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My beloved Golden Retriever, Grady, passed away this morning.  Collapsed suddenly and could not stand or walk.  They diagnosed him as having hemangiosarcoma, a very agressive cancer in dogs.  X-ray showed fluid around his heart and cancer in multiple organs.  We did not want him to suffer, so we had him euthenized.  I feel so empty and sad.  He was only nine years old and a very sweet and loving soul.  I just felt like I had to let you, my friends, know about this.  I am devastated.  

19 Comentarios

My condolences to you.


CP-my heart goes out to you. In my life, dogs have been such a big part, that my Mother once said "Karen likes dogs more than people". I didn't argue with that statement. They are such loyal friends, never hurt your feelings, always there to cheer you up when you need it, etc. I wish there was something to say or do to help you. All I can think of is to send a massive ((((((HUG))))))), and to say time heals all wounds. So sorry for your loss.


Sorry for the loss of your precious beloved Grady. Think of the good memories and joy that he gave you for 9 wonderful years. Lift your heart up knowing that you did he right thing and he is not suffering.  My sincere wish is for you to be better. 


Grieve (as you must) and then, hopefully, you will reach the place where you can treasure the time you had with him and the many fond memories that you will always carry in your heart.

For now, condolences and hugs to you,



Grieve your loss, but be joyful for him.  He has a new Master now.


I am so very sorry for your loss but it sounds like he did not suffer long.  Cherish the wonderful memories you have with Grady!


Thinking of you.  So, so sorry for your loss.  Love, Barbara


I am so sorry for your loss!  Fur kids give us so much joy!  I lost both of mine this year.  One in July and the other in November.  The one I lost in July was also 9 years old.   It is very hard, but time does heal.  I first said i would not ever get another dog, but i realize there are dogs out there that need me as much as i need them.  I am going to wait awhile longer, however.  I am content just being a dog grandma for now.   My thoughts are with you! 


My heart goes out to you.


I am so very sorry.  I think the loss of a pet is absolutely devastating and some people do not understand that...fortunately, the people HERE do.  I am thinking of you and lighting a candle for Grady to light his way across the Rainbow Bridge.



Awwww.  Awwwww.  Sad for you.  You made the right decision to put him down.  There will be an empty place insidey you for a while.  The deeper the love, the greater the sorrow.  Sending a hug.


This makes me so sad. I know how devastating it is to lose a pet and like Ellen says, some people don't understand. I am so sorry for your loss.


This is one of the biggest heartbreaks that we face in this life. Losing your sweet Grady has got to be deeply painful. I have lost dearly beloved pets and know it can take a long time to see the sun again. I will be praying for you during this mournful time.


i,m so sorry to hear the sad news. i,m a really big animal lover and know deep in my heart how you feel. thay are part of the family always there for you .grady is in doggie heaven now and not suffering..


I am sooooooo very sorry for your loss CP, I know the hurt and the pain of having to lose a precious family pet. (((((a big cyber hug for you ♡)))))



I am so very sorry that this has happened. Unfortunately I had the same experience with my Golden, Mandy. It happened a little over 4 years ago and I still miss her so much. She had the same cancer and also collapsed suddenly. Mandy was 11. 

Please treat yourself gently as you deal with this loss - and continue to protect your quit. 

Take care! 


I am sooooooo very sad for you it is a heart breaker to lose a beloved pet . Me and my friend just found out recently that our little Lily may have cancer she is 9 years old  I hope and pray she doesn't have it  but it doesn't look good . we will be heartboken and so will her buddy Jonah he is also 9 and they grew up together .

What a terrible shock to end the year with CP, I just don't know what else to say, just feel your feelings and grieve your loss for the poor baby . It just seems like our poor pets don't get a long enough life I have lost 2 dogs already .


Our dogs are the best friends we can ever have. They love us unconditionally. Our family has been enriched by the dogs and cats we have shared our life with.....they have taught us so very much. I have gone through putting many,many pets to sleep over the years. Although sad, it is certainly the best way to the arms of someone who loves you. I share your sorrow.

I always hope that dog lovers will get another dog........some people say they are too devastated or that they cannot ever take the risk of loving so much the spirit of hoping you will not become one of those, I share this with you.


Before humans die, they write their last Will & Testament, and give their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask....


To a poor and lonely stray I'd give:


My happy home.
My bowl, cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys.
The lap which I loved so much.
The hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice which spoke my name. 
I'd  will to the sad scared shelter dog the place I had in my human's heart, of which there seemed no bounds.


So when I die please do not say, "I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand."  Instead go find an unloved dog; one whose life has held no joy or hope and give MY place to him.


This is the only thing I can give...the love I left behind.




Awe, CP I am so sorry for your loss. I have been kind of lax about getting online and so I missed your blog. I do believe that our fur babies go to heaven, with that said Grady is in a good place now. Time will lessen your grief! Be kind to yourself while you deal with this loss and always!