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Share your quitting journey

Hello, again.

0 12 33
Howdy all! I'm back, for some life inspiration and this is the best place I've found over the years! I'm starting my quit (again) in 11 days. Somewhere I fell off the wagon and my quit got away from me. Old friends on here will notice I have deleted past entries, as I find they way me down. I'm letting go of the past failed attempts and looking to my future that is smoke free. *back story* I am Faith. I have a husband and a son and a herd of pups. I am a photographer/artist that enjoys a simple life. I am currently a stay at home mom until my son goes to high school in the fall. My minimalist family lifted roots in Ohio a year ago to follow our dream of living closer to the beach down south...replanted ourselves just outside of Clearwater, Florida. I look forward to reconnecting with old friends and making new ones on this tremendous journey we have all chosen for ourselves.
12 Comentarios

Hello Neighbor Faith,

I have a view of the Clearwater airport right now from my office window and just published a blog post about sitting here too much!

Congratulations on your decision to get back to your quit. How long since you did what I did and ruined your last quit? Is there something special about your quit date in 11 days? What's your plan for making this quit stick for good?

I'm new to this site, still learning my way around it, on day 7 of my forever quit, and leaning on the folks here for support. Sounds like you've been here before and know how valuable this site can be. I look forward to journeying with you!



Welcome.... Frenchy's Cafe in Clearwater... just came through there a month ago on way back from Key West.   All I can say is read, research and plan... not smoking can be done! 


Welcome back! Be sure to read - or re-read - the free course at and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -

Again - welcome back Faith! You can do this! Read, prepare, keep blogging! 

SaucyQ, wow you are close! To answer some of your questions... Little over a year ago, I had a hysterectomy (did major damage to my mental state), my mom was diagnosed with cancer (2 different types), my dad was in the hospital, and a good friend passed all with in a months time. I let it get the better of me. May 16 is the day of my Aunt's memorial service (we lost her suddenly last month) back in Ohio. I can't be there to celebrate her life with my family, so I am honoring her in my own way. I have wanted this for a long time, my time is now. My plan for the future? Invest in me. My health needs to be a priority, the medical issues I'm facing will not define me. Smoking amplifies my fibro and's got to go! I am taking life at a new angle, in its simplest form. Minimalism has taught me a good foundation for removing physical things, now I'm applying that lesson to other areas of my life. The simplest thing I can ask myself about anything..."Does this bring me joy?" And if the answer is no....then there is no room for it in my life.
Thank you all for the warm welcome!

Tough love coming at you here, so if you don't want it or don't like it - take what you do and leave the rest.

Somewhere I fell off the wagon and my quit got away from me.   Find the somewhere, study it and don't let it happen again.  And I suggest your quit didn't get away from you, rather you chose to ignore it.  Quitting is a proactive (and I SO hate that word but it speaks to some), choice.  I find it a pity that you deleted past entries because it's from past entries that we can learn the most about our current position on this journey to freedom.  But we each gotta do what we gotta do to get to where we wanna be.  It's been a long year and a half since you've been here.  Glad you're back.  Let's get'r done this time, eh?



Thank you Thomas, it's good to be back!
Giulia, My "somewhere" is known, dually noted and been assessed. All past entries were deleted after I re read and analyzed what I needed from them. After a while of self reflection I let go of the past to make way for the future. This journey is going to be a positive one, because it's mine.

i'd watch out for shame and embarassment tripping you up.  you cant erase the past by deleting posts.  just like you cant make the relapse go away, you cant take away the positive things you learned while you were in active recovery.

that being said, nice to meet you!

Thanks for the "constructive" criticism....I guess. I get what you are saying, but you don't know me. Until you do, please don't assume what you don't know. I'm here for support and positive influence, not to be analyzed by strangers. My brain constantly over analyzing everything I do, say, think. To be honest, this is why I left in the first place.

Welcome home!  Stick with us and remember...take what you like and leave the rest. Don't take any comments you don't FEEL pertain to you to mean anything.  Seriously, everyone has a way to get to freedom but I can tell you that this is the best one I have found.