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Share your quitting journey


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I am here reading, commenting and lurking! Trying to pull myself back! It is starting to work, I think! Thank you all so much for you kind words and thinking about me! On someones comment they suggested "ATTITUDE STUPID". I have that posted all aroud  my house. I have all the tools to pull myself out of this, but it's just slow going! "One day at a time"! I have so many other issues,I am just having a hard time pulling it all together right now! It's getting better. I have an appt with the psych. on Dec.2nd at 2:30. Kinda far out, I think! Oh well!

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! I am not and will not smoke!


I know that you are one tough lady Terrie and you can and will pull yourself out of this funk even if you do it one minute or even one second at a time, I know that you can and will feel better. Everything takes time but we have all kinds of time especially since we don't waste it smoking anymore, life will get better and I have to say congratulations on your awesome ongoing forever quit N.O.P.E. (((((♡Hug♡)))))



RE: "I am not and will not smoke!"

I am ecstatic to know that you are not smoke, (and that you will not smoke.)

= P

Just giving you a hard time, trying to get you to smile. = )

Are you even able to smoke after graduating NML?  I thought you sort of just lost the ability?


Loving YOU, Terrie and am proud of YOU NOT smoking but still want YOU to see if YOU can move the appt. up. There's still pretty much of November left and Thanksgiving to get through!! Long time to keep ttttrrryyyyiiinnnggggg!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!

Candy      17   DOF


terrie i hope everything goes good for you.your a strong girl that has it together. i,m rooting for you..


Thinking of you Terrie, and hoping you feel better soon. I know you have to work on you right now, but we do miss you when you aren't around! I knew you wouldn't smoke over any of this though, you are pretty amazing, you know that? 😃


I think you're at the point where the newness is no more & it's time to really get serious about the new Terrie. You'll come to love her & realize she is so much stronger than the old Terrie believed. It's gonna get so much better.

Keep on keepin on,


We are all on your side!  Stay strong!  Let us know if you need anything!  🙂  


Hi Terrie You will make it through ! Just keep coming here and sharing your feelings we love you girl !

You know I haven't been feeling that great either but we will make it together and with our family of Ex'ers to back us up !


Hi Terrie, Hoping you are starting to feel better. My thoughts and prayer are with you.


Lots of twos , hummmmmm  . Hope your feeling better .

About the Author
Hello, I am a 59 year old female, name Terrie, still growing up. I have moderate COPD. I am an oxygen patient, currently not in need of the 24/7 or night time oxygen. Thanks to all the great support and education I got here on EX. My original quit date was 07/06/15 on day 519 I relapsed and started over in less than 24 hours. I want to go to the great beyond being a former smoker and I shall! COPD is not choosy! and not pretty! May 1rst, 2017 I am using Dale's suggestion to put off a cigarette each time and I am down from 50 to 20. I am looking forward to my old(7-6-2015)/new quit date 7-6-2017 May 4th, 2017 I started with Marlboro reds. Nicotine is a very assinine addiction. Once addicted I found I would smoke any of it including the little cigar/cigarettes, and it's still true since I threw away my quit and stopped being true to myself. I will smoke ANYTHING with nicotine in it to get the fix. I hate smoking! I am not having a problem stopping it's staying stopped, that I am not doing! I do not buy anything but regular tobacco but if caught without it I will do anything except vape to get the fix. UPDATE POSTED 04/24/2018: Getting ready to set a quit date and begin again :)