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Share your quitting journey


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I have been a member for 5 1/2 months on this site. I have been reading all your stories and it is like a recording of my own life. Quitting smoking is hard. Everything worth having is hard. All of you can do this and I pray that everyone is successful. I never thought I would and I am almost 5 months. Yes, I have my days that are harder than others, but everyone on this site is always there if you need that push. Life is great and we all deserve the best out of it. I read somewhere that every cig you smoke takes away 3 minutes of your life. BUT, if you quit, within 1 1/2 years you get back ALLLLLLLLLL, yes ALL of those years you lost. Isn't that amazing. A second chance at a long life. What are all of us waiting for. I took that road and I thank God everyday that I do not smoke. I quit many times, but I made it this time and by gosh, I want that life back that I lost on each cig. I pray that all of you starting your journey, get that second chance because you want it bad enough to just NOT smoke. You all can do this. Trust me. I know because I will always be on the same road you are on too!!  Happy New Year and all the best in life!!!


2 Comentarios

Hi Martha, Today is my first day and I slipped a couple of times,.  We just finished dinner, after meals is rough, and I got on here to talk myself out of having one. 


Martha - I saw your little dog picture and smiled - oh, it's Martha! How very nice!  What a wonderful blog! Happy New Year to you!