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Share your quitting journey


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What a differance 12 hours make as I was writing about the Freedom train I must have let my guard down, as I got up this afternoon to get ready for work I was attacked big time, I remember reading a blog awhile back as someone called in the calvary and circled the wagons to fight of the attack of the Nicodemon and all I could think to do was retreat and run like hell eating did no good, drinking water did no good so I took a good long hot shower and as I got out it was all I could do to keep the Nicodemon at bay, I finally went to the garage and thank GOD that I threw out any cig's I had kept there I then went to the ashtray which was empty thank goodness or otherwise I might have tried to light a butt that was three weeks old. I read an articale that I keep posted in my old smoking spot on reasons why I don't want to smoke anymore the attack subsided after that but only for a short time and I found myself retreating again and I was in a full run this time I don't know why I didn't get on-line and ask for help but  i didn't and I was slipping fast so i went to the store as fate would have it my daughter was working and I had always refused to buy smokes when she working as I have never wanted my kids to start smoking anyway dumby me gets some coffee and the cravings got so strong that I thought I would explode if i didn't have a cigarette I head to another gas station to get some smokes and it was as if the EX-community was there protecting me there were a few guys out smoking and the smell of them almost made me gag and I mean that literally I thought I was going to get sick right there as I got really dizzy and had to retreat to my truck and get some fresh air as I was calming down I wanted to scream as I almost made a big mistake and let myself down once again on my resolve to quit smoking forever. I am still trying to figure out what the trigger was that got me to that point and I mean before the coffee I honestly don't know what happened or how it started but it sure was overwhelming and as I sat in my truck waiting for the attack to end it struck me that I need to attack back and beat this urge so I drove to work and here I am asking for help 

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Harry, have you tried deep breathing? That has always helped me and instead of reaching for coffee, get the coldest ice water you can and drink it down. 

I'm glad you came here and asked for help.


Wow Harry your strength just blew me away! Stay strong and keep those reasons why you quit with you for a while. Some days the little devil just comes out to play and test your faith in yourself . Usually days like these are followed by many calmer days so you can recover emotionally from today. But keep your guard up and don't forget the lesson you learned today for you will be so much stronger if the little monster decides to test you again in the future

you did a fantastic job staying strong Harry 



Oh Harry! Just saw this! Bless you. You put up a great fight and are winning? Keep beating Nicodemon back. He will tuck his tail and leave after awhile. These craves mean he is fighting hard cause he knows "his time is short" so he prowls like a roaring lion to see who he can devour!!! You are doing it right asking for help and we are here encircling you. Don't you stop, keep on moving and you will pass into your next day of freedom!!! I did get myself some little plastic coffee stirrers and when it gets crazy I pretend to drag on them and then end up chewing on them! Hold on our friend you can do this!!!

Good job asking for help. Deep breathing helped me too. Some say chew ice or chew on a straw.......tooth picks dipped in cinamon oil. Bite a lemon. ANYTHING besides smoke. You really don't want to start at day one again.



positive self talk.

if you're craving and you are not using an nrt its probably just a thought started and built upon.

dont let yourself get to a frenetic state.

talk right at the beginning.

i don't do that anymore. say it out loud and say it as often as necessary


Hang in there put this day behing you it gets better we have some tough moments just can't act on them 


I used to step outside ... pretend that I smoking... went through all the moments inhaling... exhaling etc.  It helped to release that urgent need. 


I've always found that if purse my lips as in whistling or saying the word "whew" and breathe through my mouth slowly it is centering and calming.


I really don't know how to thank you all, the support and encouragement makes a big differance to help me keep my resolve. the deep breathing and eating ice really helped along with the lifelines which I will work on, looking back i did get myself into a frantic state not know which way to turn and i almost turned in the wrong direction. It truely was a tough day and I look forward to putting it behind me, all I can do for now is take it one day at a time and keep intouch with the EX-community again thank you all so much.

Well done Harry for not giving up! I understand you perfectly , the important thing is to try and not get yourself so overwhelmed by cravings/I try and stop the thought on the onset by saying I don't do that anymore many times!!! So happy for you that you did not give in :))

Great save Harry!!!   You have made it this far, don't throw that away... Remember the first week, I am willing to bet you don't want to repeat that, Remember, there is no such thing as just one.  Keep up the great quit!




Thank you for your candid account of a hard craving. You don't know how much it helped me fight this nico-monster.