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I made it to day 43, and my long time girlfriend and I broke up and I've been having a hard time. It's day 50 something now since I quit, but that night I smoked a cigarrette, then a few days later I smoked two more. Then yesterday I bought a pack. Please keep me responsible right now, because I don't have the strength in me to do it. I already threw the pack away and tore up the smokes. It's just a wall that I hit but I know that if I mess up more then it'll just be making it even harder for me to get back and stay on track in the future. The more I let myself go the harder it is for me to want to get back to how I want to be. So, if you can support me now is the time I really need it. Tomorrow is a new day for me, and I will start my quit clock over from zero tomorrow morning.Thanks for reading


Ok Ryan my name is Roland I'm not the longest quiter on the block, but I smoked for 32 years and have been quit for 2 weeks and 5 days. I have found that when I am under stress I take a Look at the cost and that helps me out alot. The fact I can make a house payment with the money I have saved helps. The habit is bad it well creep in and attack you. My Uncle told me to get a zip lock bag put butts in it and water when ever I wanted a smoke to open it and take a deep breath (so far I have'nt done that but it worked for him). He too was a long time smoker and quit 20 years ago. You fell alittle now get up dust yourself off and get going on quiting. Don't let her affect your future health good luck Roland


i too have a knack for letting people affect my quit. i was only 3 days in this time, but last year i had quit for over 6 months when a fight with a so called friend and i sent me spiraling out of control. what did i do? bum a smoke off the first person i saw wit one. one led to two, and two led to a trip to the drug store to buy a pack. before i knew it, i was right back up to 2 packs a day and feeling shitty for not taking responsibility for my own slip. i blamed him, the person i bummed the smoke from, the drug store for having my brand... everyone but myself. while it's true you shouldn't beat yourself up ( we all have slipped ), it is true that you accept the responsibility of what happened. your quit is your own. don't let her or anyone else ruin that for you. you won your quit. it's sacred. you can do it and we're all here to support you. if quitting was easy, everyone would do it (:  it's damn hard, but so worth it in the long run. hit me up if you ever need to talk or just come here and blog away. i've found that sometimes it just helps to come here and bitch, not expecting or requiring a response. it's just a place to go where i know people are going through the same thing and i won't get judged. you can do this. keep your head up and your eyes on the prize (:


go guy that thing I blogged about called ENDIT



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Dont let someone else control how you feel. Do anything but dont give in. You have gone this long dont now! run around the block or something and save yourself.


I bought two packs of cigs in the past 50 days - one out of each pack and tossed them out in water and in the garbage - o- well it has been 3 weeks and no more packs of cigs as long as you start right back tomorrow and remember it is an addiction and the addiction talks a funny talk - that is no sense @


Don't be so hard on yourself we all have given in to some kind of trigger. Remember why you wanted to quit in the first place and get yourself back on track. Find other ways to deal with the things going on in your life so you DON'T pick up that smoke. 


You need to just start again...I have been quit for 3 1/2 months, and I know all about those very stressul times!!  The best thing to remind yourself that smoking will not ever make you feel better, it in fact makes you feel worse.  I still have to tell myself that a least once a day.  So when you start again tomorrow just use this to make you stronger in your next quit!!!


Don't lose heart man!! (Didn't mean for that to be a bad Valentine's joke, lol) Sorry to hear about you and the gf. As far as falling off the wagon. Just pick yourself back up. Look forward, not back. My Stop Day is Wednesday and I'm a little nervous, but have a lot of respect for someone like you who has stuck with it this long. Don't get caught in the trap of numbers and "how many days", just become an Ex and STAY an Ex!!!  You'll be fine, I have no doubt. We have to quit defining ourselves as this huge cigarette with a "Ryan" or a "johnnyp" attached, we are people, children of God FIRST!! We can beat this thing . . .and WE WILL!!!

peace & prayers,

johnnyp +


43 days is something to be proud of!! That is amazing. Stress will happen to you again - to all of us. It's wether we choose to deal with it in a healthy way or not. Check out  - that helped me realize that the cravings are only my missing something I used to do on a regular basis. There are no magic calming powers in cigarettes, only the feelings we have tied to them over the years.

Get back up on the horse - you can do it. You're stonger for having fallen, now get back up and stay with us. Best wishes to you!!!!

Signed - Day 217 smoke-free.