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Share your quitting journey

Hello all what did you replace cigarettes with? I can't stop eating

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Walking and things are good but I can't stop eating....... Especially at work and driving. Help before I turn into an elephant!

16 Comentarios

Life sports bottle that has a straw (goes every where I go)...h2o, h2o....frozen fruit...fresh fruit and veggies. ....just not a sicerrette!


Haven't tried the straw may satisfy the hand to mouth! Thanks


I couldn't stop eating either.  But at least I replaced it with low calorie choices.  I might as well have moved into the back field with the rabbits and woodchucks.  Lettuce, carrots, celelry, cukes, more carrots, radishes......  and I kept a sports bottle of water around and sucked on that.  We were born and the first thing we did is  suck on something.  So it's kind of a primal experience!  lol  Water also helps fill the belly.  I also found strong green tea helps give one that "replete" feeling that we suddenly lack when we quit.  Or, you could try one of these:




I'm getting a bottle with a straw!! I'm on day three and so proud it's not easy but my quit date just turned into this out of control monter? I can't believe I'm doing it!! I have smoked one a day but I smoked for 18 years.  It's kinda like my reward. I feel like I'm letting you guys down but I'm still proud my self. But I feel bloated and still cramming lol. 


By smoking one a day you are keeping yoursellf in withdrawal.  The only person you are disappointing is YOU;  we are with you all the way!

Instead of your first thought when a crave hits be of eating, try to put IT off a bit, too - try maybe singing out loud, or sipping on water, or calling a friend, or taking slow/deep breaths.  You also might cut up a straw and chew on that a bit - or flavored toothpicks, or use  sugarfree gum or mints. 

Your most important job right not is to stop smoking - so don't diet, too!  You might try subsituting something healthy in between each of the calorie-rich stuff.

Hang in there - and maybe try to increase your exercise a bit, too!



Took my kids and baby goats for a long walk today and the telephone is helping pass time as well! These are some great options. I just never imagined there would be a day that I would start to quit? I'm still really anxious about not having cigarettes period? I have always felt panicked if I run completely out? It's so wonderful to read about success because I want to be there. It just seems so far away.... Every craving I pass I really do feel strong. It's been a huge part of my life.



Cardio, strength training, Yoga, Pilates....It really helps by giving you dopamine, keeping the weight off, staying busy, and learning something new.


If you are having 'eating' issues, don't eat carrots!  They are almost pure sugar.   Celery, blueberries, snap peas, and the best is edamony (sp).  I know that's not how it is spelled but they are best crisp and raw.  I have gained 5 pounds in two weeks but the COPD keeps me from doing much exercise.  Actually the South Beach diet is the best if you want a plan beause you are never hungry.   Was developed by a Cardiologist to improve blood health of his patients but had a secondary result great weight loss.

Thanks for your feedback everybody.  I'm hanging in.  Thomas, you are my hero!


I took on everyones suggestion with the sports bottle with straw  I too take it everywhere I go.  I feel it really helps me with hand to mouth. I also used sugar free suckers especially in the car and also mints. 


Ice water & Altoids.

Keep on keepin on,


I used freezer pops! The idea came from Jackie. Here is a link to the blog. It was even featured on our home page for awhile!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


I don't know why, but I'm eating less since I've quit on 3/20, I think it's because I loved smoking after a meal. Unless you eat low-calorie healthy foods, most foods are lethal. That really never bothered me because what I was smoking trumped all the unhealthiness. My suggestion: grab a snack here and there and psychologically you won't have a strong desire to smoke after them.

Thanks guys!

Freezer pops would make me full or bloated


Would not make full or bloated sorry