but her user name has numbers that I don't know!?!

welcome to EX and congrats on 35 days


Hang out here and post often!  There is a huge community here for you to be with as you travel your quit journey.  Do the suggested reading and studying.  Education is key to staying quit.  We are a family here and welcome you!


hi mag.....yes people here are trying their day at a time...........huge support here......god bless and god speed to you on your journey...jim ohio


Hi Maggie, Congratulations on 35 days! This is GREAT! You don't ever have to feel alone again, there's always somebody here who knows what you are going through. Can I make a couple suggestions, Take lots of deep breaths, this always reminded me that had I still been a smoker, I wouldn't be able to do this. Drink plenty of water, this gives you something to do with your hands and at the same time, it gives you a full feeling. And also, LAUGH ALOT! AT everything, people may stare but who cares, you are smoke-free!


Hi Maggie:

This is my first post and I am on day 50! I  am also using the patches and am on the7 mg for the rest of the week and then I am done.  Just wanted you to know that while you may feel a little craving when you drop to the lower level, it is no where near as bad as the first day you put a patch on!!!!  You got through that day so breath deep and you'll get through this one too.     Hang in there!


Hi Maggie-Congratulations on 35 days already! I used the patch too and it was not a problem going from 21mg to 14mg.


Hi Maggie. I felt just like you when I dropped my nicotine levels in my e-cig back in July. That tense feeling does get better. Hang in there. You can do it and we can help.

Don't worry aboput dropping to the 14's. I too was so scared about dropping down and then when I did it really wasn't an issue. Also, I caught myself almost holding my breath and uptight for the first few months. I made a concious effort to catch myself holding my breath. When I did I would do 10 slow deep breaths in and outn shaking my head sahoulders etc. It almost felt like I was flexing. My upper abdominal muscles...not pleasant. It does get better alittle at a time. You are doing great!

Hi Maggie. you are pretty far in your quit, but still a good idea to educate your self on this addiction. Its never to late. I have a few links I would like pass along. 

Allen Carr’s Book

No mands Land Blog by shawn

Renee 4 weeks


Hi Maggie,

Welcome to the life saving blogs for me. We're all here for you. I just got my step 3 patches. The first couple of days some smoking thoughts believed they could visit my brain; I showed them the "exit" door. Keep in touch!

About the Author
I am a 69 year old Wife, Mom and Grandma of 9 Grandchildren. I retired last February and have Enjoyed it. I live in Central California and love the beach and all the nature around us.Looking forward to traveling and not having to come home and going back to work or be home at a certain time.