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Share your quitting journey

Here I Go - Prep for Day 1

2 7 48

So I started tracking my smoking and triggers on July 25th --  Now my quit smoking date is tommorrow!!!!!  I cleaned up the house and I am heading out to give my car a cleaning.  

Removing all signs of smoking from my environment.

I purchased lollipops, gum, mints, and cases of bottled water.  

Yes, my  mind is going absolutely bizzerk....  It is like one of the other group memebers said.. my mind knows there will never be another cigarette.. Not like the previous tiimes I quick for a year or two with no true plan to make it a life long journey.  My mind knows this is a life long change -- Oh boy,  The insane thoughts are a bit disturbing to say the least -- I did not know the addiction could cause this type of insaninty upon quitting.  

Wish me well as I wish everyone here a good strong journey..


It really is insane, right? Feeling nervous and scared and sad because you're saying goodbye to your best friend...the one who's being lying to you for years, and poisoning you, and scheming to give you sickness.

No, I'm being serious. It really is weird to feel sorrow over getting rid of our killer. So, go ahead and feel it what you need to feel, and work through it. How? By sticking to the plan you mentioned above, and by writing to us here. We can help you help yourself, but only if you let us.

CONGRATULATIONS on getting prepared! If you write another blog tomorrow, we'll throw you a Quit Day party.


The mind is like a big baby desperate for the teddy bear it thinks gives it comfort.  It will whine, scream and carry on.  Just say, "OK, I hear you.  You're fine.  Don't need that teddy bear any more."  Not only will survive without it, you'll be a whole heck of a lot stronger without it. 

Think  of this  journey as a wonderful growth challenge.  I used to put a sticky on my door that I'd see as I was walking out which read:  "WHAT AM I TO LEARN TODAY?"

Just take it one day at a time and be willing to accept whatever it takes.  Rooting for you!


I hope you have done ALL the recommended readings! 

We will be with you tomorrow!  Don't forget to change up your routiine so the associations are reduced.

I was half crazy the night before I quit, too - and I've made it 4+ years.  You can, too!



The advice above is so good, there isn't much to add. Giulia said something that may really help you a lot. "Just take it one day at a time and be willing to accept whatever it takes." That is something I wish I had learned sooner. There may be some really tough moments, but you don't HAVE to give in. Just decide you will hang in there NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. 

You have the best support system in the world right here so PLEASE take advantage of us! You can really do this!


Welcome, you are in the right place , stay willing, determined and totally committed to succeed and you can and will be successful one day at a time or if need be one minute or even one second at a time .


You have made the DECISION to quit.  You have COMMITTED yourself to quitting and done the preparation work.

Tomorrow on Day ONE, you begin to HONOR that commitment you have made to yourself.

It might feel easier than you anticipate.  It might feel harder than you expect.  Either way, those are feelings will change as you start building up more days.  Remember that quitting is not an EVENT, it is a JOURNEY.

And remember that cravings only last about 3-5 minutes.  A craving starts as a tiny feeling of uneasiness.  It builds up to a peak, then it slowly ebbs away.  It's like an ocean wave.  And that craving WILL subside in a few minutes, regardless of whether you DO or DO NOT have a cigarette.  

One trick I used was a wide rubber band on my wrist.  When a crave started, I snapped that rubber band as hard as I could stand it against my wrist.  Your body will pay attention to that bit of discomfort.  It sort of re-directs your brain.

You are ready.  We all did it.  Now it's YOUR turn to be free from nicotine.

xxxooo,  Sky


Hello, and Welcome to EX! We are so glad you are here! This is a great place to quit smoking. You have been given real good advice above. Education, willingness to do whatever it takes not to smoke, determination and commitment are the keys to a successful quit! N.O.P.E. Not One Puff Ever!

I would like to recommend a group called The Daily Pledge Group. It's fun and will help reinforce your commitment not to smoke!

Just click on the link below and scroll down and take the person's hand before you and promise not to smoke! We are on page 2.  You can state your # of days, post a picture or whatever you want! This is your quit be proud of it! Please join us!

This link is also on my page and is also a featured group on our home page!

Hope to see you there!    Terrie

Don't Quit on your Quit!

If you would like to join the group, use the link below, and look to the left, there is a place that says join group, just click it!

If you have any trouble getting into the group, just let me know and I'll try to help!