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Halfway through day 7...

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Ok I am halfway through with day 7. Day 6 was something else, 7 isin't alot better..but it isin't any worse so thats a plus! I am forcing myself to clean SLOWLY lol. I am sooo tired, heavy eyelids..very odd. My throat hurts a little, I puked this morning TMI I know, but I can't help it. Im definatley not pregnant or anything, I have been fixed for years now. Anyway Im done for now just checking in and writing a little soemthing for now...take care all..

I know you quit and think you will feel better. The good news is yes you will feel better. The bad news is you have to detox first :(. It is all worth it. Stay strong and feel better. Lots of water does seem to help.

Here is a link to my blog and all the sick I went through quitting. I quit March 23rd and feel so good now!!
it is your body readjusting itself, go listen to some of those talks by Joel on hwc's site, he is very helpful with things you are experiencing and may experience or let's you know you are not crazy or sick, just going through what many have before and that it does go away:)