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Share your quitting journey

Have to try I guess it's me, the one who doesn't get it.....or get it to stick

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Most of my day, althou busy, has been spent internally fighting the urge to smoke, massive, major, consuming urges.

Beautiful youngest graduated from high school with high honors; the weather was perfect; so what's the problem......

It's me......couldn't blog cause I don't know how to "write a blog" on my phone, instead I added to a blog, which I doubt anyone happened across....

Doesn't matter either way, because it was a choice and I chose poorly.  I knew I was choosing poorly, so what is to become of me.....I am down, my faith in myself is pretty low right now.....

I have had one and must now restart......I know the advice will be to throw them away, restart right away, all true.......right now I'm just feeling way down.....what a whiner.....SMH


try not to beat yourself up too badly, i quit so many times that i lost count of the tries. it is a very hard thing to do, this time i kinda prepped myself for the big day, weeks befor i quit, i made a pact with myself not to take my cigarettes with me anywhere, that was very successful for me, whether gone for 20 minutes or 4 hours, didn't take them. did other little things also just to prepare iknow when i slipped i waited til next morning, mainly because i needed time to forgive myself for failing, but i knew i had to be stable to try again. You will do this, i know you can.i have NEVER made itt past 4 or 5 days in any of my quits, i am on day 12~~first time ever, you will do it gain that control!!!!


You know what the better choice is.  You just need to act on THAT, rather than the weaker one.  If you want to not feel down about yourself, do what you know you should and gather the self-discipline to achieve it.



Keep working at it. 


why don't you try quitting with common sense?

think ahead.

Talk to yourself when those thoughts start spinning

not into smoking but, out of it winning.


Get a good nights sleep, quit kicking yourself and prepare yourself for your forever quit N.O.P.E works when we apply it, figure out how to deal with lifes emotions without cigarettes and decide not to smoke no matter what is happening in your life , you can do this!!!


Instead of using your time to beat yourself up, use it to figure out the circumstance that caused you to make the decision to smoke and plan ahead of time what you will do differently for your next quit.

Have you set a new quit date?  Hope so!



Never quit quitting.  I have faith in you! 

Love & Hugs


Take what you learned and use it so you won't be back at day one again.  Educate yourself about nicotine addiction..Use more energy to talk yourself out of smoking as opposed to reasons to smoke.  You can do this.  take out the try and do.  Get up dust yourself off and get to quitting. 


Thought I was the only one who went through perpetual happens...I'm on day 35...and I take them on with...part of my penance for 40 years of smoking...and 40 years of cleansing....either way you feel crappie when your smoking, and crappie when you become an EX....Either way...I'm more prepared to not quit on my quit...if at first you don't succeed. ..

Get back on that horse and succeed! !!!!


I've done the same thing as you. I consider my quit date as 3/20 although I've smoked 4 cigarettes since then. Here's my take: forgive yourself and ignore your very few slips. I know the elders would frown about that. I've done my reading, though, and the jury's still out on whether or not the receptors in your brain take you back to the date at which your receptors were fully engaged. I find it hard to believe that they all reignite at the puff or two of a cig. when you have abstained for so long. Still, for me, the "not one puff ever" works....even though I haven't abided strictly by it. It's still my goal. Don't dwell on past missteps.




Love you!!!


Are you around a lot of smokers ?  

Why did you make the choice to smoke when you know the urge well pass . ? 

Do you really want to quit ? I know Dale says you don't have to want to quit , but I think a part of you the real you has to want it .  I think you need to figure it out before you try and fail again . All the best to you Cheyenne.


I am so sorry that you have to start over.  PLEASE do that, as soon as you can and figure out what happened. NEVER quit quitting!

Just a suggestion but you might try reading some of Fannie's blogs and then read my Mother's Day blog.  

Love you,



You are never a failure tried once before to quit and made it four days because I became sad and depressed! So started again but not for long I was determined to quit and I did! Now on day sx and smoking is not an option for me! I find other ways to deal with my stress! And most importantly I want to live to see another day I'm 28 years old and it was time for me!! You can do this!! Keep the faith and never give up


You will get it just got to get over the hump its very smooth sailing after time goes on nothing makes me want a smoke anymore not even having my sinus surgery in less than a month scares the crap out of me but dont think about smoking over it just got to take the ride to get to freedom i think you had like 100 days at one point cant cave in