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I'm done with this place, I don't need the elitist EXperts that want to argue and tear down, I don't need the brown noses that blindly follow them.  I don't need this negativity, I don't need any of this crap this site offers.  If this is what this sites version of "help" is, I want no part of it.
Thanks to those of you that have supported me, and made your best effort to tell these "Experts" they were not being fair or reasonable.  Thanks to those of you who offered encouraging words, and thanks to those who tried.
I want off here, someone @ Admin, someone, hwo do I delete my account, delete my profile, remove any and all notifications from this site, whatever, When I close out this site for the last time tonight, I DO NOT want to ever hear from this site, or any of the EXperts, or anything to do with this site EVER again.  Help me get out of your hair so you can get back to your elitist little circle jerk again.  I don't want to be here with a bunch of self absorbed jackasses that will attack people, and treat them as if it's their fault.  Help me leave and never have to see another reminder of this terrible excuse for a "Help" site with "Expert".  Worst place EVER.
If it takes a Mod deleting my account or something, PLEASE, delete this thing.  OUt out out, I want out of here!


I'm sorry to see you go. : (


No one is forcing you to stay.

You came here because you wanted help quitting smoking. You said you got some.

There may come a day a new person comes on here, and you will say something that helps them. I think I did it once and it felt great.

Several people on here have said things I don't agree with, but they have the right to thier opinion.

You can focus on what you don't like about this site, or you can focus on your quit, and the people that have helped you.

I do realize that all of this could be inflamed by the strong cravings you get when you first quit. Regardless of what you do, I do hope you stay quit.

As for everyone else on here if you like me thats great, if you don't that is your choice, but you will not affect my quit! I will never smoke again, unless I put a cigarette in my hand, and I'd rather put a gun to my head. Good luck in your quit.


I don't know how to delete a profile (if you're desperate, I guess you could simply go to "edit profile" on your page, and then erase everything and save it.) but on your page, there is an option to "edit notifications" which will stop any and all emails from this site. Good luck.


I just want my account deleted, nothing else, if I could have th admins IP block me, I'd do that too.  If I never see this site and it's jackass EXperts ever again, I'll be better off for it.


I am so sorry this escalated and got so out of control. I have been away from the site since the 12th because I was also made to feel "less than" by an EXpert. I walked away instead of putting up a big fuss. There are a lot of really great EXperts here so I am sorry to see you leave. I also understand how difficult it is to be treated like a child who should be "seen but not heard" on this site. I wish you the best of luck on your quit and hope you can find support somewhere.


I turned off all notifications, but am still getting them.  @Admin, help me erase this place, it's the worst place I've ever been during a quit, and not at all helpful.  I want to forget this place, but the notifications keep coming.  RAHHHHH!  GO AWAY!


I actually don't know what to say...................

You got a REALLY lousy welcome to this site......and I understand you felt attacked.

Then ----your own language in this recent blog was just BOUND to offend some on here and that gave them a reason to jump up and down................

It is very sad when this kind of thing happens and spirals out of control.

You should stay. Don't bother telling people to stay off of your blogs....just ignore what you don't want to see/read. There are many on here (look at your comments from other blogs) who want you to stay. I want you to stay because I don't think anyone should feel unwelcome on this site.

However, it's your decision. Hope you still keep you quit as that is the only improtant things going on here....the rest is nonsense.


I haven't been here, so I have no clue what is going on, and its not my buisness, but it seems that this place is stressing you out in a huge way, so maybe you should send ADMIN a message with your request of deleting your profile, or AT LEAST stopping the email notifications! I don't get email notifications anymore, so I dunno know why it won't work for you. So sorry you're having such a rough time. Protect your quit!!!  Again, good luck!


Sorry about my last post, that's an unfair statement for the people that were very nice and tried to help to read as it makes it seem like they didn't try to help me.

Once again, those people that tried to help me and encouraged me, and backed me up when the "leadership" here got into Elitist mode.  You guys are great, but there is just way too much jackass elitist in the leadership around here for me to hang around.

Thanks for those of you who tried to help, and who offered support.  Sorry if it seems like I don't appreciate you, I do.  But I'm not hanging around here, this place isn't worth it.


Hi Jeff

I hope you'll think about what Sootie said, which I completely agree with.  

Please know I only wish you all the best with your quit. 


I'm with Sootie, too...I think you should consider staying. But even if you don't, I wish you the best with your quit.

I couldn't figure out how to delete my profile, either. I planned to come back here as a "new person" after slinking back after two years...I wound up just coming back as myself and got a nice welcome back from the people who remembered me. I'm sorry you had a rotten beginning here, but we don't suck! Really, we don't! Even the ones you think might suck! Even the ones that do! All told, we're all right. And you have a place here.


So what are you going to do instead? I believe a support group is crucial to staying quit...have you been on the site? There is a community there as well...

I wish you wouldn't is only ego that keeps you angry...the very thing you don't like in the 'elitists' is not the first or last time someone got all up in the Elders faces and made a ruckus. The last time was around the 1st of the year and that person apologised for bad behavior, they all 'pm'ed eachother to sort out the details personally and that person is happy and quit could do that too...walking away angry not only jeopordizes your quit but your own self...xo


I'll find real people with real faces that offer real support.  Not a nameless, faceless.  I figured something like this would help when my support system isn't around.  But at this point, I'm wasting my time on a computer, babbling with a bunch of people who ultimately have no real and true bearing on my quit, half of them want to support me, and have been nice, 1/4 have been passive neutral, and another 1/4 have been pretty awful to me.

Could I handle things differently?  No, this site is here to help people, and a couple of these people aren't helping, and if you are a "leadership" position and supposed to be helping but instead are being inflamatory, and later find out it's not just me, this "leader" has a tendency to do this on average of once a week, and his same little cronies run to his aid at the first sign of a "newb" calling his ass out, and in the end, they together have run more than a couple of people away from this site being elitists.  
No, I'm calling them out.  They don't belong here in leadership positions if they do that!  If I was the owner of this site, they'd have had their statuses revoked by now, faced a suspension, and I would have personally apologized to everyone they had attacked.  But I guess I'm different than the average person these days.  I'm not afraid to call a spade a spade.


Some people rub others the wrong way.  Some people only want to be agreed with and don't want to be called out on something they may be doing that isn't helping them.  This site is people, not professionals, helping each other.  There's bound to be conflicts.  It's called Life!  Protect Your Quit.


I can't believe that I was stupid enough to believe that you really wanted away from the drama and the fighting. I actually believed when you said that you were leaving and wanted nothing more to do with this site, that you meant it. What an idiot, huh? I really should have known that the blog was simply an excuse to cause more drama and throw more insults.


Well I will say this, @ sootie

At least there is one good "Expert" here, thanks for YOU sootie, because with each new "Expert" that shows up, I see nothing but more ELITIST attitude and refusal to acknowledge that one of their own might have been an asshole.  You are a HUGE blessing here if I had my guess.

Thanks for acknowledging my welcome here was less than pleasant, and obviously there are a more than a couple here who have experienced the same thing.

That's a shame.  It really shouldn't be that way.


OMG!  @ MOD, DELETE MY ACCOUNT!  OR STOP THESE FRIGGEN MESSAGES in my email SOMETHING!!  BAN ME! SOMETHING PLEASE!  I'm done with this place!  Sorry to burst your bubble Jordan, I'm pissed off and the faster I can find someone or something to make these friggen emails go away and reminders of this craphole stop showing up in my email, the better, I want out of here.  Don't give a crap what ANY of you think anymore, I want out.

I'm still staying quit, I'm not letting the jackasses on this shithole of a site tear me down lol.  TA TA!!!


 Go to your page.
 Click on Edit Page.
  On the left of the page, click on Edit Notifications

You should be able to stop the notifications by doing this.

To get your entire profile eased, go to EXAdmin's page.  Send them a private message and tell Cas what you want done.  She is a volunteer and not here 24/7.  However, when she does get to EX she will do as you request.


Meskeen, deep breaths. I'm not sure where you're from, but is it late enough to go to bed? Things are better in the morning (and maybe the notifications will have been updated).


I am pretty sure there is a manditory 5 business day wait for deleting accounts! I wish you well!