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Share your quitting journey

Help to Quit

0 12 18

After reading so many posts, I feel  motivated to try to quit. I have tried to wean, but it's taking time to do it and I often slip.  My suggested quit date is this October, but I feel that date is too far awy . i am very afraid to fail if try the cold turkey method. This is my first time trying to quit .Please help. Thank you for the support

12 Comentarios
Don't try commit to quit. I used the patch along with lollipops and an attitude of I am a non smoker. For me it worked. Just be committed and you can do it.

i want to start tomorrow but am so afraid o i will run to the store and buy them. last week i was buying them and giving half to a neighbor, weel it didn't work. i just ended up buying lighter (unsafe) ones and still on the habit.


Like Yoda woud say, "do or don't do, there is no try."  Setting your quit date for October is not to far off.  This amount of time would allow you to really put your quit plan together.  Read as many of these blogs as you can.  This website will help give you the tools you will need to understand this battle you have ahead. 

If you weren't scared of the quit I would probably say you aren't going to.  I won't lie, I have quit several times and failed several  times.  Each time I learned something.  Each time I found out a little more about myself. 

Everyone here is fighting the same addiction.  No matter if you have 10,000 days or 1 day, we were all smokers trying to quit and we will always be looking out for each other. 

Along with this site there are some good books out there that I have heard people have are finding useful.  One is by a Mr. Carr.  I know there is a copy of it being passed around my company for all the people preparing to quit. 

It is all going to come down to your own determination to quit and to live a smoke free life.  No amount of drugs, candy, tea or books will ever replace the will power you will require to quit.  All of these things are just tools to make your will power stronger.   Good luck and on behalf of everyone on this site, congrats on taking the first steps to takig back your life.



There is a lot of time between tomorrow and October.....point being that you could pick something somewhere in between. 🙂

It is natural to be afraid.  For any addict, the thought of facing life without their drug of choice is terrifying.  But we are all proof that it can truly be done, and honestly, it doesn't HAVE to be as bad as you're imagining it to be.

You've already read my blog about mindset.  That is absolutely key.  I finally DECIDED that smoking was not an option, not for ANY reason, not under ANY circumstance.  Making that decision now will be what will carry you through when smoking thoughts start flying at the speed of light.  You fall back on, "No, I decided I will not smoke."  It eliminates about 95% of the mental anguish and back-and-forth mental jousting with the nicodemon.  There is nothing to's been decided.  Period.

Learn about the nature of addiction.  It wasn't until my final quit that it finally dawned on me that I was an addict!!!!!  I knew smoking was an addiction but NEVER saw myself as an addict.  As soon as I realized that, I immediately understand that inherant with addiction were two constant facts.  1)  An addict can never have 'just one' and 2) Addicts listen to lies (and then offer them as "reasons" (aka excuses) as to why they should smoke).  Ever listen to yourself think?  It's scary what we have running through our minds on an ongoing basis, just like a stock market ticket tape.  You need to identify the lies and then you know not to listen to them anymore!!

Everyone on here was where you are.  And now we are where you say you want to be.......FREE!!!!  We can all tell you that having gained FREEDOM was worth any and all challenges to get here!!!  No-one is holding a gun to our head to keep us smoke free.....we could all smoke tomorrow if we want to .......but we LOVE being free from this insidious addiction!!!!  You will too!!!!


Oh boy! Thanks for all the advice. By now, I am realizing -How many time do I have to be hit on thead to wake up? How many stories do I have to read about folks who have or had my struggle. You all, even past read posts have made me begin to do something.

I am tired of what I call preparing myself  to quit when all I do find a way to bribe myself to smoke just one ....and so on..and so on. Tomorrow, I am going to make it Day 1 to quit. and I am coming back to tell the story...sink or swim.

Please except my apology - as i am new to becomeanex and am still learning how to use the posts and message systems. I am just trying to get help  to quit and want to thank everyone for their support. 


You don't have to apologize to anyone.  Quitting smoking is not like choosing to buy a truck rather than a car.  This is a life changing commitment that requires us to be aware 24/7 that the urge to smoke, and the availability to smoke is always around every corner. 

This website gives me the strength to be ready to say no to those temptations and urges.  I read about so many others who are in the same shoes as me.  When I have tried to quit in the past I have always done it alone.  This time I am still doing it alone but with a group of friends that will support me and remind me every day that this decision to not smoke is the best for me. 

Congrats on wanting to quit.  Sink or swim we will be here.  I personally hope to tell you congrats on getting through day 1 and many more days to come.



No one cand decide to quit for you. You have to decide and not give in.

I didn't wean to a certain amount. That becomes torture.

The idea is when you want to smoke, you tell yourself to wait longer.

This way you start to learn you don't NEED to smoke everytime you get an urge to smoke.

You need to believe you have some power over smoking to quit.

If you don't believe you can do it, YOU WILL FAIL until you believe.

This is all about an internal battle with you the addict vs the you you haven't known since before you started smoking.


So what's it gonna be?


I agree. No time like the present.  When I finally decided to quit, I just made up my mind to start immediately. But, whether you start tonight, tomorrow or next week, like Peter said, don't try, Do.

So when you are ready to take your life back......

Put yourself in a position to be out of reach of smokes. That means destroy what you have, don't give them away. Don't bum any if you have a weak moment, It will pass.

The addiction will probably try to play some head games with you, don't listen to it. Tell yourself "I'm don't do that anymore." and also tell yourself "I'm in charge of my life now, not this nasty addiction." and make sure you mean it.


Nothing I can add to all the great advice from above..... just know that IT IS doable..... Just make the decision... and then do it.  Come here often to help with the rough spots.... everyday gets better and better...........

The support here is outstandng.  YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!


Come here as often as you can.  This site is like having a support group in your pocket and everyone knows exactly what you are going through.  It is making all the difference in my life and it will in your too if you allow it.


The most IMPORTANT thing you can do for your quit now is to educate yourself about the addiction and the mind games it plays on us....READ,READ,READ for a successful quit...the more you read, the EASIER it is...


CHOOSE to quit smoking, not try. Educate yourself by reading these links to the materials that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to follow through on that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable you become.... This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes. You will be a nonsmoker so change how you start your morning so it doesn't revolve around cigarette breaks, etc. You CAN do this! ....


Also, use these coping techniques...

Stay close to this site and remember NOPE=Not One Puff Ever...and as long as you stick to this ONE SIMPLE rule, you will the meantime, drink plenty of fresh cold water to rid your body of the toxins,6 smaller, nutritious meals throughout the day to keep your blood-sugar levels steady, (don't diet!)......and it will keep your blood sugar level and the low blood sugar induced fogginess and craves away.


....take big arm STRETCHES as often as needed to relax tense muscles and most importantly, take big DEEP BREATHS TO RELAX AND RELIEVE anger... take a nap, take walks, stay buzy with something you LIKE and brush you teeth immediately after each meal...stick your head in the freezer and DEEP BREATHE....If you bite into a lemon, the smoking thought will be gone instantly...try it, it works, also suck on sugarfree hard candy or lollipops and one of my friends here says be sure to use the Halls mentholyptus cough drops......Be prepared in advance for it,not surprised by it...Smoking thoughts only have power when you have fear. Face it head on and do not try to run or hide. You have the strength and power to tell it NO...You have the CHOICE to tell it NO.