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Share your quitting journey

Hangin Tough!!

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It's day #15...and I'm still going STRONG!!! There have been days where I wanna pull my hair out or anyone's hair who's around me at the time of the CRAVE, but I haven't been horrible! My husband is afraid I'm going to turn into Linda Blair (The Exorcist) and my head will spin around and I'll spit pea soup! HAHA! Sometimes I've felt that way, but to get over that craving, I get busy! It's amazing how much more time you have on your hands! I've been cleaning house and when I've exhausted all dust rags and polish, I do puzzles. They relax me and get me focused on something else besides a coffin nail! It's my hands...if I keep my hands busy and chew gum I get over the want. It's getting easier with every day that passes though. Even in the most stressful of STRESSFUL times, I work through it. I, and everyone else, am so worried about what is going on in the world with the crazy virus. I feel like I'm in a Sci-Fi movie or a Stephen King novel! My daughter works in a nursing home as a CNA, and she has been on the front line with the positive Covid-19 patients. She got really sick one night with a fever that went up and down very quickly all night long. She had to miss work because of it and went to get tested to see if she has the virus. Her test came back positive! And she, and her boyfriend and cat, live with me and her Daddy. So we have to be quarantined for 14 days and then have to be tested to see if we are all negative. After that, I don't know what will happen or what to do. I have MS so my Immune System is already compromised, but I feel GREAT! If I was going to break and have a cigarette, it would be now. But, I can't...I would let everyone down. But the one who would be the MOST let down would be ME. 

Thank you for letting me rant and tell you all what's going on in Winnie's World. It's been almost a week since I've posted on here, and it feels good to purge to people who would truly understand me. Once again...THANK YOU!



Congratulations on 15 days of Freedom Winnie winnieharringto ... I am so sorry about your daughter and all of you in quarantine...however, smoking will and should not be an option...because I imagine you rid all your smoking material when you quit...Keep up the great quit... You are doing proud...Colleen 535 DOF 

Not applicable

Oh dear , I'm so sorry your family is down with covid19 . Your strength to quit and stay quit says a lot about you . You have determination and I think you've got this . 

Stay safe, stay healthy , stay quit . 

Speedy recovery to those affected . 


Congrats on 15 days of success.  With all that stress you've done it without smoking.  That is something to be proud about.  

Keep moving forward.



I SO admire that you are quitting smoking in the middle of this pandemic.  Even though I quit on my first and only attempt almost eight years ago, I am not sure I would have been able to do it in this environment.

Keep going - it should start to get easier - and at your age, there is still time for any damage you have done to be reversed.

AND - that beautiful face does NOT need the wrinkles sure to follow if you keep smoking.

Hang in there - and vent anytime!



We're hanging in there Colleen! We're huggers in this family and enjoy being together as much as we can. So this makes it really hard!'s doable and we have God living here with us!:)


Thank you Maki! It's hard and it's one day at a time but we all have wonderful attitudes and, together, we can get though anything! Even this scary virus! Our faith is strong! Have a WONDERFUL day darlin!



YES! !5 days but it feels like it's been a LIFETIME! I find stuff to do to fill the gaps of time that I spent smoking! I feel great though! Thank you Barb! DEFINITELY FOCUSED ON FORWARD!<3


A super congrats on your precious quit journey YAY for 15 splendiferous Smokefree days and counting WTG YAY for each and every Day WON with many more to come, I'm so sorry about your daughter my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.....


Congratulations on your 15 days of freedom and the positive attitude you and your family have in this particularly challenging time.  I am sorry that your daughter is positive for the virus but it sounds like she is doing she may have had a mild version of the virus.  Keep the faith, you've GOT this.



Congratulations on 15 days, you are doing awesome; sorry the whole family is impacted by the crazy world we live in, wish you all the best, and thank you for your daughter's service!

You already know what to do when craves are hitting, keeping your hands busy, your mid busy, are both essential tools during the quit journey.

Just one word of caution: if you are chewing sugar free gum, please limit it, do chew on it constantly; some of the sugar substitutes can be toxic for you; we recommend here to cut straws in half and chew or breathe through it, or cinnamon sticks, or healthy celery or carrot sticks (I did not do any of the healthy options, I chew on chocolate covered raisins, and my diabetes went crazy).  Just watch the gum if it is sugar free.

Comeback and blog, complain, whine, celebrate, everything helping your quit goes here!


With a sense of humor such as you have, you cannot fail at this!  As long as your head stays on, it doesn't matter which way it spins.  lol

Sorry your daughter got IT.  And now you're all in quarantine.  Even the cat.  Glad you feel GREAT despite everything.  You keep feeling that way.  Rooting for you and all your family.  15 days - you're a strong lass.  Very admirable!  Especially under the current circumstances.  Keep going.


Congratulations on your smobriety 15 and counting!!! Keep hanging tough.

About the Author
I am a 48 year old woman, happily married for 25 years to a wonderful man, Mom of 3 FABULOUS kiddos....Katie (24), and twins, (BOY AND GIRL!!), Kyler (20) and Kenlie (20). Being a Wife, Mom, Mom-In-Law, and Granny is a wonderful thing!! LIFE IS GOOD!!