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Share your quitting journey

Goodbye letter

1 4 113

Dear nicotine,

the first time I really tried you was when I was 18, it was in the form of a cig.. those eventually made me sick. So I moved onto vaping, which grabbed a hold of me. I tried and tried and tried to quit and it was the hardest thing ever. Made me realize how much anxiety I truly had at 19 when I ended up in the hospital because I couldn’t breathe between the vaping and the anxiety attack.. yet I still continued to vape. Then I quit, it was the longest 2 weeks of my life but then I felt better. And some how after an abusive relationship I started partying again and there you were and you took me away AGAIN and I haven’t been able to get free since. Not even before  and after my shoulder surgery. But now I AM DONE. I am so beyond tired of wasting my time and money on you.. I will fight with everything I have to make sure I never pick up another vape again. No matter how many times I tell myself just one puff to subside the cravings you’ll be fine, I refuse. I will do anything and everything to be better. I’m ready to feel better, breathe better, and have a healthier life. You do not control me anymore vape. You are less than the floor that I walk on. You will never have control of me again.