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Goodbye Letter

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I am happily saying goodbye to vaping as I did to cigarettes 5 years ago and was only using the nicotine lozenges really almost had it over and done with until my neighbor let me pull on his vape the flavor was frosted sugar cookies. I have come to the conclusion that when it tastes really good and you have a hand to mouth compulsion disorder making it yummy makes it incredibly difficult to stop and I have already made up my mind but I really don't have extra health or money to spare as I'm 65 I cannot afford to get sick and I can't afford the prices they charge for this stuff hundreds and hundreds of designs and manufacturers and juices salts and everything in between it's almost a relief that I don't get it I don't want to get it I want to get it gotten out of my life. So goodbye to the prosthesis at the end of my right hand which I go bonkers if I can't find it and it's usually close by I feel so silly I know it's not my fault and yes I'm going to say goodbye this will be one of the best things I've ever done for my health and it will definitely make me feel better having laid down that vape for the last time and not pulling money out of my wallet to pay for something that can kill me. So just a few more weeks of prepping my mind and my habits to realize that I can be free and I have help so goodbye vape. Wish I could get a refund but don't care either way I have congestion in my lungs and it's not going to get better if I keep vaping so goodbye vape. Goodbye forever. My dog will be happy my fish tank won't have a thin layer of oil that's probably not very good for my fish. Won't have to worry about running out of coils or vape juice or if it's charged so there are many bigger better things to think about other than a vape thank you but no thank you goodbye vape.