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Having difficult time today

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Today is Day 6 for me and for some reason I'm really wanting to have a cigerette...I havent done it but its really bothering me today....I keep remembering how much I enjoyed having a smoke after a long day at work ..just to sit and relax...I was having anxiety today over thinking that I will never have another one ever....Isnt that a strange combination ???  Its all so confusing at times all these different feelings that make no common sense.


I come here when I feel like I'm about to fall down and being in this community helps me stay on my road. Even when I'm at work and feel this way I tell myself when i go home I can just come here and read things and get support and just feel better...

I guess I thought it would get easier and yet I feel like its getting harder... I am still smoke free though!!


hey lanie-


i am in the same sinking boat, sister.  day 6 for me too, and i can totally relate to the anxiety you speak of---thinking too much about never smoking again makes me panicky and even angry, like life is just going to be so miserable and boring (i really crave that after work drink and smoke, had some wine this weekend and it just wasn't that enjoyable w/o having my ciggies) and if i feel tired and cranky all of the time wouldn't it be better to just be a smoker? Tomorrow will be one full week and we should be proud and happy, but I can't help remembering my last quit was only 10 days and despite my feelings of accomplishment I was a complete wreck and awful to my boyfriend and son and gave up just to be my old self again.  let's just try to keep each other positive---good luck


Deep breaths! Give it 5 min and don't focus on it. Acknowledge the craving and move on to something else. This is our opportunity for a new beginning. I'm sure your family and friends would rather put up with temporary crankiness and keep you around! You're doing great! 


Breath.  Breath.  Breath.  You are panicking because you are scared of losing something you have counted on for 30 years.  It will get easier.  Focus on why you quit.  Remember the detirmination that got you thru day 1 - 5.  Be strong.  You know you don't really want to smoke.  Your mind is playing a trick on you.  Nicotine is playing with your head.  Who wants to spend $100 a week to kill themselves.  Who wants to smell like burnt rubber.  Who wants to end up living the last few years of their life with oxygen mask gasping to breath.  We Don't Smoke Anymore!!!!  You can do this!!!!


Lanie - Congrats on day 6. Coming here is the right thing to do! Your brain has connected smoking with pleasure for over 30 years (for me it was 40) - so, it only makes sense that your brain is going to take a while to relearn certain activities. The pleasure was not in the smoking - it was in the actual activity....our brains are just connecting the "sitting and relaxing" with a cigarette! Lies! Brainwashing! Find a new way to relax....for me I had to avoid the place (back porch) where I did most of my smoking...... The new thing to relax can be something as simple as a bottle of cold water, a hot bath, a nice cup of tea, a walk....

If it helps - instead of thinking - "I will never have another one ever..." - just think in terms of today. I won't have one today...and build on one day at a time.

If you haven't already - please check out Please! Stay close!


I agree with Strudel. The concept of never smoking again was way too scary in the beginning so I told myself "I can smoke if I want. I CHOOSE not to today."  It WILL get easier! But THIS is the week you will look back on and be so proud of! It will empower you! The second week is easier with the cravings less and farther apart. And the website Strudel gave you helps so much to undo our brainwashing!



Each day that you fight the urge for a cigarette you are a winner.  The thoughts may come because that is what you are used to thinking.  Change your thinking to "I used to smoke when I come home, I'm not a smoker now" and move on to doing something else.  Busy yourself with some task around your home or get out and take a walk and breath in the fresh air.  Work through the craving and it will get easier for you.  Just hang in there.  Don't give in and don't give up.


Hey Thanks everyone...You are all right in what you've had to say here... I am just so use to having cigerettes with everything I've don't for 30 yrs that I don't know what life is like without them.  I like the idea of not overwhelming myself with that forever thought at this time in the quit ...So yeah I will stay quit today feels better. ... Cause I know I can do that ! 🙂  Truly thank you everyone ! 🙂


Two things:

1. Don't think about forever, just don't smoke today.

2. Go ahead and sit and relax - take in some deep breaths, take them in really quickly so you feel the air hit the back of your throat. Do that like 10 times, then stare at the stars, or the clouds or whatever.

As a non- smoker you are allowed to do any activity a smoker can do (except smoke). You can even go out in the rain and stand around by yourself for 7 minutes, then go back inside!


Lanie, I agree with everyone's feedback to you here. I would also recommend you go to and read this. There are many sites on the web to help you quit smoking but this one and the one Strudel recommended are used by a lot of us here. Come back and let us know how you're doing!


It does get easier.  I promise you, it does get easier.  It does get better.  You will love yourself so very much for sticking with your quit!!!