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Happy Chinese New Year

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Last blog timed out. Must type quickly. I missed writing about this on Monday because I was too busy with my own distractions. Anyhow, my blog disappeared, but I was saying I am a Sheep/goat in the Chinese horoscope. Always disappointed me because I thought that meant I was a follower, rather than a nice strong person with a mind of my own. But, around here, I am happy to follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before me.  BAAAAAH. . .  So Happy Chinese New Year to all, and if you choose to do so, you could distract yourself by looking up your horoscope prediction for this year of the Red Monkey.  BAAAAH...


WAH! 2 blogs disappeared! I give up.


Space theives again. yesterday it happened to me on WORD. I always seem to hit a key by accident, But i do believe in SPACE THIEVES stealing our typage!


I commented on your blog...said I think I am a dog, not sure what is happening but Happy Chinese New Year anyways.


Happy Chinese New Year! I have things disapper all the time! I think they are all floating around in cyber space! haha!


Happy Chinese New Year. I am the snake.

We enjoy this celebration every year at Atlanta Chinatown. My two youngest daughters were both adopted from China so we encourage it. They also dance for the Atlanta Chinese Dance Company (ACDC) performing traditional Chinese dance routines. The official celebration date for Atlanta is this Sunday & both will be performing. All of the entertainment is great & the food is delicious.

Keep on keepin on,


Huh? That's strange. I kept going back and refreshing. I thought it was my tablet! Lol. Happy Lunar New Year to you to friend! I am an ox. I didn't get that as a child, but now I do. I am stubborn; I admit. But, in this case it to works in my favor. I refuse to go back to that nicotine mistress! We are done! Do not pass Go; do not collect  $200!

Peace and Namaste-Mrs. Brock