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Share your quitting journey

Gun-shy but smoke free..who loves being able to ✔️the non smoker on medical forms??

0 6 48

I an sorry I have been on this site in so long. It felt like I was reminding myself? I had nightmares of finding a lone cigarette under my seat in the car. I vacuumed and cleaned and sure enough six months later it appeared. And I threw it away! I also found the last one like an emergency one totally forgotten about and I threw it away 3 months ago, life has been tough. With my son as some know having autism and other dx he was dx with Tourette's . My strength has been tested. I have to be truthful I hate the smell. Just miss the anxiety release. But it is the BEST life change I have ever done. I would never have done it without God and this group who helped more than family because you knew.i love when medical papers ask smoker or non I get to check non!!! Coming up on 2 years oct 1. September 30th I had one that morning. That was the last. It feels longer. I do avoid friends some I know that still do scared to be tested too much! Thanks excommunity and I have recommended this site several times to strangers looking to quit. 

6 Comentarios

Great to see you back here!  And coming up on 2 years quit.  Wow.  What a glowing example you're setting.  And I hear ya on those medical "are you a smoker" boxes.  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  We don't DO that any more!!!!  HA HA!

How lovely that you're recommending this site.  Me too.  Well, it's a GREAT site! 

Stick around and spread some more of your joy.  Newbies need it!  And if you still believe a cigarette is the best anxiety release - read some more on here.  It's one of the last excuses to leave us.  Brava girl you're lookin' just great!


Congrats on almost 2 years.  I will be 2 years on October 11 th.  I know cigaretttes caused my anxiety.  Come to this site more often if you can.  I certainly do not FEAR being around smokers.  I only fear breathing their toxins.  God bless you and your son.  Enjoy your week-end!


Congratualtions.  You are an example of what it takes to be smoke free.  Hope you and your son the brightest future.


Good to see you, and better still to hear you are still smokefree.  You might want to remind yourself that the calming influence you THOUGHT cigarettes provided is  a LIE!!  All smoking a cigarette does is stop the receptors in your brain from their demand to be fed.  As soon as you smoke the next cigarette, their demands start almost immediately again.  They contribute to, don't help, stress.  That quick hit of dopamine can be gained from any brisk exercise, a piece of chocolate, dancing to,  singing with or playing your favorite music, sex...

You can also use slow, deep breathing as a calming exercise.  It works GREAT!



Thank you all and I'm glad to hear from all of you! I was a social smoker so I'm not scared of the person but the setting gives me the jitters.  But I have been around them not as much and they do walk away from me so they are very respectful in that aspect. It just brings up memories and I have broken the the commercial where the guy stays at the table while his friends go out to smoke? That's me now. I'm proud after I get through that situation. And my friends want to quit. I know that feeling. But I had to be locked down on that choice for me. And one con maybe I bought way too many toys with the extra money I now have for my son. LOL

its good I quit when I did..I went and had allergy testing and I'm highly allergic to so much! Who knew? 

Mainly that situation of a blogger talking about me or whatever was weird and made me not post. After that last cig I found in a hidey-hole I threw it away I felt the rest of my fear float away.

i used to dream I slipped up I was crying and angry all that work throwed away! I would wake up shaken and be like it was just a nightmare whew! 

I still take my anti depressants and do oils and listen to music for my anxiety I know I've always had it even as a kid.

somedays I can't believe I ever smoked. Yeah and I got one of those pixie haircuts! It has growed out some but it is so short! A good change 🙂 and I hit that 3-0 in January. 

Thank you all who sees this I don't know what members that are still on here that helped me but wow thank you. And I see people asking for advice on my autism support groups and my type1 and diabetic groups and this is the first place I tell anyone!

proud to still be an ex!!


Really great to see you Sam...YES being free is a beautiful world...xoxoxoxoxo