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Share your quitting journey

Had it comin'

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Today, I felt something I hadn't felt in quite awhile, and it wasn't pleasant...


And everything came roaring back. Omigosh, this crazy situation with my circle is happening. So, I'll wait for husband to I really have to wait 45 whole minutes? Then I can walk to the convenience store. Just one pack. Maybe I pitch it out before he even gets home. What's the harm?

Fortunately, I'm a little more prepared than I was the other 200 times I've tried to quit. Instead, I made myself grilled cheese sandwiches and came on here. And here I am. And it's passed.

The only problem is I want to keep eating. But I'm okay with that for now. If I gain another five pounds after blowing it and getting back on the horse, then I had that comin', too.

Not looking for sympathy, because I don't deserve it. But wanted to make these observations, and get even further over this hump. I wish I had French dip and potato chips...
8 Comentarios
LoL Brenda.

I am laughing with you not at you.
I want a french dip now!
That was my feelings too... about food I mean. As long as I got through to the next day. I would do my best to shove healthy things in my mouth but wasn't always sucessful. Once you get further along you can worry about your weight.
My daughter used to say "Fat is temporary, Ugly is forever". Well the same applies to smoking and food.
I would rather have to go on a diet and start an excercise program than going back to smoking.
Make mine a french dip and a root beer float.
Brenda, know that we are hoping and praying for you.
You need to give yourself a big pat on the back! It sounds like the whole thing is starting to sink in....By the time you embraced the crave and got busy, the thing was passed! 😉 Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reaching for the cheesie poofs!! and pop!! and cereal!! anything edible at this point
vanilla ice cream with a seperate reese's bar so i could smash it in myself. Thats what got me through smoking:)
One thing I have learned when I get upset is to do a spot-check on myself called H.A.L.T. Am I hungry? Angry? Lonely? Tired? Which ever one it is or if it's all four, I look at it for what it is, and take care of it. Eat something, listen to music full blast, call my daughter, take a nap. Yup, I feel alot better! Notice that smoking isn't a part of that? By the way, french dip is my favorite!
Onion dip and pretzels with diet pepsi. Of course I have to eat a WHOLE bag on pretzels, and no I will not share.
i am now addicted to sugarless chewing gum, i chew it all the time lol