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Share your quitting journey


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Really struggling. First major craving. Day 4

12 Comentarios

Get busy!  Don't let that crave rattle around in your brain unchallenged.  Call a friend, take a walk (or a shower), read all you can find about yurts or robins or quitting smoking, take another walk. clean out a closet or a drawer.  Watch comedy on YouTube, or put tunes on and dance to or sing aloud with them.  Then start the list over.  

This takes EFFORT.  I promise it will be worth all you have to do to attain freedom.  It is WONDERFUL!

Hang in there!  Don't give in!



@tmccarrel So glad your reached out.  Just knowing  that we've all been there  can be enough to keep you on track.  These early struggles suck, but it will be worth as  you move forward to achieving your goal.  And there's not doubt that you will 

If able, I still recommend walking.  When a crave hit, I would just walk out the door for a block or two.  It's just enough time to refocus your thoughts and get the added boost of dopamine. 

Be proud of yourself. This takes work and you're doing it.  I'm proud to you!




Thank you @YoungAtHeart  and @Barbscloud 

Both of you helped so much 💗. I am so glad and proud to say that I made it through without smoking 🚭

I took a walk, and then put music on and danced. Next thing I knew, it was gone. Thank you from the bottom of my healing heart and lungs 🫁💗


You did super fantastic getting through the craving YAY for another Day WON @tmccarrel Stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent we're all here to help you in any way we can you've got this! 


Get a lemon to keep around.

Bite into it skin and all if you're overly tempted.


Stick your head in the freezer and count backwards from 20.


@tmccarrel4 days is really great! These early days are very challenging. I remind myself that I don't smoke anymore. I also remind myself that I want to live.

You can get past this. Good work blogging your feelings. We quit one minute, hour and day in the beginning.  Tomorrow is a new day. 😊


You are early in your quit @tmccarrel are you doing the work…? What do you have planned when you crave…quick go outside and take a walk, take a shower, etc., do something, change it up … doing something else often will take away the crave…let us know how you are doing ?  


@sweetplt  @Kimshine  @JonesCarpeDiem  @MarilynH 

Thank you all so much for your response!! Yes I am absolutely doing the work. I was able to go outside and walk once I got home, and I danced around in my kitchen with my doggie. The craving happened when I was driving, so as soon as I got home I posted. Posting in here is one of my coping mechanisms.  Thank you all again, I made it through to wake up today on day 5 


You're doing super fantastic with your awesome quit journey @tmccarrel YAY for each and every Day WON, you've got this quit firmly in your grasp....



@tmccarrel You're doing great and posting for "help" is exactly what you are supposed to do instead of smoking/vaping. 

These craves are going to rear their ugly heads and you were vigilant against them. Way to go! Have a fantastic Tuesday!!



Whoo Hoo to Day 5 @tmccarrel … you go…reaching out to all of us is good…so happy the support helps you out…dancin does too…!

Happy Valentine’s Day ….Colleen 


@tmccarrel , you are a warrior! I give a hearty thumbs-up to dancing — it’s an awesome crave killer and dopamine booster! You did FANTASTIC!

Best, Terry 274 DOF