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Day three was a fantastic day until about 6 pm.  I didn't have one craving that even caused me any more discomfort than, say, having to stop and re-tie your shoe.

I expected a tough day today--and indeed, the work day was MORE challenging than usual.  And I got through it with flying colors.  Did have the sports med appt.  Did get the verdict that I have a fracture, and my running days are over for a few months (tears).  STILL, flying colors.  Didn't even want a smoke.

Then I went to pay the rent.  Landlord offers me a glass of wine like she always does.  I have one.  She lights up.  I didn't even tell her I'd quit.  Just carried on.  Smelled the smell, thought "that stinks."  Demon started yelling, but I just turned away.  

Came home.  An hour later, and I'm alone (there goes that loneliness trigger) and the closest I've come in 3 days to blowing it....I've pulled out my Allen Carr cheatsheet.  I'm reading posts.  I'm staying close to the site.  This post is my SOS

When I'm good, I'm reallly, really killin' it.  But ah yes...this is the definition of white knuckling it.  Friends, I'm dangerously close and it scares the bee-jezuz out of me!


nothing forces you to smoke. you have the contol until you give it away.

the only way out is through.

don't buy any don't bum any.

keep them away from your face.

Find someone to talk with on here if you need to?


alcohol is the great quit killer.


It is minute by minute right now.  Keeping the power, waiting for the moment to pass.  Trying to get on FB Messenger with some friends to chat and pass the time....


THANK YOU for your replies.  They mean a ton right now.


Take some deep breaths, drink a couple glasses of water, do your best to calm down. Put on some music that helps you relax. It's over, you're past it, just breathe and relax. Turn your attention to something else, don't give the crave any power. 


Thanks, Breakinthechains.  Helpful advice.  More water.  Some music.  Maybe I'll try to dance a bit that might help.


Supreme Crave Killers

You can stick your head in the freezer and count slowly to 20.

You can pack your mouth with ice cubes and try to not get brain freeze.

You can bite into a lemon.


Okay, excuse me while i go freeze my head.

Stay tough scream if need write your friend Nic a breakup letter save for times you need it and reread it. Hope it helps.

Go take a relaxing bath (you can't smoke with wet hands!)  Or a shower, or play a computer game, or let ice cubes melt in your mouth, or go on the internet and find out what you can do INSTEAD of running to get some exercise until you can run again!

You made a decision not to smoke - now HONOR it!

Hang in there - it will get easier, I promise!



Just breathe the cold air and imagine what you look like with your head in the freezer. 🙂

When you try some of these things you will realize just the thought of doing them will be a reminder.


If relapsing scares you more than giving in - then you're fine

If another day One Scares you more than the promise of tomorrow's Day 4 - then you're fine!

If the thought of coming on here and blogging about how you blew it is a deterrent - that's GOOD.  Keep thinking that way. 

You are currently on your way.  Forward.  There is no need whatsoever to take a backward step on this path.  None what-so-ever.  Are you listening?  Do you want success?  Or do you want to wake up with another "I blew it" blog on here. 

The Champions in the world stay committed and convinced that they CAN.  Be one of the Champions.  Believe and know you CAN.  And then just DO it.  Follow that best part of you, not the least part of you.

YOU are in control of YOU.  Not the addiction.  Don't dwell in the well of smoking thoughts.  Distract, as Dr. Hays says DO something.  Actually, you have.  You came here to blog.  EXCELLENT!  You HAVE listened.  You ARE paying attention.  Pat yourself on the back and move on.


Casey it does get better -- you're in a vulnerable time in the first week, but it's so worth it.  And while we are your virtual friends and family, we're here.  You don't have to be lonely because we are always here.  Just remember that those intense craves are the addiction screaming at you.  The calmer you remain when that's happening the more it diffuses the craves going forward.  Remember that you are giving up NOTHING of value, and if you make the choice to smoke you have given it a value that it just does not have.  I'm 250 days quit and going through a very tough time right now and yes, smoking crossed my mind today.  But I KNOW that smoking is nothing and it's just the psychological addiction trying to assert itself back into my life.  Not going to happen.  So please know that you can do this and we are virtually holding your hand along the way.


I hope you learned :

(1) No alcohol for now!

(2) No second hand smoke ever!

(3) You can think a lot of crazy thoughts - it's your ACTIONS that count!

I have total faith that you will make it through this day!


Thomas - Thanks for Number 3. I needed to know that right now!


Whew.  Thank you all!!!  I made it.  Head in freezer helped.  Then, by the grace of god the distraction of a huge thunderstorm that I could watch from the porch.  

I thank you all so much for rallying around me.  That was tough.  

The no alcohol thing is a tough one.  I go on a kayaking float tomorrow...there is sometimes beer involved.  I'm going to skip that part.  

Day 3.  Down in the books.  YIPPEEEEE!!!!


Hi Casey, So glad you made it! The first 3 are some of the worst. Keep doing what you are doing and coming here hollaring help was the first right thing to do! Congratulations on a great choice!



Do you guys even know how close I came to throwing my keys into the toilet bowl for safe keeping???


Yeah.  We do.  That's why we responded.