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Share your quitting journey

Hello Everyone

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I just want to drop a quick line. I know it has been a couple of days since I've checked in. I'm on day 16 smoke free .YAHOOO!!!! I've had a few strong urges  and 1 really hard temptation. I went to visit my mom and sister, they were both napping {retirement!!} while I was there I saw her pack of smokes on the table. I looked at them  a few times and walked away ,talked to my brother inlaw and came back. Oh those little devils were tempting me,as I was leaving I picked the pack up shook it and put it down.It was empty.  So driving home I had to ask myself , what would I have done if there were cigarettes in that pack?? I decided I would not have taken one. Scary that I picked it up though,truth is I dont want to be in that position again!!.

Also I had to have my colonscopy today. So my prep started on Monday with a low residue diet and Tues with a clear liquid diet, so much for munching while quitting!!! Again lots of H2o. Feeling great next step,Joining yoga classes.

Good Night My Friends

Continued Sucess

4 Comentarios

You dodged a bullet.  Good going!


Congrats on 16 days!!!!


Congratulations on day 16, that is awesome. We will always be tempted as that addiction is there. I always thought just one wouldn't hurt anything but that is how I lost a year of freedom. Hooray to you for not giving in as that demon is always around the corner.


Congratulations!!!!  So happy there none in the pack!!!  I’m on day 26 and it does get easier!!!