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Having a real hard day

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  Really sorry for complaining but its a real hard day.  Not thinking of smoking but life is sure coming at me in so many different ways today.  One good thing is tomorrow is my 90th day smoke free.  Its also my 60th birthday.  For people that think 30 is hard 60 is much worse I think.  Also i am a mom to 5 great kids but do I get to celebrate either my birrthday or Mothers day, no because I work in a restraunt and Saturday night and Sunday will be the busiest days of the year. I will go into work sat at 5 and get out at 11 or later and be back in for 10 the next morning until 8 or 9 at night. Yes I will make good money and I will need it because the idiot that is the father of my kids has decided to decrease the amount he gives me for groceries.  Its a strange relationship with him but would probably take too long to explain. I know I have alot to be grateful for and I am but sometimes a person just needs to feel sorry for themselves too I guess.  Thanks for listening and sorry for complaining.  Just hoping by writing this I will get it out of my system and stop being so depressed.


I used to be a bartender so I KNOW what you mean, will be rough but you will be able to handle it... take care and CONGRATS on 9O DAYS SMOKEFREE!!!  🙂    img alt="" src="" />


I'm sorry you are having a bad day. we all have them, even people who never smoked.

Think of the wonderful thing yoiu are doing for yourself and your family by not smoking.

90 days is huge. Don't give in now. 30 more days will make a huge difference.


Happy Mother's Day, Happy Birthday, and best of all Happy 90 days!!!

happy mothers day and happy birthday its ok to vent i do it alot:)

Thank you for encouragement.  It helps alot. Although feeling a bit of an idiot for so much self pity. 


I work in emergency services so I know how hard it is to spend holidays away from your family.  The good thing is I have a supportive family that understands why I do the job I do, even if it takes a lot of sacrifice at times.  You can get through it. 


img alt="" src="" /> Happy Birthday to YOU!!!  


Been there, done that, for sure!  First husband and I owned/operated a pizza restaurant for over 30 years.  Also, the job I just lost was in hospitality/casino so you can more than imagine what days/hours that involved.  See, you are NOT the only person who loves a good pity party!  LOL

Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day.  Hope you have as good a weekend as you can!

Best Wishes!  Also, most importantly, Happy 90 Days!  You go, girl!


Happy 90.  Happy 60.  So celebrate Monday.  We've often have had to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, etc. on other days because of various things happening in our lives.  It becomes no big deal after a while. 

And don't think of 60 as awful.  The bones and joints may not work as well, but the brain is a WHOLE LOT SMARTER.  And by the way, you've already lived 60 years tomorrow, remember , you're just beginning your 61st.  So sixty is OVER tomorrow.

Whadda ya complaining about?  You've quit smoking for three months, have a job, have  five fabulous children and have lived 60 years.  Those are four plusses in my book! 

Hang in.  I met a young girl at Outback restaurant tonight in the booth next to us.  A week ago she lost her aunt of 42 to breast cancer and then  three days later she lost her own child.  Sort of put any problems I had in a different perspective.  Sometimes we need that perspective. 


Congrats on 90. Happy 60th.Well my wife and I work at a hospital so I know the feeling.This is her weekend to work (7p to 7a) and I'm on call 7a to 7p) so we will celebrate another day.Oh yeah happy mothers day. Protect your quit by any means necessary. N.O.P.E. It's ok to vent sometimes.It's a part of life.





Happy 90, whoo hOO! Happy 60, and happy Mother's Day. Glad you vented here. This is what we are here for. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ryan}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}♥