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Share your quitting journey


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 I am 95 days into my QUIT, and I'm having the biggest crave yet!! Why? I just can't understand why I keep having craves after all this time. Nicodemon is evil, and comes out of nowhere. I had my headphones on listening to Maroon 5, and it hit, as well as a case of the "nerves" and chest pains. I know when I have chest pains, it's not my heart, but it is ANXIETY!! Please help me get thru this. I'm sooo close to the TDC.

32 Comentarios

Take some deep breaths and stay on the EX. You will get through this crave. Still in NML. That old nicodemon is EVIL and he will not win.


Are you still here?


Candy, 95 days is fantastic!! Just kick that evil nicodemon to the curb like you have been doing. Keep taking some slow deep breaths. Write if you are still here


Yes, I just came back from taking my morning medicine. Thanks, Janet.


I am new at this. Do you have someone that you can callif you need to? Nice slow breaths.


Yes, but it's too early and she lives on the other side of the USA. I'm doing the slow breathing. I was so worried about you and Matilda. Did you get my message? I'm trying to get my mindset off of the crave.


Candy, Listen to me YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SMOKE !! We don't do that anymore, remember. The old nicodeamon is trying one last attempt to keep you out of that Triple Digits Club. So Candy take deep breaths, yell, do whatever, but keep the cigarettes away from your face !!  You got this !!~

keep calm and carry on




Just remember that we are here for you. With the Ex family backing you, we will help you through this. 'Cause with our powers combined, we are CAPTAIN PLANET (oops) I mean, it can be beat. Hang tough and stay with us.


Thanks, Ken, Wendy and Janet! I don't WANT to smoke ever again but my mindset says that "one cigarette" will be okay and I know that that's the farthest thing from the truth.


Matilda and I are both doing well. Tuesday we find out what the malignacy panel showed but right now she's acting like her old self and getting very spoiled. It is so sweet of you to be so concerned.

Now stay away from any cigarettes. Wendy is right. You don't do that anymore. 5 days to TDC!!!


OK Candy.....whatcha doing Friend!    You know what you need to reached out...that's good......breathing, straws, praying, what else.     Remember who is on your shoulders?

No cigs around??????   Tell hubby to stuff them somewhere safe.

I'm standing here with arms open for you into TDC!!!!



Thank you, I've been up all night and that didn't help. I need sleep sooo badly and will call my shrink about it on Monday. Nerves are frayed. I should be used to it but it's Christmas w/o smoking.


Are you going to be alright now?     Craves pass, remember?    Thanks for your nice note on my blog....


Thanks, Sharon, you always come thru for me. I'm going back to bed with Hubby and NOT drink coffee. Don't think I need caffeine!! He's awake now, and having a cigarette. I'll wait a few minutes until he's finished. Thank you, all of you for helping. The chest pains are better and I'll yell at Nicodemon on my left shoulder and talk to Patty aka Ladybug on my right shoulder. Thanks for reminding me, Sharon. Memory is shot along with the rest of me.


I have to leave but I need to hear that you are ok and not going to smoke.    Have you done daily pledge today?     Go do it!!!  That will help you as well.

So, tell me.....rate your commitment to not smoke today from a 1 - 10, 10 would be "NOPE, NOPE, NOPE"



Candy, You know you cannot have "one cigarette"  they travel in packs !! Deep breath, and play it forward, think about how you will feel after you smoke that cigarette. Think about the dissapointment, think about re setting your clock, think about telling your EX family that you made the decision to throw away a 95 day quit for a sickorette. Think about starting day one again, remember day one ?? You don't want to go there again, do you ?? Think about Orlando, and telling everyone face to face how you threw away a 95 day quit.  I don't think so !! Just remember Day Won, Not Day One

keep calm and carry on



Candy I am here for you. WE DONT SMOKE ANYMORE. Read the blogs on nml. Kick that nasty nicodemon to the curb. You definately need some sleep. Deep breaths slowly in and out. We will both be in the tdc this week. Love you my friend and know this to shall pass.

Thank you, everyone!! No, I do NOT smoke anymore!! Sharon, it's a 10 and NOPE< NOPE< NOPE !!!  This too shall pass!! I'm better now and feeling more calm. I associate 'calm' with Wendy. Wendy, I can understand now to ask for help. This is about the time I relapsed last year. I'm not going thru THAT again. I hated myself until I quit again.


Sorry, I haven't had my smoke free cup of coffee yet. You got through but you should have plenty of distractions in your arsenal by now.

next time you get that desire, make sure you think of dragging it through a dirty litter box a few times and then perhaps reconsider?


The crave that was sooo bad, I lost all reason, until you gave it back to me!! Thank you!! Patty will be proud but not that I forgot she was on my right shoulder. She'll get out her Bam Bam bat. Thank you, all who helped. My reason has returned and Patty is once again on my right shoulder helping me fight.

You are not going to relapse! You don't do that anymore! Anxiety is immediately broken by slooooow deep breathing! Do a body scan and realize that right here right now there is more right with you than wrong with you so nOthibg to worry about. And get some sleep!

I know you will not relapse because you came here and asked for help.  I take Xanax for anxiety, so I know what those panic attacks feel like - that is when I put a meditation video on the computer and put my head down and cry if I have to.  But - don't give in.  You have received lots of good advice and love - (here I go) - a cigarette or two will solve nothing and if you think you are stressed now, wait until you give in to one or two of those darn stinkorettes - you can get through the panic attack with blogging, phoning a friend, crying, walking, closing your eyes and listening to soothing meditations - or you can live with the guilt of starting over - again!!  Proud of you for coming here - and listen to your Elders 😉  You got this girl!!  Love you -


Candy, you have gone too long without getting a good night's rest. Please call your doctor about this. I suspect the insomnia is the culprit in the anxiety you're going through.

Obviously, you don't want to smoke. Obviously, you know all the diversions, you've educated yourself on the evils of nicodemon and you know you cannot have one cigarette. N.O.P.E.!


I am praying for you.  You will do great.



    Hope you are doing better!!! I just woke up and say this. After working rhe past three days I slept in till 7:30. Pray you get some sleep and the anxiety calms down . And the crave goes away!!

Glad you posted. Got lots of help!!!

You are so close to the TDC, Hold on to you quit and stay strong!!!

One day at a time!!

Love ya



Sorry to be so late to the party -   I KNOW you didn't smoke - right????

You did GOOD to come here!  Do understand that lack of sleep is definitely contributing to this. I am so sorry that is complicating your quit.....but you also know that there is never a good reason to smoke - there are only EXCUSES!

Hang in there - it gets better and it gets easier - I promise!



Candy I just came on and saw your post an I was very concerned......I had similar craves around the same time into my quit as you.....People told me that it waa all in my head....they sure felt real......I know what you are feeling.....stay your quit buddy.....get mad as hell...dont give in

Look at the posts here....many people love you...thats worth the extra effort to succeed...dont you agree??

Wether to smoke or not the crave will go away



Candy I hope you are doing great. Don't let the cravings get to you boy you have a lot of support out there for you! I know you can do it!


WOW Just FEEL the LOVE ; )  I am really late seeing this but glad you blogged and got so much help. You are beating that little sonofabiscuiteater (grandkids=no cussing LOL) and he knows it. WELL DONE.

HUGS my Friend


Candylance!  I know you didn't smoke...5 days until triple digits could be EXactly why the smoking thoughts came in...They are NOT craves...TOO late for those...Just THOUGHTS.

Close to the holidays and the Marine didn't quit as planned= smoking thoughts

Just keep them away from your face as the saying goes! xo


Candy - I KNOW we will soon celebrate your 100 days! Sorry to be late here - but, I can see you were in great hands! You did exactly the right thing by coming here - well done! 


Hello , Candy 


Hope you are feeling better may God Bless and continue giving you the light to keep smoke free ! miricales do happen keep praying and hold tight to God you can do this !

Dont give up fight your quit with your life you made it this far  you can do this you are closer today than yesterday !! Keep in mind to stay smoke free tomorrow will be easier !

Happy Holiday !!