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Share your quitting journey


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Urges are super bad today. Cant get it out of my mind. I'm trying and still have the patch on but I though this was supposed to get easier!?!?!?!

19 Comentarios

Do you have a piece of nicorette gum or any gum for that matter to distract you?


Oh, Phil!  Watch your video!  Are you having the "will-I-won't-I" conversation in your head?  STOP that from happening!  Move your body, if you can...go for a brisk walk until you are winded!
You've come so do NOT want to do the first days over again, right?  Make it through this crave and you will be SO proud of yourself!!! You aren't going to give up on quitting, and you'd just make yourself so disappointed! I hope with all my heart that some people here have the right thing to say to you to help you get past this one.  I am pulling for you!  YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!!
I'm thinking of you....and I believe in the power of good thinking.  Good for you for coming here FIRST!!!!!
xoxoxo Kristin


This is where you go minute by minute.  Brisk walk if you can – I know it’s hot!  Jumping jacks.  Eat carrot sticks.  Take a shower.  Run in place.  Take deep breaths.  You can do this!


Just relax & let em come Phil. Welcome them. They only last a couple of minutes & then they're gone. The more you do this the more power you will feel over this addiction. And yes things will get easier.

Hang in there buddy & keep on keepin on,

M n @


Acknowledge the craves and laugh at them. You are in control. You don't smoke anymore and thats FANTASTIC!!! 


What Mike said - ditto. Remember you don't smoke any more? It's just plain NOT an option!! Sing a song, scream out loud, do jumping jacks, ANYTHING. YOU CAN DO THIS!!


stand your ground,stay strong, drink water, distract yourself with anything except the smoke. I'll be quitting later on today, I hope to make it as far as you have. Your an inspiration, even though you may not feel that way right now, you are brave, you can do this.


Deep breaths.  It is a process.  Always remember the reason why you have quit smoking.  It will pass,  relax and except them for what they are...your addiction working it's magic on you.  Hang in does get easier.  Promise!!!


Take big arm STRETCHES as often as needed to relax tense muscles and most importantly, take big DEEP BREATHS TO RELAX AND RELIEVE anger... take a nap, take walks, stay buzy with something you LIKE and brush you teeth immediately after each meal...stick your head in the freezer and DEEP BREATHE....If you bite into a lemon, the smoking thought will be gone instantly...try it, it works, also suck on sugarfree hard candy or lollipops and one of my friends here says be sure to use the Halls mentholyptus cough drops.     Be prepared in advance for it, not surprised by it...Smoking thoughts only have power when you have fear and dwell on them. Face it head on and never DWELL on a smoking thought, Instead, INSTANTLY distract yourself and kick that thought out of your head You have the strength and power to tell it NO...You have the CHOICE to tell it NO.

***Each time you get a smoking urge, immediately DISTRACT yourself and kick the thought out of your head by using these methods***


Thank you all !! All of you !!! I appreciate this so much. I was having a moment!! I'm okay now, for a second my mind was jumbled. I am in conttroll and I appreciate all the great ideas !





*****One reason I quit smokng with the patches is because you can NOT smoke while using the patch or you can easily overdose on nicotine! You must wait at least 72 hours to smoke again, so use this time to kick the idea out of your mind.*****  Here's the info:(you can google it if you don't believe me)     

Nausea and Vomiting

One of the first symptoms of a nicotine overdose is nausea. Eventually the nausea will worsen and you may experience nausea with vomiting. This occurs as your body is trying to rid itself of the nicotine that it recognizes as a poison.

Blood Pressure Changes

Initially, a nicotine overdose will cause a rise in blood pressure. If you are continually smoking while wearing the nicotine patch or have been exposed to high levels of nicotine, your blood pressure will then begin to decrease. Low blood pressures can then cause irreversible kidney damage.


As blood pressure changes occur, headaches are common. The headaches will be worse when your blood pressure is high and may feel unbearable. You may feel that it is one of the worst headaches that you have ever experienced. However, some people may only experience mild headaches, or less commonly, no headache at all.

Rapid Heartbeat

Nicotine is a stimulant that acts on the central nervous system. The central nervous system controls many bodily functions, but of the most important is heart rate. While experiencing a nicotine overdose, you will experience an increased heart rate. Your pulse may feel very rapid and weak. Following this, your heart rate will slow as your body succumbs to the effects of nicotine poisoning.


One of the last symptoms that people experience is weakness and fatigue. Breathing and heart rate begin to slow and you may experience dizziness and drowsiness. Without medical attention, breathing and heart rate may cease altogether or you may fall into a coma and die.


Good job, Phil...nothing is worth you losing your quit...NOTHING♥


Yay, Phil!  Good for you!  I'm so happy to see the "HELP" blog working...makes it easier to imagine using that option if I need to in my upcoming quit!  xoxo Kristin


Well dome Phill.

Its soooooo hard to pass those cravings.   Im on week 4 and still think about them every day, just not every minute!

This is a journey and we will reach the end....




Good job - you blogged rather than lighting up - smart choice.  The urges go away whether you light up or not.  Deep breathing helps since it is actually the deep breathing that many of us found so "relaxing" as smokers.

I had a couple meltdowns during the early days and blogged here - as you can see, the good EXers come a' running!


Phil, You most certainly did the right thing by coming here first! Take all the input you received here and practice it. Great way to not lose a quit and it will get easier and life will get better and better. Hang tough.


Hey, glad you're feeling better. I was going to suggest, if you could, running off home again and sleeping it away. Always worked for me.


Because you blogged about this, you provided us newbies with ammunition to deal with cravings. Thanks and keep up the good work!


Glad you made it  , that is the way you own your quit andyou  did not pull a