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Share your quitting journey

Hello from the Bay Area

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Hello everyone,

I just signed up and I'm excited that I'm soon going to be an ex smoker.  I am still smoking a pack a day and I've tried to quit a lot of times.  I hope that this time it sticks.  I've been reading a lot of self-help blogs and articles online to help me learn how to change my life for the better.

Please say hi, and introduce yourself.

I'm pretty much open to learning how to quit and I'm certainly motivated. 


Hi John

Start smoking with your other hand.

My page may be of help to you. It has a roadmap and a timeline.


Hi John

Welcome to Ex

You will have to re-program your thinking about smoking and quiting. You have already started this by reading and learning about this addiction.An excellent place to start is Dale's page, and there will many more sources presented to you. I like

Stay involved what's on your mind. This involvement will motivate you in ways I cant exlpain, but it worked for me and many others where nothing else did


Hello John and Welcome to the group!  I believe that reading and educating yourself about this addiction is very helpful.  If you know what to expect, then it isn't as scary.  jonescarp aka dale who commented above, has a ton a good information on his page.  This site is the best place to get support and encouragement from people that truly understand how tough it is to quit and stay quit.  i never would have made it this far without the support that I receive here!


Jennifer 142 DOF


Welcome!  Glad you are here!


Hi John,

Welcome to EX!

Have you taken some time to educate yourself on this addiction? Educating is a great place to start. There is some good reading to be found on this site, as well as, other quit smoking sites.

  Here's a great book to help you look at quitting a lot differently than you have been.
  The sites listed below are just two more places where you can get more of an education on how to quit.
  These are just a few links to help you out.
  Also, this site suggests doing some 'separation exercises'. These are great because it doesn't focus on cutting back, instead it focuses on separating smoking that cigarette with a function that you normal would have smoked. This helps you prepare you for your quit date, so it's not all a shock or an unfamiliar feeling.
  A successful quit always has a good plan, so in addition to educating, prepare a quit kit:
  In the beginning of a quit, cravings are frequent, so have a list of 'how to get thru a 3 minute crave'.  ex: take a shower, polish your nails, drink a large glass of water, put your head in the freezer, etc. 
  Have a list of 'what to do instead of smoke', available to you. You will have more time on your hands so be prepared. ex: clean out a closet, start a new hobby (singing, dancing, crocheting, volleyball, painting, puzzles, etc)
  Set up healthy foods to snack on.  Foods with higher fats or sugars may even make cravings stronger.
  Hang out in places that don't allow smoking. ex: go window shopping in a mall, go to a museum, etc.
  These are just a few examples to start your quit kit. Ultimately, this quit kit will fit your needs because it's you that will design it. 
  Give yourself enough time to educate and prepare, then set a quit date.
  Most of all, stay close to the blogs. Your 3D friends may still be smokers, but we're not and we're here to support you and hold your hand when needed.
  You can do this. 

Welcome to our community!

You have been given excellent advice already - so I will just let you know I am glad you are here.  Stay close to us, ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it.

Congratulations on your decision to quit.  You will not regret it!



hi john  im izzy, i came to this site in 2010..that first quit lasted about 6 months...and for the most part i was very skeptical about how this site can help me... i was so addicted....and my withdraws were so strong... this was the reality that i had to learn how to live with...

well turns out...this quit that im on now is almost one year im still a toddler...but i now know how this site can help me....

it is filled with loving people who have been there and done that.. they can hold your hand through tough times...

because smoking has covered up so many emotions that you have to learn how to live without smoking ...some people will tell you  just dont smmoke... well im here to tell you its more complicated thjan that, see i was a smoker for 45 years...


so this site is a resource, its an escape,its someone to talk to,its a punching bag, and a classroom...its anything you need it to you will get angry at people, you will be connected to people and you will help peopple  who are all going through the same thing...

i love this site/... and when you feel like you got this addiction can leave and come back when you need it again...

congrats on deciding to save your own life cause smoking will kill you



Greetings John.  As you can see we're an active and friendy group.  Many people have found success in quitting here.  You cannot read too much.  The more you know about this addiction the better able you will be to conquer it.   I think of quitting as a skill that can be learned.  As with any skill it takes practice, commitment and perseverance.  If you're will to do the work, you will reap the rewards.  It is an amazing rite of passage, one that will empower you.  You can get to anyone's page by clicking on their photo/icon.  Snooping is encouraged!  Click on the links offered.  Try everything.  Take what works for you and let go of what doesn't.  Glad you've joined us.


Hi and welcome! You have come to the right place for sure! Be sure to check out the things to read that folks gave you above. ( I especially liked the free course at and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -

I smoked for 40 years....I did the reading, got the support here and I quit! That was over 4 years ago - you an do this!! 


It seems like a daunting task  but with all this support I feel a bit more confident.  Welcome--very new to this too.



The lady that posted just ahead of me, joyeuxencore, well she held my hand a year ago and I love her like a sister. We've never met, but we understand the joy of quitting. 

In my early days of quitting, I listened and learned from many of the people who have posted comment on your blog.  I read everything possible about what to expect during the first days, weeks and months after quitting.  Be prepared for blood sugar issues, insomnia and many other physical challenges.  Be prepared and accept that you will have mood swings. The best way to deal with all of these issues is to embrace the cravings, acknowledge them for what they are, you're purging your body of thousands of chemicals, let alone the nicotine!  These were helpful links for me, hope they help you.