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Share your quitting journey


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   A thought spurred on by a discussion in Relapse Traps earlier today promoted me to write this blog. 


   What exactly is the value of your quit?  And what will you do, what ARE you doing to protect yourself  from relapse? 


   One of the things I’ve often suggested is buying a “reality” object for yourself - let’s say a week after you’ve quit.  But first a bit of history on the concept of the “reality” object.  It  stems from a suggestion by a friend long, LONG ago during the late 60s, early 70s, when people were taking LSD, acid, hallucinogens on a regular basis.  The “reality object” was something very common and familiar to you that you kept with you (for this one friend it was a coin) and if things got a little out of control and wacky in your brain (which of course they WOULD if you’re taking those kinds of drugs)  you could (supposedly) pull it out and hold it, feel it touch it, look at it, and it was supposed to bring you back, or at least maintain the thread of your blown mind to some sense of the reality that you were familiar with before you went tripping off into lala land. 


        And after I quit I thought, what a wonderful old idea that “reality object” is.  Our addiction and it’s attendant thought processes can be related to people who are hallucinating.  We lose all sense of the reality to the dangers of smoking when we’re beside ourselves with cravings, and we enter some other zone.  A zone where we seem to lose our minds.  Certainly we lose the sense of commitment that we had.  We stop thinking rationally about our quits and we are in “GOTTA HAVE” romancing-the-cigarette mode.  Or EXCUSE MODE.  Or...whatever you want to term it, we are not thinking realistically nor rationally.  We are functioning purely emotionally out of extreme duress, stress, fear, anxiety, want, need.... at that point.   


   So maybe a “reality object” might help to bring someone back from the relapse cliff edge.  The following  are some ideas I have as to what those objects might be.  This object is something to keep in your Quit Kit. 


   After you’ve quit for as little as a week, buy yourself something with all the money you saved from that week of not smoking.  At a minimum of $6 a pack - that’s a decent sum after a week.   If you’re a long-term quitter - do it after a year, or - YOU specify the time.  One month, six, the first hundred days, quad squad...  This object should be small enough to carry with you at all times.  It might be a locket on which your quit date is inscribed, or a ring with an inscription, a beautiful small stone, a new wallet, a silver dollar, a shell, a medallion, a feather from a rare bird....  It needs to be something that you have paid some money for.  Or, as Jim suggested - a $100 bill on which you write your quit pledge and date.   


   Now, here’s the deal - you blow your quit, you have to give up the object.  So I suggest you spend a lot of money on this object.  Because money tends to have value to our reality brains.  It speaks VERY LOUDLY.  And I’m trying to equate the worth of our quits with monetary worth because our brains at least DO "get" that.  Even under the hallucinatory EXCUSES of cravings. 


   You slip, you relapse, you give up the object.  Give it away.  Or throw it in the trash.  You’ve given away your quit, after all...  If your quit isn’t precious to you, then the object (with which your quit is equated) also becomes worthless.  I would suggest that you never have the opportunity to get it back, but that would be unfair to relapsers who come back to reclaim their freedom.  So if you intend to get back on the horse immediately after relapsing, give it to a friend to keep (until you’ve got your quit back for the same number of days you had before you relapsed) 


   Personally I think burning  the hundred dollar bill would be in order (rather than giving it away).  So I’ll say, that’s the deal with the bill, if you choose that as your quit equivalency object.  You’ve relapsed and you’re gonna spend that much on the next X number of packs of  cigarettes anyway.  What’s the difference?  It’s all going up in smoke.  Right?  Whether it’s smoke going into your mouth and lungs, or just rising up from the bill your burning. You're still throwing it away.    


   But, ah, yes, the DIFFERENCE is you don’t want to burn that $100 bill.  Right?  You don’t want to give away that locket you’ve inscribed with the sweat and blood of your struggle for freedom, do you?  But don’t you see, it is the embodiment of your quit.  You have no right to it any more if you’ve given away the thing for which it stands.  It’s an emblem.  And you are no longer deserving of the honor of owning it.   


     Another emblem of your quit could be something that you don’t buy, but something that is very dear to you.  A one-of-a-kind piece.  Perhaps a gift from a friend, a lock of your child’s baby hair, an irreplaceable photo of your grandparents.  You can choose that as your “reality object” and the moment you give up your quit, you give up that thing that is so precious  to you.  Destroy the photo under the kitchen tap, shatter the friend’s gift with a hammer, flush the baby hair down the toilet.   


   Do this.  In some way, in whatever fashion you choose, but do it.  And be true to it.  Truly give it away if you blow your quit.  Toss it painfully in the trash and don’t fetch it back.   Or burn that bill.  It is an important lesson to teach you the value of your quit.  It’s not just a thought exercise.  Because the value of your life, which is why you quit, is beyond measure.   


   How precious is YOUR quit?  What will you do to protect it?  How much is it worth to you? 

Ya know...I am really glad I stayed up too late to resond to blogs tonight and got to read this scares me so much to think of giving away anything precious to me...since's beauties have been revealed so that I want to hold it all freedom is something I hold VERY dear...being a 'serial quitter' and giving up a 10 year quit the last time...I value this beyond anything else...

I value you too friend...Thank you for being such an inspiration and giving of yourself! xo

Thanks for having my back! xo



You two.....!!!!!!!   Ah, what a smile is now upon my puss at this late time of the eve.


Since it took me 33 years to get this one after I blew 4 year quit(way back when), I am going to think long and hard before I blow this one. I not sure I have another one in me.


I hear ya.  I don't know if I could do it again either if I ever relapsed.  It just costs so much.  


that is an excellent idea.. im gonna look into this



I carry my reality object around in my chest every single minute of every single day. Relapse for me is suicide - pure and simple! 

I wonder how much JoJo has spent so far on her new lung? Pricey I'm sure!


I think this is a great idea, particularly for those who have experienced relapse - relapse is not a pretty place to be! This is why it is important to have support, but also to support yourself (anticipate situations in which you will be at risk and prepare or don't expose yourself to them, for example). The idea of a reality object really appeals to me - I have just the things to use... when I think of doing anything to them, I actually feel a little physical pain, and that's exactly how I should think of my quit - I shouldn't be willing to give it up for the world!


I love the idea!  Am going to Maine Coast today... on Thursday I"ll be 7 days... I will pick up a worn, attractive small stone to carry in my Quit Kit or put in my pocket.  My husband has been my enabler... so I never suffer financial impact from smoking... but I do value my breath... So, I'l plan to keep the stone close, stroke it when I get crave, breath deeply and be grateful for that breath.  Thanks for the wonderful idea!!


What a wonderful blog and ideas for a reality object.   Having a tangible, solid "something" to hold on to when it gets tempting to have "just that one" is a fantastic way to remember why we're doing this. 

You have now planted a seed in my mind to explore how much my quit is worth to me and what I can use for my object.

Thank you, thank you!


I'm doing this, thank you for the great idea! I have a beautiful locket I will use that belonged to my grandmother. A woman very precious to me.....just as this quit is to me now.


You are Awesome! This is one of the best blogs ever!! I absolutely love this idea!

I particularly like the idea of having your quit date inscribed on the object! Blowing your quit then automatically destroys the value and integrity of the object!

In my opinion, burning money, not so much! We have done that for many years! Few of us used that for a motivation to quit! Most of us know that if our money is all gone, we can get more! The reality object should be something irreplacable! For you can start a new quit, but you can never replace lost days!

Once again you have hit it out of the park! Love you Giulia!!


Talk about relapse insurance! Now I just have to come up with the perfect object, one that holds a ton of significance and importance...not sure if there is anything that fits the bill, this quit is *almost* as dear to me as one of my children...maybe one of them could be my, which one to choose? Naw, I guess the kids are out, but you really got me thinking today about how important this quit is to me, really. Walk the walk, indeed! Have a great day, G and thanks again for the fabulous blog.


omg... my jaw dropped when I read the children..... lmao.... too funny.... but on the serious side Guila... reading this made me ummm... uncomfortable... I'm not sure why... but it gave me a mild panic attack.... I wonder if it's because my addict mind didnt want to have to give up something.... or if it's because I don't have a reality object... I really don't know why... either way... it's a great idea... but I will do WHATEVER it takes to hold onto my quit.... I've lost enough.... 


What a great bunch of responses, y'all.  Thomas - ooooh, that sorta puts things in a whole different perspective.  So does the children concept, Cory.  

It DOES kind of make one panic, Tiger, when one thinks about destroying a tangible object that is dear.  That's my point.  We must learn to equate our quits with the same preciousness that we hold for other things.  


Great idea(s)! I want to get a locket at two weeks. That way when my baby is born, I can put his or her picture in it. 


Went to the jeweler yesterday and ordered an engraved charm for the charm bracet my grandfather(he was a jeweler) started for me at eighth grade graduation. The jeweler loved the idea!

@Tommy, I used $175 from my saved money! Believe me, I have over $3000 which goes to my husband if I give up my quit! It feels pretty special and I probably wouldn't be so quick to put the $ on a charm if I hadn't been saving it!


I agree with Tommy. This is one of the best blogs. Such a great idea! We all should do it, not just newbies. All it takes is one thought, one action to blow an entire quit. Having something as a rememberance, could also be passed down in history as a legacy of encouragement especially if it has an inscribed date on it.


I love this idea of a reality object. The more things we have to put into our quit kit the better.  I can feel the excitement from everyone here to jump on board with this idea.         


I can't stop thinking about this!!!!  I kind of want to steal Nyima's idea a little.... I was thinking about buying a charm bracelet.... and get a new charm each year on my anniversary.... I have always wanted a charm bracelet and my 100 day is coming up 


Giulia, thank you for this inspiration! Such a wonderful idea.


I just realized that I completely misspell Giulia's name everytime.... sorry!!!!!  This is an AWESOME post that really made me think..... I have never placed much value in "things"  I always like making memories and material things don't matter much... BUT... it's what value we PLACE in things.... because my panic was that I thought about throwing away something that has SENTIMENTAL value to me.... the necklace I got that says DAD and has a small bit of his remains.... I can't ever throw that out... it holds my dad... but I get that my quit has to be that precious and it is.... so I think I will reward with a bracelet and reward each year to show my accomplishment (maybe every 100 days.. thanks joy)  and it will mean so much because I worked for it... and DESERVE it!!  


Love the charm bracelet idea with a new charm for every year quit.  (And Tiger - even my own FAMILY spells my name wrong, I'm used to it.  Thanks Dad!  You outta here how some pronounce it.  HA!)

Then there's always a quit date tattoo, placed on your inner wrist.  Which I hear can be rather painful to remove - the tattoo that is.  But so should your relapse be painful.  


Reality object?  --------------------ahhhhhh Giulia-----how you DO take me back to my mis-spent youth ................. : )


Quit Bug.JPG


This is my reality object, my quit token.  My husband gave it to me the day I quit, March 1, 2006.  It's actually a pin, but I attached a chain so that I could wear it around my neck.  He wrote in the card which attended it - the following:  "Here's to the lungs, soon pink as a new born babe's.  How very proud I am you have reached this day  May we stroll lhe gauntlet in darting sun and never fear the wall whose stern face has no dominion on those of steely will." 

When you have your quit token, put a picture of it here.  They'd be fun to see.


I love this idea.  I have an angel necklace in gold that my husband gave me for Christmas last year.  I would hate to have to give that up!!!  It's really precious to me.  I won't loose it, ever!!  Just the thought of not wearing it sends me into a spin.

Love, love this idea!!


This is Strudel's bracelet - she adds a bead each year.  She is now on her 7th year...

Kathy's bracelet.JPG


That’s a very pretty bracelet she has going there.


Your reality object is very nice. Your husband is a very nice man to give that to you and a card to go with it with such nice words to you. 


My reality object is a necklace made of crystal quartz, rose quartz and amethyst. My necklace is pretty light and can go anywhere with me. Here is a picture of my reality object.    

reality object.jpg


Beautiful, Christine.  Love it!  Heart healing, energy balancing....  Thanks for sharing it with us.


Well now...I love this idea! I happen to like making jewelry out of vintage silverware. Hummmmm, this gives me an idea. I think I will make my quit token out of a spoon! I post a pic after I make one.


Mandolinrain‌  Can't WAIT!


I love this. 


So what's your reality object gonna be Elle047‌?  Let us know when you decide.


Yes I️ am doing this


So, yes, Mandolinrain‌ ?  Waiting for that picture of your reality object.  In your case, with your talent (of which I am happily aware),  I know yours is going to be spectacular.  Show us your beautiful creation.  


62426244-A21C-47EB-8E7B-60DA9BB02353.jpegThis is my token

887A1B07-A1C9-4EF4-B1F1-4B6334915469.jpegThis s my little studio where I create all my stuff

A7B6A293-3C0E-4439-88B2-70C003F65A57.jpegAs you can see I have loads of silverplate silverware. And this is just a drop in the bucket I have a lot to work on this winter’ if anyone has over a year in their quit I will gladly make them something with their quit date on it for free


Mandolinrain‌  Great quit token with your date etched into it!  And how neat a studio is THAT!  And you make murals too??!!!!  Multitalented woman.  Ain't nothing you can't do!  Thanks for sharing your creativity with us all.


WoW! I Love this idea! I’m so glad I read this. Thank you:)


Holy cow, Giulia, you gave me a great idea! I have this medallion that holds a felt circle for scent. I wrote my quit date on it, and attached it to my KEY CHAIN! This way, I can't grab my keys to go to the store without seeing and smelling that token.  Thank you!!


Well THAT's cool!  Thanks for sharing!  AnnetteMM 


Here is my reality object I bought for my 3 year anniversary.



YAY for you and YAY for each and every Day WON and YAY for your early beautiful sapphire ring for 3 precious Smokefree years, YAY a life of Freedom .....


Thanks for putting it here, Kristen!  It's GRAND!  Just like your quit.


Wow Giulia, I am so happy to have found new information today.  This brought tears to my eyes.  The "Reality" of smoking and attaching an object that is RAW, REAL and Supportive.  Thank you.



So glad you found this, Laura.  And that it hits a chord.  Chin up!


Thanks for sharing that. I am definitely going to get me a necklace an locket an a pretty crystal to keep to remind myself


Glad you found it useful RhiannonAshly‌  It's really helpful, I find, to have a little something to remind you of your quit.  



About the Author
Member since MAY 2008. I quit smoking March 1, 2006. I smoked a pack and a half a day for about 35 years. What did it take to get me smoke free? Perseverance, a promise not to smoke, and a willingness to be uncomfortable for as long as it took to get me to where I am today. I am an Ex but I have not forgotten the initial difficult journey of this rite of passage. That's one of the things that's keeping me proudly smoke free. I don't want to ever have another Day 1 again. You too can achieve your goal of being finally free forever. Change your mind, change your habits, alter your focus, release the myths you hold about smoking. And above all - keep your sense of hewmer. DAY WON - NEVER ANOTHER DAY ONE. If you still want one - you're still vulnerable. Protect your quit!