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Share your quitting journey

Hard Days

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Hello my friends,

 I sure wish this could be a positive post but things just keep getting worse for my wife and I. This weekend, my brother decided that my grieving has interfered with the job to much and he told me I was nothing but lame since my son died. We dissolved our partnership and now on top of everything else, I’m unemployed.

 He then called the police and had them do a welfare check on me, I assume just to mess with me. A counselor came by the next day and handed my wife and I a diagnosis of PTSD. Also, both of our vehicles died in the same week so I don’t even have a way to look for work except online. I’ll get through this. Sometimes when it looks the bleakest is when we see the rainbow.

 On the upside, still smoke free. And to me, that’s a huge positive! I can’t even imagine how much I’d be smoking right now if I still did because as addicts, even in the worst of times we’d find ways to feed the addiction. But that little impulse that used to be so strong when I first quit just doesn’t exist anymore and that is one part of my life that I’m very grateful for.

So never believe that you can’t get to the point you were before addiction. At least for me, I can attest that it can be done. I’ll be back soon to post a more positive post soon. In the meantime, strength is requested. Miss you guys!




I'm so sorry to hear all this Chuck.  When it rains it pours.  Just remember to stay strong and lean on us for support.  The comeback is always better than the setback my friend. I will be saying prayers for you and your wife. xoxoxo



Chuck chuck-2-20-2011 Gosh I am sorry to hear ... really having a bad time of it... and yet you come here to help us... that is remarkable...will keep you and your wife in my thoughts and prayers ... for some better days ahead...Colleen 240 DOF 


Do know that you are missed.  It's a good thing we get to choose our friends - 'cause we are STUCK with the family God gave us.  Sorry a part of yours is so lacking in compassion.

Hang in there - you are controlling the ONE thing over which you have control!  Not smoking through all you have endured is a positive!

Thinking of you!



Oh my gosh awful! I am sending a prayer - along with a virtual hug. I sure hope things look up soon. Please take care. Thanks for sharing the message of protecting our quits - no matter what! 


So  sorry to hear this news Chuck!   I'm sure that God is standing and walking beside you, He will not let you down.....even though it may seem that way.....It's good you're smoke free, cause you're right, we always could find a way to feed the addiction, always.....I will keep you in my thoughts and  prayers Chuck!   

FYI too, I have had to let family members go and love from a distance, and it works for me....It disgusts me that your brother is so inconsiderate towards your feelings!  Sounds much like my sister!   You keep on being the bigger man, and know that you're never alone here!  Ever!  Hugs to you and the Mrs.!



I am so incredibly sorry for all that you are going AND your wife.  My heart hurts for you, I cannot imagine how difficult this has been and I cannot help but feel that you are being victimized in all of this.  I wish there was a way that I could help, other than to let you know that you and your wife are in my prayers and that I think of you often.




No parent should lose a son! Yes, you're devastated - anything else would be confusing. I'm sorry about your business, too. As I understand it there isn't a great job market in your area. You are  holding your head high but it's alright to scream, and yell, and cry, and beat pillows and mattresses until you can't anymore. You are so right - smoking won't change anything.


Huge caring hug for your wife and for you Chuck along with good thoughts and prayers for both of you.....


Chuck, I am sorry that you are faced with another difficult time in your life.  I have always looked up to you for encouragement, I hope and pray that I can do the same for you right now.   I will be praying that you have continued strength to get through this trial.   God's got something mighty special for you, hold on, get through this storm because it will not last forever.  Look for the blessings that will be coming your way.   You will find a better job. Trust God and know that things are going to better than before. I know you will never give up.  God bless you, I am praying for your continued strength, patience, peace and count it all joy!  There is a reason for everything.  Things that look bleak on the outside can be a blessing within.  Look for it.  Onward together!!!!  We are here for you so come and talk with us anytime. 


Holding you and your wife in prayers, I am so sorry you guys are going through this. 


Chuck- Your online family is here and will be here...reach out whenever you can. You have certainly experienced the gamut of life's challenges in the past few months. I am keeping you and your wife in my prayers. Take care. Of course you didn't smoke.....never doubted that for a moment. You don't do that any more.

Stay Strong


Thank YOU Chuck for sharing YOUR courage and truth and HOPE in trials of YOUR NON SMOKER living with SELF and family  -  Prayers lifted MY brother in RECOVERY ❤ I am so sorry for ALL YOUR going through - it does hurt most deepest in the storms of life on life's terms and for ME at times - I prayer and tell MY God -  I don't UNDERSTAND ALL of YOUR ways MY Daddy God yet - I TRUST YOU Dear Father God no matter what in MY Lord Jesus name amen I am with YOU Chuck -  using MY DRUG NICOTINE isn't a part of ME -  inside - any longer either - HOORAY FOR JESUS is MY victory prayer of PRAISE - please take what HELPS and let go of the rest to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you - gentle hug❤ 


Wow.  A lot of hurtful new stuff going on.  I'm sorry.  But here you are singing your smoke-free support none-the-less.  Sending up prayers for you.  I hope that when the dawn comes (and it shall), that it will dispel all the ugly dark places.


Sorry you're going through such a difficult time.  Hoping thing improve soon.   



Good morning Chuck. Life can be brutal. Praying good is on the way for you and your wife.  You have each other and that is a huge blessing.  Take care of you.


I'm so very sorry Chuck, that  this has happened.  I can't tell you how bad I feel for you and your wife.

I'm sending prayers for strength for both of you.  Thank you for posting that you wouldn't go back to smoking in spite of all the stress there.

Sending a loving hug.


A rough story. Sorry for all the trials, life can be very hard and many things seem unfair and undeserved.  I have prayed for you and your wife. I know from personal experience that Jesus our Savior can provide comfort and hope when life is at it's most trying. Reach out to God if you haven't already. 


I will keep you and your wife in prayer.


You are amazing! So sorry you are dealing with so much intensity but so happy for you that you've stuck with smoke free life. This inspires me to stay strong so much.  


I add my prayers that you and your wife will see much better times in the very near future. I also think of you as someone whose writings always inspired me to strive to be a better person. Your outlook on life is normally positive and inspirational. Hopefully, this community can provide you with reciprocal support in your time of need. Sorry your brother is not understanding in your hour of need. I hope you soon find yourself in a better job and life situation. Keep the faith.


You and your wife will stay in my prayers!


Im so sorry you are having a terrible time.

So proud of you - standing strong through adversity and pain. 

I wish you and your wife love an luck. Remember ....this too shall pass....


I don't know you, but the fact that you turned that story into a message that supports and encourages a non-smoking lifestyle is very inspirational. I shall be praying for you and your wife. 


Sorry to hear you are going through all this. Proud of you for not smoking. Your post shows me the strength of your spirit because you choose to find hope.