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i want to quit I’ve quit drugs and other things but I am having the worst time with cigarettes could use some suggestions 


Start telling yourself "I'm going to wait a little longer" every time you want to smoke. That will make you think and break  your routine. Once you see you can break your routine, you will gain confidence about quitting.


Cigarettes is one the hardest addictions to quit.  You're in good company  Most of us attempted to quit multiple times.  It's important to educate yourself about  nicotine addiction and prepare for your quit.  There is great information here to help you prepare and the support you need once you've quit.  Pick a date soon, and spend the time on this site reading posts that can help make it possible for you.   It's a journey with various steps along the way.  Their are members here that have pretty much experienced it all.  My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX  is a great place to start.   We're here for you if you need help.   



Don't quit alone and isolated. Ex is here to help, and your community may offer help too. Getting over the dependency takes time and so support can help you stay on track one day at a time. First it's deciding to quit, then quitting, then 24 hours, then day two--all one day at a time experiences. Bring your quit into bite size and manageable actions. Quitting forever right now is not doable (in my opinion) because it makes walking the walk (following through with actions) harder--every promise becomes herculean, epic, larger than life. I don't know about you, but I need to feel like I can do something--one day at a time helps me stay right size about facing life.

Keep challenging yourself to accept change-- the kind of quit you are looking for is closer than you think.


I take it you've slept well and are pondering your quit again today.  Cigarettes are the hardest drug to get off of.  I agree.  But like the others.  It can be done.  You'll like this site and the people in it.  Quitting smoking is doable and we help you along the way on the freaking computer!!  So cool.  Welcome Ladytrucker109!!


Actually I have been without a cigarette for over 16 hours now and I’m a

truck driver and I think I amoke out of boredom when I’m driving so that’s

the battle right there but I drove my shift last night without having any

On Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 10:18 AM Deena-A.-Yenni <


Welcome to EX, you have come to the best place for support to quit smoking...I smoked for 47 years and I had more than one failed quit, I have now been quit for over five years and that is thanks mostly to this site and the support I got here along with the education and my own commitment.  I used the mantra NOPE, Not One Puff Ever and I kept saying it over and over again.  I came to this site every morning and every evening and I still come pretty much every day when I can.  I am going to give you a couple of links to blogs I think you might find helpful that were written by JonesCarpeDiem‌ /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months and   I am also hoping that YoungAtHeart‌ will give you HER welcome.

We are all recovering addicts here, nicotine addicts and recovery is one day at a time.  There are no shortcuts and the only way out is through.



This is really good advice. Do things a minute, two minutes, five minutes at a tie. Build those time periods as you continue to build your resistance muscles. It took me many quits to get where I am right now, but I'm done. I love knowing you're going to quit.


Day 118


If you're driving all the time, can you "smoke" cinnamon sticks? That's what I did, especially in the car, to give my hands and mouth something to do besides smoke and/or eat. I think these were my biggest savior while I was early in my quit. It made all the difference focinnamon.jpgr my hands to have something to fiddle with. The cinnamon on your lip is a tad warm for a little while, kind of like a cig, and you're not smoking anything. Blow through one before you draw on it though, just in case there's debris (I've never had debris in my 100s of sticks, but you never know). You can buy these in bulk or just get a bottle once in a while from any grocer.


Day 118 and not doing cinnamon sticks any longer too


Thank you

On Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 3:26 PM DonnaMarie <>


And chewing on straws really helped me!



Welcome and good for you ladytrucker109 - those STAYING- the non smokers who are walking their talk SUGGESTED for ME in MY EARLY RECOVERY was to educate MYSELF about MY nicotine addiction - only and it WORKS! They SUGGESTED for ME to read the blogs here and watch the videos at - it is FREE- they SUGGESTED I read the FREE book written by Joel who has been HELPING NICOTINE ADDICTS for over 40 years - the book I read - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER- I also watched the videos on withdrawal and days 1- 2- 3- and many other videosand also those who's family made early death videos of their family member who died so young from smoking and Bryon's early death video brought ME out of MY denial about MY using MY drug nicotine- thinking others get sick NOT ME- then when I saw bryon's early death video and I email his family and thanked them for bryon's video which HELPED bring ME out of MY denial- I am a recovering NICOTINE addict one day at a time- gentle hug.


me too

and they don't splinter like toothpicks.


I purchased cinnamon and green tea infused toothpicks. I like them just because now


In one of my many former quits, I used empty Bic pens. But if you don't take out the ink thingie, ooooh boy.